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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. who was the last last manager to work again as a manager after managing the tigers? Buddy Bell? (Trammell hasn't, Leyland retired, Gardenhire retired, Ausmus not rehired - must be someone I'm missing....)
  2. I laughed at that. You can be sure that if Skubal is traded that means Al has already been fired. I just don't see trading a cheap controlled top of the rotation starter as something Al Avila is ever even remotely tempted to do.
  3. When they finally figure out that the sun shines during the day but everyone needs to charge their cars at night they might figure it out.
  4. apparently the Russians were using a valuable, crane equipped ocean vessel to resupply Snake island and the Ukranians sunk it today - 2 anti-ship missiles
  5. LOL Meadows! Maybe the guy should trade in his agent for a nurse! This season is so hexed you can't help but think bad thoughts about them calling up Riley. They have to do it - but can one MORE thing go South this season? Cody Stavenhagen was only off by one series on the call-up, Lynn by ..... nvm.
  6. yeah - I'm more on the side that thinks Hinch is now pretty much trapped here until he straightens this team out. You don't want the first 60 games of the 2022 Tigers as the last thing on your resume. Sure, he'd find something, but his choices would be more limited than if he had left last winter. Having a team play historically bad under your watch just is not good marketing, there's no way to slice it differently.
  7. He probably can't remember the difference and wouldn't care if he could. What is so ridiculous is that his audience probably never bothers to notice that as he denies calling Pence a 'wimp', he immediately follows with: Pence was "weak", "afraid", "didn't have the courage", IOW - A WIMP! 🤣
  8. Just for comparison, the energy equivalent of 20 gallons of gasoline is 703 kWh, but your car is lucky to actually use it at more than 10% efficiency, whereas the energy in the battery gets used at something like 80-90% efficiency. So a 100kWh battery is a reasonable stand-in for a 20 gallon tank despite having only a fraction of the total energy available.
  9. The smaller battery offered on an E-Mustang is 68kWh, the larger battery offered on the F150 is 130kWh. A typical level 2 charger for a home installation draws 40A at 240V, and so delivers 9.6kW to your car. Level 2 chargers are available to twice that size if your home has a service that can support one. In any case, assuming a typical charge cycle of 80%, your 40A level 2 is going to take 9 hrs to put an 80% charge into a 100 kWh car battery. A single lithium ion battery operates at about 4V. The car's drive train runs at ~400V and that will be likely be going up, so you have have multiple blocks of more than 100 cells in series in the vehicle.
  10. I see this as a bit of a gamble. I'm not sure the grid gets to where it can sustain all the plug in cars as fast as the manufacturers want to build them. It for sure is not going to get there all on renewables. But the E car is like god-send to the auto companies. Gets them out from under the EPA, decouples them from fuel standards issues, simplifies the manufacturing tech, reduces parts count, increases reliability. It's all positive from every direction. So their enthusiasm is no mystery. OTOH, they (except Toyota) hate hybrids for almost all the same reasons - but that doesn't mean they may not still be a needed transitional piece of the puzzle.
  11. Do doubt AJ is quite capable of spinning with the best of them.
  12. One of the things that frosts me is that we have this terrible roster but they are protecting 40 man slots like these guys are all Hall of Famers. Sure Clemens didn't do much - so what? It was worth a flyer, it's not like there a pennant pending over whether Willi Castro plays one less game. If anything they waited way too long give him a shot.
  13. The question for Tesla stock is whether the company has any conceivable route to it's earnings growing enough to justify its valuation, and in a market as mature as autos with as many established competitors over which you hold no unique sustainable advantage that's very hard to see for Tesla. I think Tesla's valuation was driven by the idea that they were an Amazon or Google or Apple kind of company, but they are not. They don't have a product or technology that has created an entirely new market that never existed before and whose size ultimate can only be guessed at. They build cars. A car with at the time new design features, but a car that was going to be used exactly as cars before it had. No-one is going to buy a Tesla beyond someone who was already going to buy a car.
  14. cute result. Fed ups the funds rates, and all T bond yields actually go down the next day. Goes to show a) the big hike was already fully anticipated b) Longer term buyers don't expect this inflation to last. https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?type=daily_treasury_yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value_month=202206
  15. The clock has run out for me. If this doesn't look different by over the weekend, Coolbaugh needs to be gone at minimum. If your GM can't pull that trigger, him as well. If the manager wants to go to the wall for his coach, so be it, him too.
  16. I pulled up a clip from earlier today. I see the difference but it looked to me mostly like she was much less studiously made up, less color depth around her eyes, and her hair is parted down the middle, which squeezes her face more - and she is already several years older than when she started at MSNBC.
  17. This is pretty bad. All the life they had last season with AJ constantly putting the other team on the defensive is gone. The hitters are cold, the team is passive, AJ is passive, the team is boring and predictable. A couple guys did get hits tonight before they were down in the count, but it's tiny scraps. They need some new voices talking to them. I'm becoming very skeptical a whole team can slump this long without there being a systemic problem.
  18. use 3 position players to save a BP for 'later' and when 'later' comes in spades he won't use anybody. AJ is reminding me more and more of the kid who wants to have the biggest jar of marbles but just wants to look at them instead of play.
  19. hard to fathom the lack of urgency in the org. Baddoo, who has been on a steady upswing at Toledo, sat tonight. Why? To play Derek Hill? Really? And Grossman 3/18 0BB since his return.
  20. 8 hits and a walk but only one run even with 2XBH.
  21. Relief pitchers that can't throw strikes. SOT
  22. Brieske turning into a bona fide major leaguer before our very eyes. Kewl.
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