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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Sure, Android = FOSS at some level, but not the implementation on your android phone, which has been pretty well doctored up by the distrib, right? I mean IF you wanted to take the time to jail break your android phone you probably could kill facebook on it, but how much time is it worth to you if someone in Cupertino is willing to do it for you?
  2. actually the accusation is not against the methodology of meta-data review, it's a charge that the data in two of the studies used in the meta analysis contain bad data, which in turn, through no fault of their own, casts doubt on the result of the meta-analysis. GIGO.
  3. that's fine, as long as no-one is using it as an excuse not to get vaccinated, where we have a 200 million size statistical pool that proved it's worth, or pass on a prescription for Paxlovid if your doc tells you to take it.
  4. there is also this https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Fulltext/2022/04000/Expression_of_Concern_for_Bryant_a,_Lawrie_TA,.11.aspx
  5. On his WIKI it's reported that he's a fan of some Serbian nationalist types, which often is synonymous with white/aryan racism. If he had any of those tendencies when he was in the NBA that could have been a problem for him!
  6. They had Elvin Rodriguez up once already for a couple of relief innings, but he's been pitching worse than Wentz at Toledo
  7. Non-Covid illness. He got sick with something after appearing in one game I think.
  8. HaHa. I had not noticed before but according to MiLB.com, one Franklin Perez is now on the Mudhen's roster, 7day IL. No games entered.
  9. 3 runs in 5 innings his last start at AAA. I think if they bring him up again he'll just get knocked around again, but if they won't use Peralta or Garcia he's what's left.
  10. Over the years Darko has made it pretty clear he never wanted to play pro basketball. That should have been a pretty big flag if anyone had really paid attention to him as a kid.
  11. Conferences went to divisions to gain a conference championship game, now they can have the game without the divisions. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/33940028/pac-12-scraps-divisions-ncaa-division-1-council-votes-eliminate-requirements-conference-title-games
  12. I come back to W. Peralta being the obvious candidate to start stretching out, but they haven't managed the roster the way I would have yet this season! 🙄
  13. The best presentation of data around this was posted by someone on the old site who is probably here but I have no recollection of who. It's a chart of the probability of a player having some number of career WAR (It might have been 10) plotted against draft position. IIRC it was fairly flat across about 1st 5 picks than then pretty much tapered gradually down to near zero in a few rounds. Long story short, you have a reasonable shot at picking a successful player near the top of the draft, but after a couple of rounds the rest of the players make it by pretty close to random chance.
  14. as per McCosky: E Rod apparently "left side" which I guess translates as 'oblique'.
  15. Yeah - remember that logic by association proves beyond any doubt that matches cause lung cancer.
  16. If the argument is the greatest return on draft picks, I'd have to count ARod with the 1/1s so that makes 4. And for that matter Barry was also a 1st rounder. Curiously the last two bad 1/1 misses were back to back in '13 and '14 with Aiken and Appel. Since then everyone looks like they have a shot at a career, even if well short of the HOF! Even if Mize ends up under the knife odds would be good on his comeback.
  17. I think business can successfully pass on a cost like labor as long as they are not put at a competitive disadvantage in their market segment to the guy down the street. But higher labor cost can create contraction of the whole market segment - for instance if the entry level labor cost burden is a higher % of cost of sales for in person retail than for on-line (just picking a hypothetical - I have no idea) then that is where the rub would come. But a business like retail is not even at as much risk for that as businesses that cater to discretionary markets. Increases in costs at Starbucks may motivate more people to make their own coffee, and at that point Starbucks is just out of luck along with Caribou and everyone else. In that case I think you have to look at employment levels across the economy to optimize policy. I don't think it's that terrible to put pressure on the creation of low paying jobs *if* higher paying jobs are going begging. Its like anything else really, you can't make good policy in a vacuum, the immediate circumstances always matter. And I absolutely don't believe every business segment has some innate right to low enough labor costs to exist if the economy has some other use for those workers that can pay them more.
  18. Did either Dan or Alex honor Jim with an "Are you kidding me?" after the 2nd Paredes HR? Serious lapse!
  19. Hill has not been impressive this season. Maybe he is getting old young. And maybe still gun shy after last yrs collision. But more generally, I don't think you will see a great outfield without more stability. Constantly run guys into different fields with different guys next to them and you will never get the familiarity and communication level you need to over come the "I got it! You take it!" plays
  20. seems unlikely, his spine would have been crushed by now!
  21. Fulmer's FB at 92 again. He's not generally very successful without a better fastball.
  22. so for the second half we can reasonable expect Greene - who is still an unknown, plus Manning, Pineda, Cisnero, and Meadows. If Faedo is real, that should be a respectable team again. But the rotation is could be a mess, even with Manning back.
  23. The season has gone beyond farce at this point. Not much to do but watch and laugh. Maybe in 3 or 4 weeks they'll be the real baseball team they were supposed to be and we can see some competitive play, even if it's too late for the standings.
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