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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. there was always some complaint with Paredes. First it was that he was going to get fat - he didn't. Then it was that he wasn't going to hit, and he did. Then he wasn't going to hit for power, but he seems to be...... The glass was always half empty with Isaac. Maybe they will still be right in the end but they have egg on their face right now.
  2. Ah - gotcha. I see it now, the feed selector doesn't link to anything....
  3. Do you mean you can't get the audio at all or can't cast it to another device? My MLB updated yesterday and still does regular audio.....
  4. It's not helping the perception that he hasn't been able to stay on the field.
  5. Ironic that the one thing we hate the Tigers for is preaching patience, but every time they do something born out an attempt to move fast to plug a hole, it seems to backfire.
  6. Schoop is just sucking every bit of life out of the line-up right now....
  7. Beau doesn't have to improve his command much to reach mid rotation level. They've thrown him out there against some pretty good hitting teams. No guarantee he can make that step but you can see a route for him to get there.
  8. Wenceel has pushed his OPS to 1000 with a 2/5 3B night for Erie. Carpenter 2/5 2B, 2K Maddon: 5IP, 2H 0R 1BB 5K
  9. pretty much, but lack of communication was in play there he looked down - probably to see where Robbie was instead of knowing Robbie was going to let him catch it. It's importantly not only call what you are going to catch -but also let the other fielder know that it's his ball.
  10. Brieske seems to profile as a guy whose command has to be perfect to get by - not much safety margin in his stuff to put one down the middle that still isn't squared up.
  11. Live by the shift, die by the shift. Double play ball goes for a single. HR follows.
  12. the difference between winning and losing baseball.
  13. LOL - you are about 10 miles ahead of what I just posted, which was simply that they were losing their opportunity to have any input, which they are. But just to humor you - while I don't know where you get the idea UM Presidents have "bemoaned" sports, I can say that in Schlissels case he pretty much just ignored them. In his years here through listening to many of his statement, addresses, emails etc, I can't remember once he even mentioned UM sports. Of course Gordon Gee couldn't say ten worlds without referencing the football team in Columbus! The Pres at OSU now is an ex-Stanford Lacrosse player. I'll be a little surprised if UM matches that.
  14. ....and still no announcement on a University President. Michigan is basically going to lose any influence it may have had on the future of college sports just on the odd circumstance of having nobody steering the ship for going on a year. Then who ever it is has to get up to speed - unless it is someone coming from a similar position at a similar institution, which I think is doubtful. Odds are a law or medicine or liberal arts academic from a non FBS school on whose agenda (as with Schlissel) NCAA sports doesn't make the top ten. None of that bothers me in particular, but M sports fans should prepare themselves for that reality.
  15. I don't know why any coach would go into the NCAA today if you have a good gig somewhere else. Nothing but loads of uncertainty about your players, your team and their futures and all things over which you will have zero control or influence on as a coach -- esp a baseball coach. The appeal of an NCAA coaching job used to be the level of control you had over so much of your program, but that's all in flux for the time being and who knows where it all shakes out?
  16. well, he went bankrupt a couple of times, one would assume those cases weren't 'things going his way'. I suppose the difference is that if you were careful to use mostly other people's money and were willing to pay enough legal talent, you could walk away from a bankruptcy in pretty good shape. In politics there generally aren't any consolation prizes for losing. Maybe one way to put it is that running for President may have been the 1st time Trump really put "himself" on the line as the true 'collateral' for one of his endeavors, so maybe why the loss was so much more unacceptable - clearly he hasn't accepted it yet in any sense.
  17. ideally, you want to suck in non-voters. The best thing that could happen out of a situation like this is that people who normally don't bother paying any attention to politics decide they need to start voting. I know - quite the pipe dream, but if you had to pick the most important target audience, it would be them.
  18. you can certainly go after funding of private schools on equal-protection grounds if they are taking public money but not allowing access to the whole public, but in the case as I read it, the "private" part is strictly the economic model - they are private enterprise providers, but they are tasked in Maine to provide "public" education.
  19. Still, the Constitution doesn't say the Gov shall make no deal with private enterprise for educational services, it does say it shall make no law concerning establishment of religion. It's religion that is relevant Constitutionally, not public vs private. Constitutionally there is a much bigger difference between a religious school and a non-religious private school than between a non-religious private school and a public school. The right has been able to obfuscate this by arguing that the question is public private when it is not, the real issue is religious/non-religious. There is simply no Constitutional prohibition of working with private schools. I oppose it politically also, but I can't base that opposition on any Constitutional grounds. These Justices simply have a religious agenda and they are pursuing in direct contravention to any sense of original intent or clear present meaning. It's like ignoring the elephant in the room to try and put any gloss on it.
  20. Baddoo has hit better at 22 in the majors than Cameron did at 24 in the minors. I'm not writing Daz off, but Baddoo has already shown more. I think the clock has pretty much run out on Hill's bat ever playing up.
  21. Adrian Dantley a close second? Only a 6 time all- star though…
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