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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. right. So there is no rehab clock running on him on the odd chance he has forgotten how to hit. Otherwise does it matter? He's already on the 40 so he's already burning an 'option' to be in Toledo -- maybe the only difference is what they have to pay him?
  2. Oh c'mon now UI, no fair playing the martyr (even while denying it) when you are having fun doing it!
  3. well also in part because they committed to giving Kody a look. Harold could be playing LF. True, they could have subbed out someone else, but that's the 'in part' part.....
  4. more just the human interest side - the guy could have given up a long time ago but he's still apparently trying.
  5. for the moment being operative. Jose's longer term Rdrs trend is not too pretty, which surprises me a little - I thought with his body confirmation in quickness his D could hold up. Not specific to Jose or Javy - It would also be nice if there were a way to estimate the true effect of extra outs given up or saved in an inning. There is a cascade effect on scoring that exceeds the win probability value of the individual misplay itself when extra outs are granted in an inning that any baseball watcher senses is real but I'm not sure there is any easy or rigorous way to capture. (more pitcher fatigue, more BP use etc...).
  6. I thought letting Jose walk was one of their dumber moves, but that said, Jose's fielding metrics have fallen off badly the last couple of years. Not likely his improved bat is making up for it. Even at this best however, Jose never had Baez's arm.
  7. Faedo is evidently the 1st Tiger rookie to start out with 5 starts with under 2 runs in about forerver, might as well go for 6,
  8. recent reading seems to be indicating that the Ukrainian war plan is to fall back strategically in Donbas, ceding ground but extending the Russians as much as possible while counter attacking at Kherson to gain more strategically important targets. Russians have begun to realize their peril and are scrambling to re-enforce that flank. We may see the first test of Ukrainian capability to take offensive initiative.
  9. So it is curious or not that Franklin Perez remains in some kind of limbo? He was throwing bullpens successfully in April, throwing batting practice to Kreidler in May, but remains on the IL with no rehab assignment. Are they waiting to send him to the FLA complex league when it starts?
  10. Not sure that the point of trading Bert would be if it's not for picks, unless he's just worn out his welcome with the team and/or FO.
  11. LOL - the funny thing is that Keating said 2012 and the reference I posted was 2011, but damn if JV didn't hit 2.15 two years in a row, though he wasn't quite as dominant in '12 as in '11 and Price edged him out for the CY that year.
  12. Joe Jimenez turning into a shut down reliever is as close a you will ever get in baseball to playing with house money....
  13. Meadows out of the game after 3 AB, 0/3. Greene out after 4, 0/3 with a walk and K
  14. Interesting you should mention that. On July 10, 2011, on his way to a Cy Young, Verlander's ERA touched 2.15, which was the lowest point it would touch for the season, finishing at 2.40. Without checking all the records, I would guess that that 2.15 is the best ERA for any Tiger starter at any point in a season after 10+ starts since JV in '11.
  15. Skubal's ERA is 2.15. What a run.
  16. LOL - Bally cut away before we saw if Skubal got the handshake or not.
  17. IDK that that is true. Back in the BaaderMeinhoff days Germany had problems with dark subcultures, obviously you had some people with a twisted sense of righteousness in Ireland. The US has powerful antisocial undercurrents running all over the place today. I doubt many other developed countries have such a high level of crazy lurking so close to the surface as the US has in the last couple of decades. Don't forget the gun issue runs both ways, one of the reasons that so many Americans are so attached to their guns is because they are persuaded of lot of terrible things are waiting for them if they give them up. That paranoia is real and it's not the normal condition in most countries. Sure, some of that is racial fear and other kinds of bigotry and xenophobia, but that's the point - guns in America are also a result , not just a cause.
  18. WM wins a blowout - 8-0 Colt Keith: 2 BB Wenceel Perez: 3/4, HR(9), BB. Wenceel's OPS at 894 over over 169 AB this season. Not bad for a middle IF. I would think he should be moved up pretty soon. I know they are high on Workman at Erie despite him not doing much with the bat, but Wenceel can play 2b so there should be AB to go around. Seems like Wenceel has been around forever but he's still the same age as Workman.
  19. don't like Harold playing SS. He's turned out to be a decent guy - anywhere but there.
  20. I think the other big problem here is that a person can become acculturated to a lot of garbage ideas, and when they then act rationally within such a belief system, the rest of us want to take solace in calling them mentally ill, when what has really happened is exactly that they fell down some kind of 'rabbit hole' that created a distortion of their reality and thus warped what they believed was rational action. We don't want to describe it this way because once we do, the onus falls on society to do more than just fix broken patients therapeutically, the requirement is to fix the broken society whose terrain has become so littered with those rabbit holes, and no-one wants to hear that, especially the 'don't-tell-me-there-is-any-thing-wrong with-America-too-many-immigrants-already-want-to-come-here' crowd.
  21. yup - and all those fat 50yr cops were probably highly fit and trained once upon a time also. But time destroys all things, including physical skills and reaction time. There will never be an American police force that requires its officers to be or remain at a level of physical training and performance for them to perform the way people fantasize about them being able to perform (i.e. Hollywood level)
  22. Freep management apparently pushed him off the edge of the earth. His twitter account is frozen at 7/20/2020.
  23. I can't imagine how much this generation of children is going to grow up to hate the preceding generation. It's going to be the 60's all over again.
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