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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Dan and Jim carrying on about Tiger's inability to hit hittable pitches. I will argue they are getting behind too much. It's both missing strikes and taking strikes.
  2. so I just checked the gameday audio on the web vs my phone and they are pretty close. My computer is about 5 sec ahead of my phone. But the 10 sec increment tool on the phone is not on the web interface anymore. The audio on the computer is 1:11 behind the gameday cartoon display and the cartoon display is actually a few seconds ahead of the over the air radio broadcast. So assuming the radio is on 7 sec delay, the gameday cartoon must be near real time now. Bottom line I guess I have to go back to real over the air radio to get a near sync to my TV, but the still leaves my video stream about 10-15 sec behind the radio, and as was just asked the other day, no simple way to delay an ordinary over the air radio.
  3. good point. Hard to believe Kody's arm isn't better than Harold's noodle. OTOH, Kody has more reach and with Baez that's important!
  4. I guess it comes to a choice of putting putting Willi's better arm in RF over Victor's or leaving him in CF where he may be less likely to get fooled by a ball that tails. Pick your poison.
  5. so just thinking about other possible professionalization fallout. How long before some school tries to get paid football players exempted from Title IX compliance calculations so they can cut a bunch of non-revenue women's varsity sports?
  6. what's the story on where he was last year? Injury or nobody picked him up?
  7. Willi has only played one game in RF at Copa so far, only 2 total in RF this season. Though given that the whole move to the OF is one big experiment not sure how much difference that should make.....
  8. Tigers were an old team and the A's had way too much pitching in 72. Rookie Vida Blue just starting to hit stride. Campaneris was a jerk and didn't deserve to win anything, but aside from that it was hard not to admit the better team won.
  9. the reality that the population continues to get older hasn't changed, the normal condition of this economy is going to be slow per capita growth, and if immigration is suppressed, the lack of domestic population growth will keep gross GDP growth small. That's not a horrible thing - 2% real per capita growth and everyone doubles their wealth every 30 yrs. The risks are not addressing income inequality and getting into a boom and bust cycle chasing the 4% growth that is really only possible with a continually expanding population. The population boom appears to be over in the developed world, but the political economists don't all seem to have gotten the message.
  10. LOL - I hated Benoit. I'd rather lose the game than have to wait through Benoit's pitch by pitch deliberations. The guy was horrible...
  11. If you want to go way back to our parents gen, my recollection was that mortgages were mostly in the 4-6% range in the long post WWII period, roughly up until about where the chart starts. I guess the average on the charts represents a range, but at least in this area it wasn't hard too hard to beat. My parents took a mortgage in 72 at 5.5% I took a new one in 79 at 7.5%, and in 87 at 8.5% (memory more hazy about the last one).
  12. I haven't checked on the phone, but on the web via browser there used to be a 10 second increment/decrement dialog on gameday audio, and it's gone this year - along with the extended buffering being added. Things have shifted a lot this season. The gameday cartoon on the web is now generally ahead of my TV stream by a pitch or two, which it never used to be, gameday audio is as you note - a full minute behind. This is almost exactly the reverse of what it had been in the past yrs with gameday audio having been the closest to real time. Of course no way to know how much of this is local to my ISP (ATT) but that is how things line up for me at home now.
  13. the increase or the trouble for investors? Payment on a 100K for 30yr at 3.5% = $449. At 6.0% = $600. 150 = 33% of 450 Of course a mortgage payment may include taxes and insurance so the net increase in a prospective total payment may be a lower % of that larger total, but that is the calc for the mortgage piece.
  14. well, lets see: Crypto gets wiped out, housing gets wiped out, Tesla gets wiped out. P&G probably looking pretty good! Need lots of soap to clean up the mess....🙄
  15. an increase from 3.5% to 6% increases a 30yr mortgage payment by a third. I think a lot of investment buyers of housing for resale are going to get hosed.
  16. I've had that thought that myself. Especially if Greene had come up and hit for average with little power initially, which I think would have been and is likely. It would have taken pressure off Torkelson to try to bomb the ball, which the team power slump only makes worse. Hit first. Worry about power later.
  17. this is actually a good illustration of how a trait exists on a spectrum across the human population. There are people who are so strongly 'handed' they do nothing with their off hand. There there people who are nearly completely ambidextrous, and there are those of use that exist somewhere in between. For instance I am moderately strongly right handed but left footed. Once a person brings that kind of recognition to a trait like sexual drive, homosexuality as some kind of moral "issue" dissolves. The rest is all social construct.
  18. right. But we are always left with the question of what the margin is between the MAGA and the total GOP vote, and I suspect there still is one. As long is there is daylight between those two numbers, you have to pursue things for that margin as well as for history.
  19. Of course, it's complicated. There is belief, there is religion, there is organized religion, there are specific sects of specific religions, and there are specific outcomes that certain sects have been responsible for. Certainly anyone without vitriol for some of those outcomes (ISIS, child abuse, profiteering) would have to be lacking a pulse. Things get progressively grayer as you move left to right across that list. 🤔
  20. How much longer were they going to wait to move?
  21. the interesting part is that surgically reconstruction is prefered to repair. From a purely mechanical perspective you might think the process would be aided by only having to do one end, but apparently not. I've haven't seen exactly how they do a UCL but I have seen schematics of ligament replacement techniques (ACL) where they do a looping attachment, in which case the remains of the existing ligament aren't any help - not long enough.
  22. One problem is the Fed has too many customers whose interests are at cross purposes. A big jolt to interest rates would be the fastest way to stop inflation, which helps the most people, though possibly throw some out of work as well -for once that is not so much an issue because the job market it tight. But it would crater stocks and the Fed is made up of bankers and bankers don't like it when their friends in the capital class get hammered. A shock level rise in interest rates would also be a windfall for todays short sellers of stock, and wall street hates short sellars, and the Fed is wall street people.....
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