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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Scherzer took himself out last night - looked like left groin or oblique grabbed on a pitch.
  2. That is an important point. If players or sponsors start competing for donor funds directly to NIL pools, then the University's interest in the endeavor becomes questionable. Right now it certainly seems like the least likely outcome, but you can at least envision an evolution of more or less minor league effectively at arm's reach from the U that plays in the University stadium Saturday while the university has a non-scholarship student team playing other schools there on Friday nights..... In the current system, a school like UM clears enough after expenses to use revenue sports income for non-revenue sports and student recreation facilities, plus whatever cachet the football program adds to general donations, which they probably have some idea about. If whatever new system evolves does't result in at least that much revenue to the institution, it will be a problem.
  3. I normally wouldn't look at the staff in terms of initial injuries because to a large degree a lot of guys do their own programs anyway, but Reyes, Mize and now Manning going backward on rehabs doesn't seen right. Are they shutting people down TOO completely and losing tone in other muscle groups? A guy just shouldn't strain his right quad immediately after rehabbing his left. I guess we have to wait and see what Manning's newest problem is to be more depressed.
  4. The fact that NIL could end up keeping top players in college is a really good observation. It will improve the quality of play in the college game, and the NFL did fine in the days before kids left school early, so the delay in accessing players is not a problem, but it will be interesting how it plays out when college players with big NIL deals end up drafted at slots paying way less than their deals. Will their sponsors be willing to keep them on the doll as pros? I imagine in some cases maybe. I'm still curious to where the institutions see themselves fitting in all this. You will have big corps/boosters paying the NIL tab for players that are going to come and make up maybe 20% of a team made up of semi 'regular' students? It's gonna be pretty strange. The players being paid are pros so why not drop the pretense, drop enrollment requirements and just become hiring coordinators between players, their sponsors and their coaching staff? "we have the venue but everything else is up to you.(whoever 'you' ends up being)"
  5. Gave blood last week and the antibody test was positive. Getting boosted at the end of May for a cruise in July.
  6. If you have stocks that survive a correction at a 6% loss count yourself lucky.
  7. We bemoan how terrible the choices were in 2016, but in 2000 they were both a couple of nut-balls as well. I'd like to believe that had he been elected, Al Gore's name wouldn't be just as much a punch line today as Shrub's is, but I wouldn't have put any money on it.
  8. There is belief, and then there are churches. Organized churches are collections of people and they are prone to every failing of people in all their other endeavors, which means that most organized churches become bastions of profit, self-preservation and parishioner control in service of the 1st two. In the end, this ends up having little to do with Christianity, or whatever other belief they represent, but a lot to do with the normal state of humanity.
  9. agreed. I posted this before, but I think the safest bet is to look at potential markets, and the guide there is were the pros already are. I figure one strong NCAA (or whatever they call themselves after re-org) program in each market big enough to support pro teams, and maybe a few high legacy outliers like ND.
  10. this really the key. Maybe because of racism, or maybe just because they are cheap, the South lags economically mostly because it lags educationally (& health wise). Sure, established enterprises with cheap labor needs may move there, but those businesses were created in more economically dynamic areas of country where education produces a more economically dynamic population.
  11. The key is to get them to just give it to you, you know, in payment.....
  12. My didn't we wake up on the Sunny Side of the bed today! I agree they are in a total mess right now, but I think the odds of the resolution of that mess being in the best interests of all are about equal to UM taking the next 9 of 10 from OSU.
  13. Calgary puck pursuit completely negates 2 Oiler PPs. Back in the day you'd try to beat the energy out of a team like the flames by taking it hard to their bodies and get them looking over their shoulders, but with the speed of the game now you don't have teams that can do much of that, at least not team's good enough to make the playoffs.
  14. You know he is still Teeter's boss. He stays in FLA now and runs the training staffs across the system.
  15. "Market economy" is just range of idealizations of a whole universe of economic activity. Like any intellectual construct, never fully maps reality - it captures some of it, and misses some of it.
  16. I don't remember which justice I heard talk about this once, maybe Breyer because I've a few of his lectures - whatever, he was talking about the fact that there is a view that it doesn't matter what Congress meant to do, only what they actually did/wrote. Breyer (and as I think about it I think it was him) said that the other view is that it's reasonable and efficient for the court to 'fix' language that is vague or incorrect based on the understanding of Congressional intent, but that the view that that is a proper role of court is not shared by all justices - though he implied without saying directly that he held it. The other side is that while the congressional record does record what certain lawmakers meant, in the end the vote was for the language that passed and maybe the people who put their thoughts into the record didn't actually speak for all the votes needed to pass the bill.
  17. Who knows? I would think that Brieske with the good swing and miss FB could slide into a relief role with some success and we know Wily is pitching near to his best form. I guess one possible answer is they have already pulled the plug on the season and care more about working Brieske through developing his breaking stuff even on MLB time than about the results.
  18. now 5-1. I dropped in on that one for a few minutes. Suter has put some kind of charge into his team. I don't know how long any team can play that fast but it's like it's not even fair.
  19. had not heard the term before either. Looks like a reasonable summary of the idea here - I was able to get the gist from the intro but haven't waded into any of the math! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8107247/ Part of the idea I picked up was that it guides you to size or cut your study off as soon as it reaches significance instead of working through a bigger sample than you needed.
  20. yeah, there was a point a number of years ago when I was doing a lot of work in a very narrow and esoteric separations process and got to where I probably knew as much about it as anyone in the world at least for that short stretch. I found out there was a lot of garbage in the peer reviewed literature without doubt. However in medicine, people who look at the overall issue often talk about an even more serious problem in the lack of support for confirmation/negative results testing. At alpha=.95, 5% of all *honest* results may be actually chasing ghosts, and there is no money, glory, or Ph.D dissertations to be gained to find them.
  21. the rotation for the Cleveland series is already listed as Skubal/Faedo/Brieske, so they are just skipping the 5th starter spot on the open day tomorrow. Can Brieske refine a breaking ball in 5 days?
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