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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Jimenez just ran out of his stash of house money.
  2. that will be a bummer. But that won't be half as bad as when Skubal gets hurt.
  3. They've looked relatively human today compared to last night. Problem is the Tigers have looked Australopithecene.
  4. it was the right move, it's not working. And TBH, he probably would have had a better chance if the clan had not decided to follow him around until he got his first hit.
  5. yeah - that's a great start for a summer day game at the Yankee bandbox. I was skeptical that Brieske was going to be well served by having to finish his education on this crash course, but he's responding. He and Faedo (and Skubal off course) have been the high points of the season so far. Under any normal circumstance that would be more good news than you could expect in any season.
  6. Hill did the right thing letting the low slider go and it still caught the plate.
  7. Stupid as it may sound, I'd like to see Javy ditch the shades while hitting.
  8. taught it to Rodriguez before he retired it.
  9. Jack is right, Severino is making mistakes but the Tigers can't do anything with them.
  10. LOL - Willi breaks the wrong way again, but recovers Nice that Brieske got out of it. That was bad luck for Hill, caught his wrist on the edge of the the wall just at the right angle to pry out the ball.
  11. people still want them, the manufacturers would just prefer they not! Total EVs at about 7.5% of the market. They could probably sell double that if they were building as many hybrids as the public would buy.
  12. do we? That is the thing. He was hot for one series in Oakland. Since then he is 227/274/303 in is last 75 PA. I don't play him in front of Hill for that. That's what Willi has been, a streak here and there but not much reliable production. If he were an asset with the glove, sure I play him and take the streaks when they come, but not when he is liability the rest of the time. Let's watch and see if he gets sent out with Meadows and Greene back. I'm tempted to wager he won't be even then. They are addicted to the guy.
  13. I understand the need when Hill was out, but I simply would not put play Willi in the OF if I had Hill, Cameron and Harold available, and Hinch does now, so last night was more of an option than a need.
  14. this is the TL;DR. If you want real utility players, draft or develop them. If you push a kid who has played SS all his life into the OF, find out if he can do more than catch a routine pop-up before you play him there in ML games.
  15. There is no secret sauce to building plug-in hybrids, and GM already built that vehicle - the Volt. They've stopped. The industry generally does not like hybrids because they are more complex and expensive than a pure IC or EV and adding range to a plug-in hybrid is a pure increase in cost (and weight) for a bigger battery. The manufacturers are faced with the fact that cars are a relatively strongly price elastic market. Toyota is sort of the exception here - their commitment to hybrid tech remains strong, and they are selling every Prius they can build.
  16. It is true that if you really want to help CO2 emissions directly the most right now, you buy a hybird, because if you buy an EV someone is burning fossil fuel to power it. But that is not the whole story. There is an energy economy that needs to be built/transformed, and the people buying EVs today are helping create that transformation even if they are somewhat ahead of the optimum curve emission wise.
  17. DD probably won't be far behind. He seems to be wearing out his welcome quicker. I don't imagine too many people in Philly seriously think Joe Girardi is the reason the Phillies are 10 back.
  18. Yeah - good outing for Madden. I was waiting to see if Keith and Perez hit tonight - they did, and Perez with a walk. Erie will need some guys hitting once they move Carpenter
  19. CF is "easier" for a couple of reasons - you have fewer catches at the wall because of the depth, the ball tails less when it's hit up the middle, and you can see the pitch and swing better. The issue is that in most parks speed (to the ball, not always the same thing!) is more important than any of that so whoever is fastest plays CF. But Yankee Stadium is small so you put Willi in CF. I have no arg with him being in CF if you are going to put him in the OF. It's playing him in the OF at all. He's got a middle infielder's bat and a DH's glove. I get it, every once in a while he starts looking like a hitter, but it turns out to be fool's gold every time. He never sustains it. At this point I'm not going to believe it until he does it for 200 AB or so - preferable at AAA.
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