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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Sure, this is the key. No-one was going to give him >$300M without him proving his health. He was not going to take anything less than >$300M without the 1 yr opt out so he could try for his big payday again. So that's fine, but given that there is no fit there for the Tigers, so why are we complaining he's not here? (just to complete the thought, one yr does work for Minny because they thought they had a shot this season and they have a close prospect for next yr)
  2. No actually they did. It is prima facie evidence top of market because no-one ever did top it and he ended up settling for something short term with a lot less total PV. I can ask for whatever I want, that doesn't make a market. Offers make a market. I think this is a pretty silly discussion (not that's anything different here! ). The guy was on the market, the Tigers talked to him, made an offer, no deal. Happens All. the. time. End of story. He ended up signing a deal that would have been of almost no value to the Tigers. Imputing a ton of ulterior motives and strategies is just spinning.
  3. Not sure why Thomas would have leaked the Dobbs draft. I still tend to think it was Roberts, though on the other hand I don't know if I can give him credit for being that devious. I do think it is interesting how much time has passed between that leak and the non-release of an actual decision - maybe the time is not unusual yet but it has been a while.
  4. I'm sorry, I'm not that impressed with Dave's trading. It's easy to up your current value when you are giving away younger resources and adding payroll. It's just not that big a trick. The reason that not many other GMs get the benefit of adding that kind of instant upgrade trade to their resume is that most owners see past them to the price to be paid later and don't like them.
  5. The Verlander deal was stupid, stupid to make in the first place, stupid to make the particular deal that was made. But keeping him would have been a commitment to rebuild 'on the fly' and they would have had to have moved a lot faster than they have so far do that.
  6. Yeah - bidding against yourself gets you the Dontrelle Willis or Cabrera deal. Wait - wasn't it our one-time dealing genius that came up with those two? Couldn't have been.
  7. due diligence. Why would you not explore a deal? All fans get is press reports and strategic leaks. Until a GM sits down with an agent, it's all nonsense. But there is a larger point I would come back to, which is that if we had MN's deal for Correa right now there would be a huge complaint that all we did was waste 35M on a rental that could have been better spent a dozen other ways.
  8. From Bill Clinton forward the Dems have definitely lost their way. But how much of that is driven by the campaign system? Do candidates have any choice but to try to make nice to at least some section of Wall Street to raise the funds they need? I'm pretty sure Hillary's embrace of Wall Street types was one of the things that left so many young and blue collar dems uninspired about her candidacy.
  9. The solution to this is more people voting in primaries. But too many people want to be able to wash their hands and say 'I'm not a member of either party, it's not my fault they keep putting up crazies in the general election" Well, yes it is, you have chances in every election cycle to help determine the trajectory of the party you have the most affinity for, if you don't use it, you leave the field to the crazies. And it also is if you don't go vote in the general because there is no issue motivating you enough to care if a crazy wins there. Less than 30% identity as members of either party. If primary turnout is 1/2 of party affiliated voters like the general is 1/2 of all voters, that puts 15% of the total population voting in a primary and so 8% wins the day. When 8% of the population can pick your candidate, sure - you've got a problem.
  10. Did he ever have any resources to work with? I have no idea. But It is almost comic though how much Avila is the anti Dombrowski. He may been Dave's #2 but it sure looks like Dave must have shot down any suggestions to do any of things Al has done since he took over. Still, the failure is how slow all the moves have been. If all the scouting and MiLB resources needed revamping and new tech, why wasn't all that complete 3-4 yrs ago so we would be seeing the results now. Maybe that was Ilitch's choice (no reflection on Al), or maybe that was as fast a Avila was able to figure it out (major reflection on Al).
  11. so of course, hottest day of the year yesterday, AC compressor would not turn on. Of course by that time it was way too hot to go into the attic to check the wiring. So this this morning's project was discovering that I need a new 'sail' switch (it detects whether the blower has turned on so the compressor doesn't just ice up the coils in stagnant air). Jumper that baby out and spend $15 at Amazon. Home ownership sucks. Amazon is great.
  12. the only drawback is that Harold doesn't have much reach, but what can you do? Carpenter had two double today BTW --- just sayin'.....
  13. has 6 walks in his last 7 games - , also 7 K -
  14. What was big money in Hockey at that time is chump change in baseball today.
  15. Tampa with all kinds of pressure in the OT, then a turnover at the line, a lucky bounce of a blocked shot, one great pass, a shot and it's over. Avs take #1.
  16. I'd put the probability Manuel doesn't make the offer at zero. Once it's made you never know - maybe the guy loves working with 18yr olds. Probably safe to assume the Tigers will not lose him based on money given what UM can offer, but you never know there either!
  17. if the Tigers had signed Correa to the Twins deal he would be gone in a year just like he will be gone from Mn in a year. A one yr deal on SS really wasn't going to do the Tigers much good. Baez's two year deal doesn't do us that much good either, but a little more.
  18. I remember when Dirks hurt his back and was on his way back doing rehab at Toledo I'm looking in the boxscore and he is attempting to steal bases. Daylight madness. He looked like he could have been serviceable player.
  19. Correct. If you want to go back a little further, I think you find increasing cases of Dombrowski talking about 'ownership' like a foreign entity. They were drifting apart - possibly over differing objectives for the team. There was one episode I can't give you the details about but it struck me clearly that Dave had wanted to pursue some line of action Mike vetoed and the way DD commented was pretty much not that he had tried to talk to Mike or persuade him, but that he done a petulant, "fine, you're the boss" and walked away from what he thought was the better course. It was a fractured relationship and that is probably what led him to be looking for a new landing pad - which as you note, would have been the last straw for Mike.
  20. Unless he does it soon, the failure to pull the Tigers out of this swoon will also weight heavily against him with owners like Moreno who think that is exactly what a manager must be able to do.
  21. well of course not, that's the rub. You don't really know until enough time has passed to determine if they have performed well or not. The talent pipeline of a major league baseball team is about 6 yrs deep. I don't know how much you can figure out about anything in baseball on a short term basis.
  22. because Dombrowski's firing was driven by a personality conflict. The two of them had worn out their welcome with each other.
  23. Effective teaching isn't just presenting material you know to someone else. It can be, but will usually have an unacceptably low success rate on those terms. We spend a lot of time of this even at the college level where the students are supposed to be mature enough to understand and cope with their own learning styles. Even at 18 many are not. The truth is that people do not teach other people things, everyone learns everything themselves. Teaching is figuring out how to facilitate the connection between the student and the material so the student teaches it to themselves. Some people have certain levels of emotional intelligence that guide them to do this well without specific training, but most do not.
  24. Ahh - well that is an interesting one. I'm not sure he did value winning as much as some other objectives that he managed his team to meet, but that's history.
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