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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. went right to the wire, must have been working the phones
  2. The original Packos, which is also still there, is at Front and Consaul across the river in East Toledo. The one at the ball park came after 5/3rd was built.
  3. TBF, sometimes the guy in front of the tank stops the tank, sometimes he just gets run over. It's heroic when it works, but it doesn't always. If it did it wouldn't be heroic to try. Rosen and Donoghue did have a number of advantages - they had the support of their institution, they didn't personally have much on the line - they were defending their Department, not themselves, they were past Trump having any personal leverage over them. But what stands out to me is that not only did they do the right thing themselves, but actually mobilized opposition to fight back. The scramble to mobilize the upper levels of DOJ in support was just as important as the the act of saying no to Trump.
  4. I guess I would take the other side. I would think Chris has a lot more invested emotionally/personally in Al than Miguel. If he can bring himself to fire Al, Cabrera won't be an impediment. Besides, what can Miguel do? He either shows up and does his best, or dogs it in order to get cut to show his dissatisfaction. I imagine the new GM might actually thank him for the latter - though very privately....
  5. as I listen to the testimony of these guys mobilizing DOJ to oppose Trump, I'm struck that this is *exactly* what Robert Bork did not do to defend the DOJ from Nixon. Or for that matter Richardson and Ruckelshaus didn't attempt to do it either before they got canned either.
  6. original intent on arms, even though the founders didn't even know what a bullet was, but not on religion, which is quite the same as ever.
  7. yeah - I mean sure, it could have been cut down to 3 words "She's a looney" but the point was to write a story about the the basic human 'flat earth' syndrome (for lack of a better word) and it's spot on. What it does need is the companion article about the social and/or psychological and/or educational factors that lead to a population so prone to it.
  8. wonder if they weren't more likely to get away with that because the exchange of position between the players was away from the offensive end.
  9. I would think even Gores would have reservations about that.
  10. are there reasons beyond JEIII to think they are particularly focused on Ayton? Just as a counter point also close to the team, Beard doesn't think they are.
  11. TBH, it doesn't mean anything to the org anyway you cut it. Only die-hard fans follow things like the Athletic, and those fans are already hooked or mad or both, but just like us, they are still paying attention regardless.
  12. If this were a Chris Nolan movie, having Jordan et al bounced from the committee would be McCarthy playing 3-D chess to get rid of Trump, who we know he secretly loathes. But who believes he is that smart in the real world? 🤔
  13. This. The Tigers were too often trying to have it both ways, you are either St. Louis or you are the Yankees but you can't be half and half. They didn't want to pay JD but they didn't want to move him before '17 because they thought they still had a shot. Instead he ended up making no difference and then they got nothing back.
  14. I don't so much have a particular problem with anything the Tigers have done since Chris I took over. The complaint is the pace of change has been too slow. If the PD staff needed to be rolled-over, it needed to and should have been done 4 yrs ago. Most of the actions taken individually are fine - but they keep coming too little or too late. The question for C Ilitch is how to jettison Al the tortoise and bring in a hare that doesn't come in wanting to start everything over at square one.
  15. this team, or just for old times' sake? I sort of like this team and I've always been a bit of a fan of Joe Sakic. I think it would be sort of appropriate see him and Yzerman competing against each other again as GMs.
  16. So I listen to a few of Ezra Klein's NYT podcasts. He had on a doc to discuss long COVID. A relatively young woman and acknowledged specialist. So Ezra was trying to pull out some clarity around all the conflicting reports around long covid prevalence. At one point he challenged some of the estimates that long covid was in the 20-40% range of cases by noting that he already personally knew dozens of people who had by now had covid and no-one had seen any long covid. So she immediately launched into the typical liberal cant about Erza being upper class and systemic racism and classism and medical care access and sexism etc etc so of course it was there and he didn't see it. OK fine. But then not even 5 minutes later, she's going on about how the ER she works in sees people from every strata, race, and economic quartile and she's arguing strongly that long covid respects no class or race or socio-economic boundaries and that there is no data that supports that it does. Hmmmm wait...wut? So it was weird. This scientific person falling into a more or less rote political screed response to a 'trigger' question, when on her own subsequent testimony she argues it had zero validity. But it is exactly what you are talking about. She had a set of beliefs she wanted to defend and promulgate, and projected them into a situation where her own research and experience denied the truth of the specific application, but she seemed blissfully unaware of what she had done, and since she had in the end validated Erza point he didn't press her on her self-contradiction. (And the ethos of his podcasts are not adversarial anyway, though I'm certain he must have picked up what happened as well as I was able to!) So obviously, this is not to deny there are huge institutional racism and socio-economic effects on public health in general in the US. That is not my point at all. But she so believed in that (again -which is fine in general) that she immediately extrapolated it to where she actually knew at a different intellectual level that it didn't apply. That is what I would call a perfect example of emotional 'reasoning'. The human mind is an odd thing.
  17. I thought the shift before the goal was almost comic also. Tampa completely on their heels and couldn't get possession but the Avs had been on the ice so long they were too gassed to get any kind of play going either.
  18. LOL - pretty poor officiating on the goal. The puck was stuck there in the net, don't know why everyone but the referee saw it there.
  19. Av's with all the chances, can't put it away. Looking for a quick breakaway and win by Tampa.
  20. Tampa seemed to have the upper hand as regulation ended - but did they leave themselves gassed?
  21. correct. The issue isn't the trade, it's having Barnhart as your #1 catcher when he'd be a fine #2.
  22. well, Meadows apparently has long COVID, Baddoo is one for his last 8. Manning still isn't throwing off a mound, for all intents and purposes ERod has fallen off the edge of the world. That leaves Pineda. Feel the excitement.
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