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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I assume when they said 'subluxation' they mean what we would call 'dislocated shoulder', though I didn't see them having to 'pop' Candy's shoulder back 'in' so if that's what it was it must have gone back by itself. Tattis has a chronic problem with that and just plays over it. A tall friend of mine who played a lot of basketball eventually had surgery on both of his to tighten them up to stop the recurrences.
  2. Still would be wet field etc. Anyway, not surprised. I imagine are going to continue to handle Skubal with kid gloves.
  3. CNN doesn't want to be considered an alternative MSNBC. Their problem is I don't see how you present the activities of the US right with any kind of straight face. Any level of honest reporting is going to get you labeled 'librul' from the right (and put in the box with MSNBC) anyway, so I don't know if it's going to be possible to square that circle exactly unless they are willing to become another 'normalizer' for the right's outrages.
  4. So I listened to the last "War on the Rocks" podcast today and they touched on how the Russian military reforms that Putin initiated under Serduykov went south after only 4 yrs when Serduykov was caught in a corruption case (they implied it was a set-up to get rid of him) and it makes me wonder if Putin is/was just going soft in the head and he obliged when his oligarch buddies asked him to call off the dogs, or if his position was actually at that much risk from the blow-back from military reform that he had to pull the plug less than voluntarily.
  5. yup - same reason they called the game last week before it even had the chance to not rain. "We love you Wily, BTW, do you mind starting on short notice so we can protect the guy we love more?"
  6. I think he wants out and this is just a negotiating position to bargain down the $1B walk-away fee. The problem is that the twitter board doesn't want him to walk away now so he has to fabricate an argument with himself. ๐Ÿ™„
  7. LOL - Toledo probably might have more of next year's Tiger roster playing tonight than will be on the field in Pittsburgh!
  8. Isn't that the joke? You're right, you can't 'work' on a student visa, so whether the schools or NCAA want to call NIL 'employment' or not, INS has no such scruple! But OTOH, if they are getting paid I see no reason a school shouldn't be able to apply for an H1B for an athlete instead of a student visa. I don't think there is any rule that you can't also go to class while your working under an H1B. Maybe that will be the next shoe to drop!
  9. Have been more optimistic about Manning as the reporting has not been 'elbow'; maybe we catch a break with him. Inflammation is less worrisome than structural damage (unless your name is Perez......). The weird thing with Mize is that the imaging is so good today that if there is damage that would require surgery you would think they would have found it by now, but I suppose nothing is perfect - or else he's right at the borderline.
  10. this isn't the first story I've read about inventory overrun. But there are going to be continuing problems with supply chains from China until Xi finally accepts that China is going to have to live with COVID just like everywhere else. I've been watching video cards and Raspberry Pis. Video card prices down off their highs but still not to normal. Raspberry Pis still 4x what they should be.
  11. It's natural any analyst is going to mock a player to a team need based on 'obvious' need, and the Wings need for centers is pretty obvious. That said, Yzerman is probably planning several years out and pretty clearly keeps his real plans to himself. Actually, if past performance is any indication of future results, rank the prospects by height and figure the Wings take the tallest one left.....
  12. because they get banged around which kills the nice edge you put on them with a diamond steel. Steel, cut, rinse, put back in the block. The only surfaces I want my knives to see are the block and the cutting board. We do have serrated utility sort of knives that don't get that treatment, but the good forged chopping and slicing knives do.
  13. well, they didn't send Clemens down - that leave he, and Harold. Willi has only played about 2 innings at 3rd since 2020, when he played a few games there. Please don't put him there with a LH starter going.....
  14. Under reporting and under research of exactly this kind of thing is a major US ms media fail.
  15. Curious. Wonder how long until that is in court.
  16. And if you want your knives to stay sharp don't put them in the dishwasher with the silverware! if you want a rare burger you can always grind your own sirloin. ๐Ÿ” Which makes me wonder -- how common is it for people to have a meat grinder in their kitchen anymore? They were de rigueur in grandma's generation's kitchens. We don't have one, though we have a KitchenAid stand mixer that has one available as an attachment.
  17. Belichick knows Patricia well enough that what he did or didn't do in Detroit probably wasn't much a factor in his thinking, except that after his failure he probably got him back cheap.....
  18. As an OC he's not responsible for some of what he was really bad at in Detroit, which would be defensive personnel, drafting and deciding who the team didn't need. He still has plenty of opportunity to pisz guys off though.....
  19. yeah - you had me till there. ๐ŸŒฎ ๐ŸŒฎ ๐ŸŒฎ ๐ŸŒฎ ๐ŸŒฎ
  20. more rumbling on twitter of Russian forces losing steam, over extended again, but who knows? Should be an interesting few days coming up. One sign I take as a good one is Putin and Lavrov sabre rattling again. You don't need to bother making more public threats when things are going well -- battlefield success speaks for itself.
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