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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. That may be inevitable if Flaherty goes today. Say anything you want about the long term value, but short term the odds are very high team morale goes in the tank and they stumble/bumble their way to Oct like they did in 17' after they cleaned house.
  2. he has 24 total bases with the bat so far in the last 2 series against the Tigers - against 2 BB. If you don't know how to get a guy out, stop worrying about walking him.
  3. why is boxing even still a sanctioned sport for anyone?
  4. So what does this tell us? I take it to mean that the teams trying to build are getting caught up in their own false sense of imperative to make trades in markets where the buyers are not offering fair return value.
  5. Conservative economists used to love to point to the Kennedy cuts, but marginal rates were in the 80-90% range then, that's a very different environment. Everything in economics is relative. Not all comparisons drawn are actually comparable. Knowing the difference matters. A couple of years ago, lots of smart people were convinced that interest rates going to 5% were going to crash the economy. They were wrong because they were looking at previous times rates had gone up by that percentage like in the 80's when they hit double digits - but that's the wrong comparison. They were ignoring that the 5% increase was starting from zero and investment decisions are not made based on how much interest rates have changed, but on their absolute value, and at 5% lots of potential investments were still profitable enough to keep the economy perking.
  6. exactly. But if they don't move him it better be because they have the outline of a deal in place to extend him.
  7. How often does a team actually re-sign the same guy after they trade him? It does happen, but I don't think I'd hold it out as much of a probability.
  8. I don't know what it is either, but the graphics work is awesome.
  9. it's pretty hilarious because it's straight out of the Roger Ailes playbook. No good deed goes unpunished.
  10. there is that word "weird" again. This might catch on - could be fun.
  11. it's 12 o'clock, do you know where your starting pitchers are?
  12. And the truth is Eduardo is not the only guy to ever veto a trade. It happens. That's why guys negotiate for no trade clauses. The case is just magnified for the Tigers because every missed chance to acquire talent is such a body blow.
  13. Well, I am at my limit on appellate legalese because I can easily imagine we take different meanings from that appellate language. I would assume that for the purposes of the court, a prosecutor presenting a tainted case is guilty of misconduct regardless of where in the chain of the prosecution the misconduct took place - it's a general indictment of the case. So to me that is why the important question here remains - was the the particular ADA sanctioned - seems they should have been if the cops were prosecuted and the ADA was jointly culpable. But while this is all an interesting discussion (no. really) in the end it's clearly not Kamala, it's someone else in the office, so from the stand point of our thread, we are pretty much off topic here. If you want me to grant she made a bad hire (and we don't even know that, odds are just as good the ADA was inherited) I'll give you that for comity.
  14. to me this is where you can ding Harris if you want. ERod had enough issues already that maybe you guess you need to cross every T and dot every I in anything associated with him, but I can give him that much slack for it being his first rodeo and that he wasn't actually here when Eduardo went walk-about.
  15. which is their job. The court did not make a ruling so the defense was not able to adequately impugn the evidence, maybe because the cops framed the guy and cops are able to control the evidence. Still have nothing about the prosecutor being charged or reprimanded - are you holding back for the big finish on me or it didn't happen? It would seem to me if the cops were prosecuted and the ADA had been in cahoots, the least they would have done was sing on the ADA?
  16. I suppose you could argue that the safer bet was to work with a team not on the list, but how many guys are going to refuse the Dodgers? Really? You can think of just about one right? If you really want to absolve Harris, the supposition would be that ERod simply didn't want to make a mid-season move, so he more or less deliberately let two teams get to the last minute knowing it was a team he could veto, whereas making his intention plain earlier would have led the team to negotiate with a team he couldn't veto. That's a little more than checkers, but not so 3-D chess-y that I can't imagine a player and agent cooking it up.
  17. full access to the evidence the cops faked, right? And it wasn't Harris, it was an ADA. One of maybe how many in SF? I sat on a murder case once where the Ypsilanti PD detective just about blew up the case for the prosecution in his direct testimony. Real good co-ordination there. I'm trying for you here TH but I still got close to nothing.
  18. So did the prosecutor or the prosecutor's boss know the cops had cooked the case? Still trying to get to something more concrete than that there were problems in a big city police force. The cops were prosecuted (by that same DA's office one has to presume). I don't see anything about a prosecutor being charged. Every prosecutor tries in as a general principle avoid re-opening cases. It's an adversary system and that is their job. Bazelon is a progressive legal academic and doesn't like Harris - OK that's fine - I'll put that into the mix.
  19. well the Wiki story doesn't identify the prosecutor in the case either. Sounds like he was framed by two cops. Was Kamala on the force? The Youtube site seems to be the same video as the TicTok and a lot of unrelated stuff about his film work to wade through - so I've still got close to nothing here. So we have an individual who has a legitimate beef with the system who understandably is mad at everyone associated but no direct connection to anything Harris did yet.
  20. so he doesn't identify himself so how do we check the real story? He says Harris "was in the courtroom." That doesn't necessarily mean she was even the lead prosecutor in the case. So need a little more than the TicTok to evaluate this.
  21. Oh-NO! Doesn't bode well: A 37th pick has never made it as a plus player at SS in the majors. Of course Adam Jones is certainly a nice target comp - except he never played an inning in the majors as a SS. For that matter Mike Heath only played 4!
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