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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. the only person I've ever met from Kaliningrad was an ethnic German. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Funny thing, if I were to drop my DirectTV to the lowest service level (meaning I would lose Bally) and buy the Bally service separately, my total bill would......wait for it......end up exactly the same.
  3. Cable cutters rejoice. Bally to launch its streaming service next week. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/other/2022/06/20/bally-sports-detroit-launching-subscription-service/7681616001/
  4. the park is a lot bigger than Tiger stadium, but again, part of that is the rotation of the ball park. Summer wind in MI is prevailingly from the west so the wind blows out to left at COPA a lot more than it did at Tiger stadium. Tiger Stadium rotated to where COPA is would be a band box for RH hitters. Of course a lot people believe Tiger stadium was also 440' to dead center. It was not after some renovation in the 60's (don't remember the exact yearz) - more like ~425, which is pretty much what COPA is where the CF wall meets the LF/RF walls (maybe even 430). the 440 marker for Tiger stadium was for where the flag pole was, but at some point they put up a fence in front of that area to level it off which created a storage area and also removed the pole from being in play. CF originally went out to almost a square corner which was the 440'. That fence shortened the distance by about 15 feet, but they never changed the 440 marker on the wall which IIRC was just to the right of where the added fencing started.
  5. sure. Since COPA opens to the South and the South is where the Sun is in the northern hemisphere, the Sun literally shines into the stadium during the day particularly all along the 3rd base line, in a way it never did at Tiger Stadium where the Sun was always behind the high walls of the stadium to the South and West along Mich and Cochran. At Tiger stadium for the the primary grand stands between the foul poles, the boxes on the 1st base side were about the only place the sun could ever shine on you during a game. At COPA you can get fried anywhere in the lower deck at a 1:pm game. Maybe when they designed it they assumed Sunday would be the only day games left, but since then Thursday and Sat days games seem to be making a comeback.
  6. I have an FDM at home but almost wished I had gotten an SLA. Your material choices are much more limited but the design space is so much wider for the objects you can make. One thing I would recommend now is to get a dual head FDM (which I didn't). Using soluble resin in a second head to create extractable support for geometries you couldn't otherwise do easily is something I wish I had. With a single head, your slicer will add support webs as needed, but you may not be able to get it out easily if that is what needed and the finish is usually poor where support is removed.
  7. I think part of the problem with the ball was accidental and it only got bad because they wouldn't just admit the problem and fix it (no doubt in part because the suits thought HRs were good for the game anyway). The specs on the ball go back pretty much to when they were hand made so the tolerances were pretty loose. The problem is that the at upper end of those tolerances you got a pretty live ball - but the balls in a box were always a range. Well what would naturally happen over time? Production techniques got better, variation went down, but the balls began converging to a point that was on the live end of the old spectrum so now instead of having one or two live balls in a box, you had a whole box full of them. Yes, they still met the original spec, but the variation that kept more of them in the ball park was reduced. I can't prove this is what actually happened but I would place my bets on it.
  8. the article goes into depth mostly about the local gang feud. The Russian connection stuff is this:
  9. I wonder if KC has a sports writer that bitches and moans about the size of the OF at Kaufman? Maybe we can send them Lynn. Trade him to the Royals for a fountain that works better and a UL Washington memorial toothpick.
  10. Well, the odds are Robbie isn't going to have to worry about COPA being his home park for much longer anyway.
  11. Lynn is moron about some stuff. Just look at the numbers Lynn, the park plays as close to run neutral as you could ever design another one to be (ask the Yankees about how easy it is get exactly what you intend when you design a field). Yes you are going to lose some shots to CF, but you get some back as you move to the left and right. The bonus is the park gives a lot more excitement when you have a great CF out there with room to show off his stuff, plus more of the rarest play in baseball - the triple. The park has produced 5 BA crowns in 20 yrs, Tiger stadium produced 2 in the 60 yr post war period. Plus one HR crown. It's not too hard to hit in. Also a couple of Cy Youngs. The balance between hitting and pitching in the park is actually much better than average. That said, lack of protection from the Sun is without doubt the biggest single issue at COPA.
  12. Yes, this is sort of the normal routine. What I was referring to were SW packages that run between the CAD and the slicer - primarily to optimize material use (and print time which follows). It's not something that is done conventionally but some thing the academic guys here play with. It's gaining use in upper level ME and CE use now. The correct terminology I was trying to come up with is 'Topology Optimization'. This clip is about 'Abaqus' which is what I was thinking about. It is an FEM based package that can generate 3d printable optimized topologies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8rKJ5RlxF8 For instance this is the kind of thing it comes up with for a motorcycle frame. Kind of a kick ain't it? Looks more like it 'grew' than that it was fabricated.
  13. I'm watching for turnarounds on guys that have stagnated. That would be the indication that the new PD staff has more pixie dust than the old one. W Perez, Parker Meadows, Lipcius, Bryant Packard. Not necessarily even that guys suddenly look MLB viable but just how many guys that have been around for a while not doing much at least improve their games from where they were under the old regime.
  14. so who is even the inner circle at this point? Hicks bailed(again, supposedly), Jared and Ivanka bailed, Cohen is gone. Who is left beside the two dimbulb boys and Rudy?
  15. He needs to announce so he can keep grifting off of campaign funds.
  16. ???!! Interesting logic. Maybe F1 is some kind of engineering unicorn, but in general any/every kind of testing/simulation is cheaper than finding out out you messed up in the final product on the track and have to redo the finished car. I suppose in a backhanded way reducing the allocation of cutting edge engineering introduces more randomness into the racing outcomes, but maybe in this case as much from the standpoint of equalizing engineering prowess between teams as the expense.
  17. One of the stranger exercises is to CAD something like up a simple bracket, specify the loads and then let a stress analysis program optimise it for 3D printing. I haven't done it myself, but we have people around who do and they get these weird looking things that look like close-ups of bone structure, or a heavy webbish sort of structure... or ...something. Odd perforations all over the place and no flat surfaces except the mating faces.
  18. Good question. I think his IF days are over, but the only way I see him holding a spot is if Baddoo falters - which he may but he's gaining momentum fast, or Meadows comes down with some additional plague. Truth is Willi has only looked adequate as a hitter by comparison with the futility of the rest of the lineup. His June OPS is still under 700. 2 HR in 160 AB and 3% walk rate.
  19. seems like an odd rule - from the standpoint of safety alone why prohibit testing up to track speeds? You are going to take the wind tunnel data verify a CFD solution and run that up through the full speed regime anyway?
  20. But if you have to prototype with an FDM.... The paradigm in my particular area is to get them doing something that generates some hardware with as little bootstrapping as possible. Only a fraction of them are even headed for ME. It's primarily about the experience of dealing with any/all kinds of constraints faced in getting from Idea to working model. The simplest possible electrical, computer and mechanicals. Learning how to do it right comes later. We want them find out at the beginning why it's worthwhile to learn the hard stuff needed to do it better.
  21. Hill, Cameron and Reyes will all slot below Baddoo as Akil pulls himself together. Then the correct OF would be Grossman, Greene, Baddoo, and Meadows. The rest of them all get the chance to OPS 900 at Toledo to force another look. The obvious plan when they signed Meadows had to be that they would move Grossman sometime before the deadline, but he has played himself right out of the possibility of getting any return, not that much could have been expected, but whatever was, it will be less. Assuming they do move or release Grossman sometime after Meadows returns one of Hill, Cameron or Reyes gets the 4th OF spot. Basically right where they were at the beginning of April but Meadows replaces Grossman.
  22. Perez, and Meadows seem to have gotten a new lease on life with the new development staff.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szYlGeEx-OE Good explanation about the design of moving bed wind tunnels, which are the only way to get good data on ground effects. One thing not mentioned is surface roughness. A metal belt is not going to act exactly like pavement in terms of the air drag along it. Doesn't seem to be any reason you couldn't use various coatings on the belt but no mention of whether that is done. I noted he said they were "allowed" to test up to 80 m/s, but that the system could go faster. That's 'only' 180 mph.
  24. Box says the scorer gave it to Lange. More brainless robo-scoring. Should have gone to Peralta if any thought had gone into it. But by giving it to Lange every body gets their participation trophy.
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