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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I sort of assume Bill Browder speaks Russian, but I don't know one way or the other....
  2. The average wall in the majors is 395? I guess what he's looking for is for is something along that lines that even if the ball is more juiced in a given year, when the number of HR's goes up, most of the added ones are still right at the wall and that effect swamps the effect of the balls actually going farther because they are more live. Or another way to put it is that if the average fly ball travels 10 ft further, you'd probably still only see a fraction of that 10 ft increase in the average HR because there would be many additional HRs at the wall that would prevent the longer ones from moving the average much.
  3. I know, but our weather usually is Clevelend's weather in 2 hrs. The pattern ended up moving in streaks NE so it rained there even though the morning rain stopped here.
  4. 2019 third round pick Andre Lipcius with a couple of hits today. He's beginning to hit a little at Erie after a disappointing '21 campaign.
  5. LOL, his 2nd inning was a little more adventurous. K, single, threw away a pick-off, walk, WP'd the runners to 2 & 3, K and GO to get out of it.
  6. Funny, IIRC, forecast yesterday was rain all day here, but it's fine outside right now. You could have played a 1pm game at Copa with no problem.
  7. no arg with any of this. I was aiming more at the fact that despite Henning being off the wall a lot of the time, he is still out there actually - you know - reporting stuff he goes and finds out - like finding Kreidler and Perez on the back lots instead of just listening to press box announcements and recapping post game press conferences that are already on the net.
  8. If Manning gets back and pitches well and Faedo pitches well and assuming Pineda and Rodriguez are only out <6 weeks each. But they sure can lose 100 if Skubal ends up the only reliable starter. Steve Carlton won 27 games by himself in 1972 while the Phillies were losing 97 as a team.
  9. Except they won't run out of water. Your tax dollars and mine will fund some massive project to get them water. Part of the American way is that no-one is ever required to pay the price for prior stupid policy decisions - except us.
  10. It's pretty bad when the 'retired' freelancer nutball is still doing a better job than the regulars.
  11. Just the fact that he is throwing is a small miracle. They have him on the Mudhen's roster IL.
  12. better yet - just make the kids clean it up.
  13. News and Freep are free to me - the SO is a newspaper junkie.
  14. So when you are wrong, you know you are wrong, and objective reality demonstrates you are wrong, there is nothing left than to deny reality and create fantasy. The GOP is on the exact same road Putin has gone down. Those that would seek power while denying truth never have any other choice. But the Universe is an unforgiving place, and eventually she will crush those that deny what is, just like that convoy on the way to Kyiv. The only question for America is whether the GOP will fail in its denials of reality before or after it takes the US with it.
  15. I'm too for that one. But my daughter and I have an "I am alone" meme from a 80's computer mystery game called 'Lighthouse'. There is a point where you find a young forlorn female robot in the fantasy world, and she says "I am alone here. No-one to gather shells for poor Lyril" 40 yrs later we can still crack each other up by dropping that one at the right time.
  16. There are reports out that commanders, worried about 'scape goating are refusing any initiative, forcing all field decisions high up the chain and creating immobility/predictability in the Russian force - though again more of an issue on offense than defense. Also that Putin is increasingly taking low level field decisions himself. That should spell disaster but given the quality of the Russian officer corps it could be a step up. I would have to guess a huge amount depends on whether the Russian propaganda machine can keep up the warrior motivation going in the troops. I would think a big factor in when an army reaches it's "Lancaster Break" is going to be it's belief in the regime it's fighting for, in support of which I would offer Russia in WW1, the ARVN, and even Iraq for that matter.
  17. The sad part is that this team will eventually hit; it will happen just about when the starting pitching is about done falling apart, and so it won't help enough to matter except in Skubal's starts.
  18. Calgary is hoot to watch though - so much speed to burn.
  19. 3-1. Oiler's take a penalty on a bad change then break a stick. I've never understood why a guy that breaks a stick defending on a PP doesn't go straight to bench for a sub. It would be less than 10sec of 5 on 3 compared to up to 2 min of 5 on 3 1/4. LOL - and the Oilers get it back already.
  20. Willi is on a 1/12 and that was a swinging bunt.
  21. Tiger's finished with 3 hits. one walk
  22. Olsen wasn't too shabby in that game either. 4H 1ER in 4.2IP with 11K
  23. Colt Keith and Wenceel still tearing it up at WM, both finished the night >900 OPS. Colt with a 4 game hit streak on the heels of having his 15 gamer broken. 3b for him tonight. Wenceel with HR, 2b
  24. I would guess you swing above the ball too much because you are either pulling off or late.
  25. It makes your head spin, Thomas can sign on to an opinion written by his wing man that looks to the guidance of a 12th century misogynist who believes women only exist as appendages to their men, all the while draping himself it the mantra that nothing his wife does reflects on him as there couldn't possibly be so much as influence in their marriage. I don't care if there is anything illegal there or not, the intellectual prostitution is breathtaking.
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