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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Led by don't-call-him-a-joke-even-if-he-is Clarence Thomas, the US Supreme Court officially separated itself and US law from any obligation to actually consider that justice be done. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/01/arizona-death-row-supreme-court-shinn-innocence/ "In the 1993 case Herrera v. Collins, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made a staggering claim. The Constitution, Scalia wrote, does not prevent the government from executing a person who new evidence indicates might be “actually innocent” — that is, someone with the potential to legally demonstrate they did not commit the crime for which they were convicted. Scalia didn’t just make his point casually. It was the reason he wrote a concurring opinion. Scalia’s claim was so outlandish that Justice Sandra Day O’Connor felt obliged to specifically rebut him, even though they agreed on the ultimate outcome in the case. Only one other justice joined Scalia’s opinion: Clarence Thomas. Last week, Scalia’s once-fringe position became law. In Shinn v. Ramirez, the court voted 6 to 3 to overrule two lower courts and disregard the innocence claims of Barry Lee Jones, a prisoner on Arizona’s death row. Importantly, the majority did not rule that it found Jones’s innocence claims unpersuasive. Instead, it ruled that the federal courts are barred from even considering them. Thomas wrote the opinion. and of course, they don't even care how many times they are proved wrong: "Thomas also recites the prosecution’s narrative — including gruesome details of the crime — as if it were fact, ignoring the numerous expert witnesses and two federal courts that have said the injury that caused the girl’s death couldn’t possibly have happened at the time and in the manner the state of Arizona claims. The Supreme Court’s own history ought to impart some lessons here. In 1994, Scalia described in an unrelated death penalty case the heinous nature of the rape and murder for which Henry McCollum was convicted and sentenced to death in North Carolina. It was, Scalia argued, a poster case for the death penalty. About 20 years later, McCullum was exonerated and freed. In 2006, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote a dissenting opinion defending the Tennessee conviction of Paul House that also included graphic descriptions of the crime and a recitation of the state’s narrative as if it were fact. House, too, was later exonerated and released."
  2. part of the reason the pitching is better is that Schoop is at 2nd and Baez at short. I hope Hinch doesn't lose sight of that. Harold's bat is a pleasant surprise, but I still don't want to see much of him at SS, a nice play today notwithstanding.
  3. for sure if they had lost 4 of 5 from the 1st place team we'd talking about draft prospects again.
  4. How long can Edwin Rodriguez and Beau Brieske keep imitating major league starters? Tyler Alexander is the only guy we are close to getting back - well maybe Wentz depending on what they decide happened to him. It would be too hard to believe that we started the season with 4 guys in the minors who were all ready to hold down a starting role in the majors long term
  5. take three games of their distance back in one series ain't too bad.
  6. Oh Lord. And Jack called it. We will never hear the end of it.
  7. What's hurting is that Cabrera has cooled off again. He's still the only hitter we have who can even get close to 'carrying' the team. Maybe Tork gets there, but not there yet.
  8. Options are not great. Garneau is not hitting at Toledo. Dingler not doing much with the bat at AA, Rogers not ready for a while. Lavarnway is hitting a little at Toledo but I don't know anything about whether he can play the position at MLB level.
  9. not sure why Morris is defending Haase on a throw Schoop had to try to jump over the runner to get.
  10. He labored some but that is his 6th two run start. Really can't complain about that.
  11. bad break for Tork. Should have hit that one last time. /...sigh..../
  12. bad route by Clemens - cost a run and extends the inning. He needs a hit now to redeem himself.
  13. Not feeling good vibes from the O today....
  14. Livensparger sort of erratic - squeezed Faedo against Buxton, has given him two marginal calls against Kepler. Umpires.
  15. LOL - easier catch underhand, but whatever works.....
  16. so unfortunately, if you look back to last year, you will find that Eric Haase's OPS after Aug 1 through the end of the season was 582. He did all his damage in his 1st ~225 AB. I think Eric is another case of Shelton's disease.
  17. Damn. Miggy robbed and Tork needs to find his opp field swing a little more. Been hitting into too many DPs.
  18. This. Lyndon would have been in tune with times if he had lived in ours. But it's an interesting example of it being more important to pay attention to what people do more than what they say or how they say it. Lyndon's language may have been bad, but his sense of racial injustice in the US real and he did something about when he had the opportunity.
  19. individual players don't have to be big, but as a team you can't be small. It's not only the ability to absorb and dish the physical play, but it seems the importance of reach has grown and keeps growing. Maybe a function of the modern stick to some degree or just the taller players in the league perfecting styles of play that incorporate that reach.
  20. you don't want Harold playing too much SS. If you've been watching, you remember that when when Javy was out for a few days Harold was pretty badly exposed. It's sort of comic that they choose Harold and Willi as utility based on their supposed flexibility but neither can play a serviceable SS. They've both hit well enough (esp Harold) to keep their spots but if Javy got hurt they'd be foolish to let either play extended innings in his place.
  21. RIley isn't? Damn - thought he already was.... So just in case he breaks a(nother) leg, they haven't burned an option yet.....guess you can't blame them.
  22. and a very moderately moderated one I would add.
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