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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. well the Wiki story doesn't identify the prosecutor in the case either. Sounds like he was framed by two cops. Was Kamala on the force? The Youtube site seems to be the same video as the TicTok and a lot of unrelated stuff about his film work to wade through - so I've still got close to nothing here. So we have an individual who has a legitimate beef with the system who understandably is mad at everyone associated but no direct connection to anything Harris did yet.
  2. so he doesn't identify himself so how do we check the real story? He says Harris "was in the courtroom." That doesn't necessarily mean she was even the lead prosecutor in the case. So need a little more than the TicTok to evaluate this.
  3. Oh-NO! Doesn't bode well: A 37th pick has never made it as a plus player at SS in the majors. Of course Adam Jones is certainly a nice target comp - except he never played an inning in the majors as a SS. For that matter Mike Heath only played 4!
  4. He's managed to stay in the league for 10yrs which ain't bad for a catcher. And he's even found himself a team with an anglo SS.
  5. I have worked a FoMoCo assembly line as a grunt, and I've spent years in union chemical/refining environments - I think the auto companies do have the bigger problem because the nature of moving assembly lines lends itself to more management abuse of workers than other types of tasks and that sets up a context where everyone on the floor is mad most of the time and the anger and distrust just become endemic between the two sides. OTOH, I would admit that one of things that keeps discipline a little better in chem/refining is that unions can't protect bad employees as easily because labor law allows companies that do hazardous work more freedom to fire. And conversely, since employees can be at real immediate risk, operators do have to take safety and welfare more seriously
  6. the police would be step one. The bigger question is what does the army do?
  7. IDK - I bet there will always be a set of low rung workers doing something, even if it's only making sure the machines are happy - and they'll still be treated badly by their bosses and try to organize for better conditions. Whether we will have any laws that still allow it is a good question though....
  8. He is pitching again - went 4 innings on Friday- one run in 4 IP for Tampa - A ball.
  9. Yeah - I get the complaint -- but maybe it's more suited to a perfect world. The missing side of your story at the age you were then was that maybe the guys that had been there for years had already integrated into their outlook the fact that no matter what they did or didn't do, management was still going to treat them like exploitable, expendable commodities and screw them into working for free whenever they could. So given that reality - they concede how much they work just as carefully as the company concedes how much they will pay, and that's that. So you were a bull in their carefully arranged china shop...🐄 It is a problem in the US that union/management relations are often so toxic that the behavior on both sides tends to be driven by the worst minority of actors on each side. As an engineer in unionized production facilities you are often the guy that has to negotiate the path through the middle of that battle, because the union guys see you as management, but you need to gain their trust because they generally have the knowledge you need to get to, even though they may or may not even understand the significance of the observations you need them to trust you with (and/or not lie about!)
  10. It's a reasonably close game if Brieske doesn't collapse. If Brieske doesn't collapse *and* they pitch around Ramirez.......
  11. I guess Avila has the rest of the league conditioned to believe the Tigers are an easy mark. UCL sprain that's been treated with rest and rehab instead of a TJ. And you are going to give something up for him before he proves he won't be right be back on the DL and going under the knife like so many who try to rehab a UCL sprain? maybe at 22 they don't care if he loses another year - he can follow in Mize's well trodden footsteps.
  12. True, but there is a definite rhythm to it in our lifetimes, which is that GOP admins break the budget, dem admins are left to (and usually do act to) fix it.
  13. It's not uncommon though. In American the contradiction between the fact that we are just a slightly more stingy than average social welfare democracy collides head on with the oversold cowboy myth of personal self-sufficiency. One psychological defense for this cognitive dissonance in the dependent is to become harshly committed to ending government support for dependencies (but other people's of course)
  14. Obama signed a bill that ended some of the Bush tax cuts. Trump's huge corporate cut was paired with a temporary (as in expires next year or may year after - but in the next two yrs) return to Bush rates for the middle class. So like every GOPer, Trump cut taxes to drive the deficit to where entitlement cuts would be 'inevitable.' That is the one and only thing every GOP pol since Reagan have held as their one gospel in common - make the deficit SO big the dems will have to agree to cut entitlements. The problem is that each Dem president does what he can to fix the problem so the GOP can't seem to get there, and they strangely lose their nerve every time one of their braver (or more idiotic - pick your adjective) souls actually gets some kind of entitlement cut up to a vote because despite their deepest belief in 'kill the beast' theology, they'd rather be re-elected and in their really deepest heart, they know damn well the public happens to like the safety net.
  15. IDK. I can see the arg that you want SCOTUS to be a long lagging drag on whatever the current political winds might be blowing - that's not the part that would bother me. What I don't like is young judges on the SCOTUS - I really would prefer people with deeper life and professional experience. If you make the max term longer, each side will continue to search for the youngest judges they can get through confirmation so they never suffer a retirement/death out of sequence. So from that standpoint 15-18 is more the sweet spot to me.
  16. and the comp pick wouldn't be far from 37 would it?
  17. Don't believe you there. If the GOP wins enough control to legislate on taxes they will absolutely cut them again(extend/expand current cuts) and blow up the deficit just like e.v.e.r.y.s.i.n.g.l.e GOP government but one (GHWB) has done since 1980. *THAT* is what you can count on.
  18. let's try to define what 'trust' a politician means. Do I trust that I have a pretty good idea what Trump will do in a given situation - yes. I might even go as far as to say that at this point I think i have a better idea of Trump will do in a given situation than Harris. The problem is that I also "trust" that the odds are overwhelming that Trump's response will be worse for America and Americans than whatever Harris does even if I was less able to predict exactly what it was going to be.
  19. I think there was in fact considerable discussion that Harris was the only viable alternative to Biden.
  20. If they double it every game they'll be cruising by next week!
  21. The level or political support will work its way out in the wash. That result has nothing to do with the disingenuousness of rhetorically conflating proposals that are clearly an effort toward publicly supported government reform that can be honestly debated, with the actions of a tyrant like Maduro to consolidate strong man rule.
  22. Is there a player in the majors who looks in more life threatening condition than Josh Naylor?
  23. He voice may 'count' - doesn't mean it's worth asking anyone else to waste their time reading when his logic is drivel. YMMV. Not to mention by posting it without any critique of it's silliness you associate yourself with a dumb take. Now I realize a lot of that goes on here, but more isn't better.
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