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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. well, Mr Musk has decided..... https://finance.yahoo.com/m/b60968b7-a955-3a45-a3cd-c7776186c487/‘pretend-to-work-somewhere.html
  2. You obviously are not too familiar with how teachers in the classroom dress. It's not in three piece suits with jackets, or leather jackets or trench coats BTW. Any student not flunking kindergarten would know if the teacher in his classroom was packing inside about 30 seconds. Kids are a lot like dogs in that respect, they see right through up all kinds of things adults with their dull wits think they are being cleverly obscure about.
  3. People just don't think at all when it comes to subjects (like guns) where the attachment is emotional. OK we are going to arm all the teachers - just how is that going to work? Are wemgoing to leave a gun in every classroom? OK how does that work? Is it locked up? Then how does Ms. McGillicutty get to it before she is dropped by the perp coming in the door? Does she pack it on her person? How tough will be be for a 6'ft 7th grader to take the weapon from 5''3" Ms M when she leans in to talk to the student at the next desk? Do we leave all those guns in the building every night? So a gun safe for every room plus the gun plus a security system to harden the building in general because schools were not built to be fortresses but if you make them into munitions depots that's what you need to convert them to? Well, OK. we don't leave the guns in the building, MsM will have to pack it home and back everyday. OK, well MsM has kids at home so you now you have to buy her a home gun safe because she doesn't want the thing laying around her house, not to mention that again, how hard is it going to be for a couple of bigger JrH boys to over power and take her gone any night she might be leaving late with her hands full of teaching materials? These are ideas that don't bear even the least scrutiny. And that is because they are not meant to be solutions, they are only needed as argument deflections so people with other stupid ideas aren't forced to confront how stupid they are.
  4. Company HQ was in Houston during one segment of my working career. The more trips I took there the more sure I was I never wanted to accept a home office assignment. And Houston is hardly the worst Tx has to offer.
  5. Not knowing enough of the details to do more than engage in baseless speculation, I would say Mize and Alexander are not as likely training related - messed up elbows/UCLs are just endemic. Pineda obviously 100 accident. OTOH, Manning, Rodriguez, Wentz, being more muscle based problems might possibly relate to unbalanced training leading up to the season.
  6. TBH, one terrible call is not the worst. Umps blink, hiccup, whatever, missing ONE call once in a while can be expected in any human endeavor, it's the umps that miss ten or twelve in a game or shift their zone during a game etc, and so tilt the outcome that are unacceptable.
  7. then again, CA has the biggest economy in the US and gas has been $5.00 there pretty much since forever. Even in MI, $5.00 fuel doesn't seem to be bothering people much. You should have seen the boat traffic in the Huron River lake system (Strawberry/Baseline/Portage etc) this weekend. The most in two or three years and that is 100% discretionary fuel burn. I think for the US the bigger issue will be if/when export capability for NatGas gets larger, domestic NatGas prices could start up as stranded domestic capacity finds the international market. Transportation fuel use is pretty elastic, heating and industrial fuel consumption less so.
  8. There are exercises that work pretty well if you are prone to kinking your neck - maybe they will work for Wentz. Have to say I was not looking forward to his start, his last one wasn't much of course but his May starts in Toledo didn't look particularly exciting either, but he showed some plus pitches tonight.
  9. they will pass a gun control bill that is ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS and tell the Fed to GFI
  10. How about "Scheduled for cervical vertebrae fusion surgery in the morning." /k.
  11. ZOG is an old one but it hasn't gotten much play recently.
  12. total insanity. I read a speculation today that the most likely scenario under which the US dissolves will be after one more terrible event and CA tells the Federal gov they will not enforce the 2A and other blue states join it.
  13. If they do shut him down again I hope it's for another 30 day 'wait and see' again - though it's already getting late for him to back in 2024.
  14. Lynn has been a good reporter but a terrible analyst - but like Lee notes, he's gets pretty sloppy about telling you which is which, and even more so now in his 'retirement.' Riley will be at Toledo exactly as long as it takes for him get his swing in shape not a day longer because of his foot. Lynn may *think* that is going to take a month, but that part if purely his opinion. I'm pretty certain the Tigers haven't moved him there with the intent for him to be there any more than 30 AB.
  15. Lynn's mind is going bye-bye. That's not how it works. A guy has to be cleared 100% physically before he goes back on the field whether at Lakeland, Toledo, or Det. He's not going to spend a month at Toledo getting his hitting eye back, and playing at Toledo vs Detroit has zero to do with his navicular bone's condition, it's either ready for play or it isn't and if he's playing pro baseball in Toledo there is no less stress on it there than there will be in Det. so in the opinion of the real doctors it's sufficiently healed to play, which means play anywhere. (barring some setback of course - remember this is the 2022 Tigers we're talking about.) So the translation is.....Lynn had one of his bad days.
  16. automobiles is not too much of a growth market in the US or Europe. And China is, well, China. In Europe/US you have to depend on stealing market share and TBH, you do that 50/50 based on the other guy's missteps as much as your own product. 🙄
  17. And they really didn't do any thing to help in the new CBA, which is too bad for fans.
  18. Torkelson has had 77 PA in May 1st 31: 039/194/039 last 46: 300/370/475 I think Cole Porter wrote a song about him.....
  19. Just hope tomorrow doesn’t end up a long day. R Garcia was
  20. Just hope it's not 9-8 over 17 by this time tomorrow. Not real confident in Wentz. Roni....maybe
  21. Even though Brieske gave up 4 runs in 5 IP, which is pretty bad, he was throwing his breaking stuff for strikes occasionally. If he can keep doing that he might survive this baptism of fire they are putting him through.
  22. well, good new, bad news from Columbus tonight where the Mudhens got rocked 9-1. The bad news was Tyler Alexander gave up 5 of the runs in 3 IP. The good news was Greene played CF and had a hit (1/4) and Vest pitched an inning giving up one hit and tallying a K.
  23. for some reason they have dropped the time controls from the gameday audio page, which makes it nearly impossible to sync it to my video stream, and plus my GD audio has dropped back to almost a full minute delay - meaning I would read what happens here before I ever hear it...... I don't know if the added delay is something local to my stream or something gameday is doing globally but it's made running them together a fairly negative experience this season.
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