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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. just keep pitching to Jose. You'll get him in the HOF that much quicker... 🙄
  2. Beau did not make it out of the 1st inning.
  3. I hope the price for Flaherty just got higher....
  4. This is starting with a bang -for the wrong team. I love Peaches but "the starting pitching a little bit in flux...."
  5. Because requiring adherence to real ethics standards and expanding guarantees of rule of law is just the same thing as commandeering the judiciary with pet jurists. Post better than this.
  6. Just saw that Biden put his SCOTUS proposals into a guest OP-ED piece in the WaPo. Look for some Pitchbot worthy anti-Biden stuff in the NYT by tomorrow.....🤣
  7. Even last year the knock about Tork wasn't that he couldn't turn on a good FB, it's that he was never ready to - which is not quite the same thing.
  8. You are correct, but it's in the line of undoing, reversing, or if you like 'reforming' something the SCOTUS did, so I guess some media consultant decided it's close enough to bundle it together if it's all going in one press release.....
  9. so apart from the general political chatter that each side always blames the other for everything, what serious argument have you been hearing that blames Hamas on Trump? I suppose you might make a very round about arg that Trump has been a Netanyahu enabler and if not for Bibi being Bibi the situation in Gaza might have been different. You can certainly make that arg, but it's speculative at best. Obama was a Netanyahu nemesis, it didn't make much difference in Israel or Gaza/West Bank to the long term worsening of the situations there. And to be honest, actions taken by a US Admin WRT oil sanctions are not driven by any belief we do or don't trust anyone on the other side, they are taken to affect US gasoline prices - nothing more or less, and I don't think you really doubt that reality.
  10. There are a couple of refineries on the gulf coast that oil companies spent a lot of money on so they could run Venezuelan crude - which has unique processing requirements. Exxon is one of those operators so there is one axis of lobbying pressure.
  11. right - and It's as much a political shot across the bow that the other branches don't necessarily roll over to an over active court's authority to create definitions. If Congress defines 'official act' in law, then it seems they effectively overrule the Court's discretion on the matter.
  12. IDK, he got his shot, had his problems. You normally can't tolerate a 1.43 WHIP in a closer. His hits and walks are up, his K's are down. If you look at his fangraphs charts his velo has fallen off since early this season/last season so that probably explains the results, so the question is why? And unfortunately, the velo drop is going to have trade partners leery also.
  13. Chafin might be hard to move outside of Chicago or Ohio as he already bombed once when he was traded away from home.
  14. Who knows? My other question would be whether we have the intelligence and foreign service capabilities to recognize, act, formulate policy, if some kind of option presents itself.
  15. No one is going to be able to frame the sow's ear of a pitching staff left after Flaherty and Skubal are gone into anything other than.....a lot of losses.
  16. LOL - there are always those things that you know work for some people where you can't personally imagine how. For me it's Disney/theme parks in general.
  17. The marines, fund an insurgency, black ops assassination. Not real good are they? But that's the way the world really is. Most of the time there are no good options, but that's still a poor reason to resort to counter-productive action just to make yourself feel good. (And just to correct myself, Ven is of course SA and not CA but the distinction is immaterial here.)
  18. As long as they have the energy to fill out a ballot!
  19. It came down to being as simple as that. Whether it was fair, or even real doesn't matter, she didn't project well via electronic media and in this political world that's fatal. It's the reason that the old saw about democracy being the worst form of government except all the others is true. You give people their choice and you have to live with all the dumb reasons they make them.
  20. If the US wants to slow the flow of immigration from Central America, crushing the economy of CA nations is extremely counterproductive. Sanctions have become pretty much the international equivalent of virtue signaling. In as many cases as not they do more harm than good.
  21. well, that didn't take long: -https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/07/28/venezuela-election-maduro-gonzalez/nyt
  22. It took Keith a month to get his feet on the ground and I don't think anyone thinks Dingler is likely his equal with a bat. Plus as noted as catcher he won't get the opportunity to play every day. I'd love to see him get >50% of the catching starts also but AJ is gonna AJ - it will be 50%
  23. yup. Keith is looking about as good as you could hope this far along, but even that is no sure thing yet. Wenceel has had a bad week and needs to show he can stop a slump before it gets serious. Torkelson raising his OPS with walks but still not doing much to prove his contact skill are also improving. No lack of possible clouds on the horizon.
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