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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If conservatives in WY are not swayed by Liz Cheney, their isn't much hope. They will become a generation of voters lost to any useful input to the democratic process, of whom the best you can hope is that they start staying home in greater numbers..
  2. Candelario with a hit and walk for the Hens. His rehab OPS is >1000. Why is he still there?
  3. the Riley Greene Tigers are undefeated.
  4. Carpenter hits #22 today along with a double, 2/4 no Ks.
  5. really good to see him go to the right side of 2B.
  6. We have our students try to learn a little 'Solidsworks' so they can do 3D printing for their projects right off the bat, and I'm always surprised at how good they are at figuring out how to configure their shapes so that they can be printed with FDM. I think those of us who grew up understanding reductive machining actually have a harder time with it!
  7. Mayer and Lawler are off to big starts, Mayer’s K rates might be more than you want to at A ball. At the time from what I read, the question was whether either was going to stay at SS. You see a number of scouting reports that are sort of self-contradictory. The player “has a body that will fill out for power”, but then project the bat with that power as plus for a shortstop.
  8. IDK chas - on the above part - I would never underestimate what corporations will put up with to gain tax breaks/cut costs. The top officers that make such decisions can live where they choose regardless of where they site HQ. And exceptions are easy to make. A fortune 100 I worked for bought a company in St Louis and moved everyone to Houston, but a top tech group all just quit instead. Within a yr they swung a deal to reassembly the tech group in a St. Louis facility. And that was in the pre-zoom days. Even easier today. Employees with leverage will always have a choice, but corps can easily live with those compromises. We have a Toyota tech center in MI but Toyota won't manufacture here because of UAW strength- same basic principle at work.
  9. Roberts doesn't have much in the way of formal powers as Chief, so I wonder how long he can delay or even refuse to release a decision if he wants to? It's been 6 weeks since the leak, and they must have already been some distance along in the case for drafts to be circulating. I suppose 2 months isn't that long given the generally slow place the Court operates....
  10. too true. And totally ironic as the capabilities that lifted the US to global predominance are all deeply cooperative - public education, science, and war fighting. The lone wolves in Wyoming would all be speaking German or Russian today if theirs had ever been the real ethos driving the future in the US.
  11. to separate the private/public part - say it was a public school, then as far as I understand things think 'generally' the school would at minimum have to show a rational basis that connects the rule to an educational purpose. That is sort of getting to first base for rule making by a government sponsored entity. Suit could have been more fun if the guys had been demanding to wear the skort uniform.....
  12. prolly doesn't matter because if this gets to the current SCOTUS the school will win with the conservatives on two grounds: They won't care that it's public money funding the school, they will still give it private rights; and they won't care what the rational was, 'traditional gender role' in loco parentis will be just peachy with them.
  13. here is one on it's way to Scotus. Alito will certainly find the view of the manager's of this Charter school right in his 12th Century wheelhouse. NYT - charter school dress code overturned at US District level
  14. HaHA - this didn't age well https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/18/business/france-nuclear-power-russia.html
  15. 3K in his last 48 PA. That's pretty rare. Wenceel Perez undaunted by AA pitching so far. Parker Meadows with a strong June (870 OPS). maybe having his brother in the org has charged him up. Baddoo with a 9 game on-base streak going.
  16. LOL. I read this and did a deep double take, I still always think of McGwire as an "A".
  17. Point take that it's easy to get over excited about prospects, but in Jackson's case he's almost the counterpoint. He was the real deal as a minor leaguer. Austin had 19 WAR in his 1st four pro seasons across more than 550 games. He WAS a really good pro ballplayer on a solid career trajectory, but for whatever reason his body gave out on him - not even so much a single big injury, but a number of things built up starting with hamstring injuries when he was still in Det. Most guys are over hyped for sure. But there are also a fair number of guys who deserved the hype but ended up with their careers derailed by acute or chronic injuries who could have been great players if they had stayed healthy. You can't really knock the people that scouted them for not knowing that would happen. I think about Madrigal. Kid was off to a great start but it's not clear he will be the same player after that injury. FTM, if Casey Mize does not come back from TJ he'd be the same kind of argument. You could say the pick turned out to be bust and be correct at one level, but doesn't mean the excitement him about him wasn't also justified. He will still almost certainly be a good pro if his arm cooperates.
  18. I noticed the Tigers taking a lot fewer strike ones early in the game, swinging and getting hits instead. I'm all for making pitchers work, but don't do it by just giving them strike one! If I were pitching to the Tigers today I'd have felt pretty ambushed by their new found aggressiveness. You only get the element of surprise on a change in approach once, but I'll take it.
  19. One thing he could have touched a little deeper on is that one of the reasons that Crypto doesn't meet its purpose as an actual exchange medium is because as mining becomes less profitable, operators will not process the blockchain without charging transaction fees, and those fees are far higher than anything (usually zero) you ever have to pay to spend a US Dollar or a Euro or even a Renminbi.
  20. that sounds right! Jim likely quoted him at some point...
  21. Hilarious. I've had the DVR going while working around the house and last checked in after the 1st. If this game were to be the point from which they break out, Riley will have to get the season MVP. then again, was it Leyland who said something to the effect that in baseball, "momentum is as good as the next day's pitcher". ?
  22. other thread.... but speaking of spin rate, Kumar Rocker will available in this years draft...
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