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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. ump playing to the crowd there not much.....
  2. just keep repeating, "it only counts one in the standings"
  3. right - The long inning may have iced Cole, might be enough to get a hit on the board. Well, we can hope...
  4. any explanation as to why Hinck is doing this to the kid?
  5. so he can hit HRs and doubles while he builds his VO2 in Toledo instead of Detroit. Sure, makes a lot of sense. We all know the the air there is more conducive to aerobic conditioning. Seriously, I don't think it has anything to do with his health or conditioning. They don't let you back on any field until that is in place. The assumption is he needs to get his hitting timing back, but Greene appears to have crawled out of his crib hitting.
  6. But neither is hitting any worse than Castro and they can catch. If Willi were really producing some runs there would be an arguable point, but he really isn't.
  7. but didn't he seem comfortable running back to retrieve that? Well maybe not.
  8. His OPS is 503 in his last 50 AB. I don't even see where the idea comes from that he is hitting enough to cover his D. Well, to say he plays D is already mistated.
  9. Hahahahaha. Willi finally strikes gold. So between the shift extending the inning for ERodjr to playing Willi in CF, Tiger brain trust decisions biting them in the asz.
  10. Tesla stock price is not sustainable once Ford, GM, VW are all also established in the market, and that is happening as we speak now. Elon is looking for something new to leverage himself into, which I think is what is driving most the the Twitter take over sturm and drang.
  11. That makes for a good stat discussion. So if Aquino moved to a division where the other teams don't run stupidly, he loses the opportunity to get those assists, so is he actually worth those runs saved or not? I guess when you have a player ranking that depends on what other players do or don't do to allow you to make a play (and I suppose all defensive stats have some of that character, though some more than others) that's one more reason to stick with larger aggregates when trying to evaluate players from defensive stats. It's the same old old story about great RFs. When they come into the league they rack up a bunch of assists and then their assists drop. Of course that has two possible interpretations 1) they lost their arm 2) guys stopped trying to run on them. You might have to dig a little deeper to find out which! I suppose you can even make the same argument for hitting stats since divisional play means different hitters to see a different cross-section of pitchers, but it's generally assumed all hitters see a similar enough quality of pitching over the course of the year that stats are comparable, though I wouldn't be surprised if there have been cases of divisions with differences in overall pitching quality that did reach statistical significance.
  12. the other thing that is true however is that as long as Ukraine fights in a way to preserve their people, the Russians have no hope to win a war of material attrition against the US, let alone the US and the EU. US DOD could lose the whole Russian GDP in its budget and hardly notice. The Russians are an army that has already past it's peak strength, Ukraine? Maybe not so much. Of course at that point it becomes as much a matter of politics in various nations as fighting strategy.
  13. LOL - I'd be willing to guess $13M is north of what many FCS schools clear from football after expenses.
  14. The 'endorsement' aspect that JC first mentioned wrt Gretzky is interesting also. In an ad like Gretzky's the endorsement aspect is right there in your face - clearly that is what he signed up to do. OTOH, Larry David's people put out that his commercials were not a personal endorsement of crypto, he was simply paid to make a funny commercial that all you are seeing from him is his craft, not his endorsement. I don't know if that argument cuts any water or not (esp since he 'plays' himself in the commerical) but it's out there.
  15. really. There has to be something in the deal for them or they'd be in court again.
  16. The twins were having trouble with pitchcom at a couple points in the game but I didn't pay attention to whether the Tigers had to give up on it also during the game or not.
  17. well, that opens to a larger question. I don't have all that much confidence in Homo Sapiens as a species. And curiously enough, old style Protestantism sort of agreed with that take in seeing man as a fallen creature and thus that it was an obligation of culture to erect as much curbing as possible around the straight and narrow path so that fewer people with prediction to fall off than might. The new prosperity gospel version of US Christianity sort of tosses that out the window with a new "I'm saved, I'm saintly, I can do anything I want" view of mankind. But that's another story. Not sure why you are down on brain science, its objective facts stand up to scrutiny a lot better than religious opinion. Of course the fun part is response can be conditioned as well as the response driving subsequent behavior!
  18. well, you seem to be missing my arg, You do it because you enjoy it, there is a dopamine event associated with the behavior. No dopamine event, no behavior. I would say you have the cart and horse reversed. Behavior is driven by neurological response.
  19. also a good point. When gambling is advertised the 'product' being sold is you losing your money directly to the house. At least A-B is giving you a beer.
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