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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. 4:45 pm, raining in spots in A^2 but current radar forecast is that it's going to break up pretty quickly instead of moving east like storms usually do.
  2. Football is a GM's sport. Anytime you bring in a new FO it's fair to be hopeful because even bad ownership can stumble on a good GM.
  3. To me the frustrating thing about the playoffs in that period was the huge differential in the officiating. I know this exists in all sports other than baseball to some degree, but the Wings had built a team that played a great entertaining brand of hockey and the officials in the playoffs just let the less talented teams beat up the Wings up for it. So sure, go back, add more grit and try again, but I thought it was poor management of the sport overall. And the game we have today is certainly more a legacy of the Russian five style of play than Brendan Shanahan's (not that I had anything against Shanahan as a Wing, he was what was needed)
  4. Also some sort of weird harmonic convergence that Joe Sakic is the Av's GM and Steve Yzerman is now Detroit's.
  5. Yet it really is because they are completely separate issues. The only connection is the subject is life and death, but thousands of things relate to life and death, that doesn't show that there is an any functional or legal dependence between treating the issues at all. Is the mindset that any murder, mayhem, war or famine is not be addressed because abortion? It's like saying you can't address stray dog licensing because of crypto currency because they both involve money. At core it's just an ad hominem attempting to attack the opponents based on bad faith, which is ridiculous, irrelevant and non-sequitur.
  6. Always deflection. Because no answers for the issue at hand.
  7. Does he want them to be shot in the positive sense? No Does he care less if they get shot than that he lose an endorsement? Obviously yes. What more proof is possible than his total deflection, abdication of responsibility, inactivity, no even obstruction, of any possible action? The inability/unwillingness of Americans to identify or call out clear political reality when it is smacking them upside the head just because it's 'their' side, never ceases to amaze.
  8. and frankly I don't give a damn if it hurts the legal gun owner. The legal gun owner needs his guns a lot less than kids in American need to live.
  9. Millions of illegal guns are confiscated every year by the police. Even if a perp has a gun, once he knows he can't easily get another one, he is far less likely to carry it on the street. A gun in a closet is damn site safer than one on the street. If he does get it out to commit a crime -if he get's caught, it will be confiscated. These are not insoluble problems. Of course it takes time, maybe years - who cares? Let's move in the right direction. If you happened on an isolated population where not a sole know anything about written language, it would take a generation before you had any reasonable level of literacy, does that mean you refuse to open the first school? Human capital and human society require investment to build up and that can take time, but investments are assumed to yield dividends over time, not instantly.
  10. That is how the training usually reads - secure the site, wait for more tactical support. Unless of course it's a darker shaded person selling cigarettes or some other situation where time is truly of the essence.....
  11. this is great post Chasfh, nailed it right on the head. Evil is always invoked as an excuse for abdicating responsibility. People act out what they believe, and what they believe is what their environment has mirrored of back to them. That may be faulty either because their environment was faulty or because mental illness prevented reality from being mirrored back to them accurately. Either way it's an excuse to pass things off to the metaphysical realm while passing on our own responsibility to create a society that will reflect a better environment in people's minds or care for those whose minds are not capable of it. Don't these believers in Satan's agency ever wonder why he seems so content to sleep on all those secularists everywhere else in the world? You'd think they would figure out they must be praying to the wrong God by now. But yeah - I know, being attacked by Satan must surely be a sign of one's piety. So many lost/misled people in this country....
  12. you can score runs without the long ball, but it's a lot harder, and you have to have a balanced line-up with no holes, which the Tigers most definitely do not have ...at least so far. 🥲
  13. Credit where due for the the alliteration, but ironically enough, the pitching has been superb and the the hitting atrocious, so our mediocrity exists purely as a matter of averaging...
  14. it's tragic, but not really surprising. Everyone got their panties in a bunch over 'defund the police' and it may have been the most asinine choice of political slogan of the century, but it grew out of a recognition that there is a lot wrong with policing in America. Too many departments with poor training, esp depts that are over militarized *and* under trained, too much bad culture.... lot's of problems. That said, if this tragedy only ends up focusing on the performance of the police in this situation and not the need to prevent police from having to be in this situation in the first place, it will just be another wasted opportunity.
  15. somehow I don't think you really mean that....
  16. that league had a rep for being a hard league to hit in, but I don't know why or if it is still true. Some one here probably does.
  17. Brant Hurter: 6 IP 3H 1ER 0BB 11K for Lakeland. FTs win 8-4 Erie goes nuts tonight - scores 17 runs on 22 hits: Olson 5 IP 2H 1R 0 ER 2 BB 8 K; Dingler 1/2 2BB
  18. maybe the best thing that happened tonight is that we may have our leadoff hitter back......maybe.
  19. How 'bout that old dude, three for 4.
  20. I'm sure the guys at Quantico would be disappointed in your lack of confidence in them.
  21. LOL/🥲 that aged well. How do you get bicep tendinitis when you aren't throwing? Rehab workouts too hard?
  22. I count Bruce Rondon as a probable failed TJ. He got his velo back well enough but never recovered any command at all after the surgery. I don't think that was ever given as the reason he was not successful post surgery just because he could throw just as hard again, but joint stability is required for command and that is part of the outcome.
  23. TJ is something like >90% successful for pitchers, the question first for Mize is whether he will heal without it, and second if he doesn't is he going to lose this year and all of next yr because it took too long to determine the 1st question. Manning's physical condition seems much less serious, but the jury is still out on how good a pitcher he can be. Has certainly shown flashes to be hopeful about but that's about it so far. Faedo looks reasonably competitive against MLB hitters, esp given how little rehab time he's had from his surgery. I'm pretty optimistic about him right now.
  24. Madrigal was looking like a pretty good pro but has suffered a very serious injury for a ball player. That's one I would chalk up to bad luck. People have argued the Tigers could/should have foreseen Mize's arm trouble, that is at least an arguable proposition, but nobody foresees a guy completely blowing up his hammy.
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