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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. and he's barely been able to throw his slider for strike - if at all, so that is yet not his potential best.
  2. Tigers 5-5 over their last 10. Has to be their best 10 in a while.
  3. he needed to come off he bag to handle the throw or hold the ball. Since he didn't the runner got an extra base so that's an error....I guess. Scoring it generally terrible so I don't both trying to figure it out.
  4. yeah - Willi's got a couple of hits, but he just gave a run back. Trade him to a team that needs a DH.
  5. probably not Schoops choice - it's the 'contact' play, and I generally dislike it.
  6. yeah - I'd rather have a tie with the clock run almost out to force OT than a one point lead with 16 seconds even if he makes the shot.
  7. TBF, I don't think anyone but very a very strict Calvinist sect would agree with the last formulation. Most traditional Christian theology would hold that God has not predestined the future other than in a most general way, thus if you believe in a God capable of transcending the rules of the order he created (and willing) then prayer would not be is not futile. No question though, you hear "Omnipotent" and "Omniscient" thrown around a lot in casual church speak. And I don't know that it follows necessarily that a thwarted plan is a lack of a plan or even a failed plan. You may 'plan' to teach your 5 yr old to ride a two wheeler on a particular day and allow he/she to thwart your plan any number of times when you might have done more to advance the cause, yet still eventually succeed. But "Theology" is basically BS anyway as per your 2nd sentence
  8. I would think a manager gets pretty much who he wants most of the time. I would guess most GMs are only going to push back when it becomes an organizational issue where someone is out of options and would have to be released, or the GM/org specifically wants a young player to stay in the minors longer.
  9. can he? Only if he's not getting hammered. He's currently giving up 2 baserunners per inning. It only make sense if somebody like Fetter looked at some film and thought there was something fixable in some straightforward way. Possible, but with a guy as experienced as Keuchel it's less likely he isn't able to figure out his problem himself if it was something fixable.
  10. Jesus said "I come that they may have life and have it abundantly" You can take that to mean in the here and now just as much as any aspirational heaven. It's a moral code by which we would all live better in the here and now. But if you aren't so inclined, just look at the bees. They work together, they work for the good of each other, they know their jobs, dance for joy while doing them and what they do leaves the world a much sweeter place. Follow either example.
  11. I don't get this fixation on having a BP deeper than the Laurentian Abyss. They have three core starters who all giving them consistent 5-7 inning starts and the backend is underused because they never have a lead. It's like the more they lose the more Hinch has to comfort himself with secondary managerial options that aren't making any difference anyway -since they don't help the hitting - which is 99 44/100% of the problem.
  12. that's a semantic question though. If power is complete freedom of action, having to act in every situation is also a limitation of power, thus omnipotence also implies freedom not to act. The real problem you run into if you try to run any of these definitions to ground are the joint paradoxes of will and and deterministic physics. First take physics. In a pure Newtonian physics every single event in the history of the universe was predetermined at the instance of its beginning because in Newtonian physics, the position of every single particle at time t + del t is fully determined by it's position and energy at time t. There is no freedom of any kind, for God or man, because the human body and brain are physical objects, no free will is possible. God put it into motion once and everything is predetermined. But this is fatal to any moral liability. Everything that happens in your brain is chemically and physically predetermined at every point in time. There is not even really any "you." You were a predestined automaton from the moment of creation. Of course no sentient human being actually believes they don't have will, thus this was always simply swept under the rug once Newtonian physics became established. So religious philosophers largely stopped talking about nature - or rejected science. Of course that we do live in a fully deterministic universe and self-awareness is simply a delusion, would be the ultimate cosmic joke. And certainly a very, very meta one if we can sit and write about it from within it. But then along came quantum mechanics and roiled all the waters. We learned that events in the universe are not fully determined by the past - events only have probabilities of occurring in the future and the process by we get from point A to point B actually have random character. Does this save the day? Can there actually be a thing called 'mind' which can somehow influence you brain's chemistry at the quantum level and produce a 'volition' that is truly independent of and not fully determined by its past state? And did a God create a universe that really operates on a measure of random chance? Einstein disliked this idea very much, his famous quote being "The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the "old one." I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice." What does the term omnipotence even mean if there are 7 billions independent sources of volition on a single planet? Is it meaningful to say a being can be omniscient in a quantum universe? It seems to me such an omniscience would have to exist on some meta level outside the universe itself - a statement which itself has only tenuous meaning. You can throw all those questions into the same pot as other paradoxes of time and space such as: "what was before the universe?" or "what is outside the universe" Have a nice day....
  13. He probably needs a chemist more than a pitching coach. I tend to think Keuchel is one guy that really misses the spider-tac.
  14. probably a reason they haven't won much! In the 70's Freitas and Flanagan were all-pros, those lines blocked for Mel Farr and were decent. They were on their way to having a good OL in the 90's with Lomas Brown, Kevin Glover (all pros) with Andolsek and Utley young and improving and then we lost them both. Since then it's been pretty barren - and they hung with Riaola and Backus waaaay too long.
  15. Brieske thinks he's been tipping his pitches. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2022/05/28/detroit-tigers-rookie-beau-brieske-believes-hes-been-tipping-pitches/9979330002/ That's a relatively easy fix if it's true.
  16. Someone had previously reported the plan was two in Fla and then he’d be moving, but things are always subject to change I suppose.
  17. One run out of 11 base runners? Futility
  18. but of course the tie-in is that I doubt you can establish a legal control regime over assault weapons that doesn't also increase the legislative prerogatives on other guns - so even if there is no explicit intention to widen control of handguns in a program to control assault weapons, it's going to be seen as 'the camel's nose' and opposed by the whole gun crowd.
  19. two hard hit balls in 6 IP ain't actually too bad. Nobody's anointing him Cy Young we just need guys to keep us in games and he did.
  20. His pitches seem to be hard to barrel up - even when he left fastballs in hittable zones he was getting a lot of pop-ups. Hard not to like that.
  21. How bad does a entire team slumping at the plate have to get before the heat comes down on the manager? I'm not saying I have any idea if there is anything Hinch could or should be doing but at some point the pressure on Avila to do something is going get to where someone's head has to roll, probably Coolbaugh's first I suppose.
  22. I guess it would be silly to push Faedo when he has so few IP since his TJ, but if that weren't the case he looked good to go for the 7th.
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