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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. need back list in order 1st set: Manning, Meadows, Reyes 2nd set: Greene, Pineda. Can only hope or matter less set: Mize, Alexander, Cisnero, Funk
  2. Just read that the parishioners in the Laguna church overpowered the shooter. And they did it without needing a gun of their own. Which only goes to illustrate that what matters is the level of offensive firepower brought to the scene. Buffalo vs Laguna show that without turning every street corner into a military base, the 'good guy with a gun' scenario is *always* subject to negation by a determined perp with more firepower and initiative. Sane people need to understand how foolish their belief is in that scenario as a mode of public safety - if any sane people still believe it.
  3. The Ukrainians seem to be banking on exactly that, planning to keep grinding up Russian units until the Russian army reaches a point of rapid collapse.
  4. I have to wonder if the term "athletic" has reached a point of misuse in the NBA.
  5. definitely. Last season we had parked East of Woodward at a game - probably the Ford Field lot, and decided to go down Beaubien to Jefferson to pick up the Lodge and the area past the casino was pretty much a zoo.
  6. Not sure if he is a bad guy or just lacks filters, which doesn't necessarily matter practically once what's said is said. He can also be pretty funny.
  7. you figure in a game like that Calgary would eventually get caught overcommitted and give up a winning odd-man rush, but Dallas was completely inept.
  8. well, that may have been about as alone as a goalie has had to play since Hasek's days in Buffalo....
  9. Dallas defense seemed to waver some after the 15 min mark but Calgary couldn't score. OT. Nutty game.
  10. if he does need it he needs to have it soon to be back in '24. Can't screw around until this off season. That said the report was out there that the imaging didn't support that surgery was needed, for now that's all we got.
  11. you need enough pitching to survive exactly what they are going through now, but I agree, collecting pitching with the idea of trading it doesn't work well because you can neither showcase nor sit on starting pitchers, they have to be in your rotation or not - there is no way to platoon them until you make a deal, and you can't be sure of a AAA pitcher's value until he pitches in the majors if you trade the major leaguers in front of him. It's not really a squarable circle. What you can do is fill in with guys like Pineda who you can move at the deadline (assuming they stay healthy) to make room for your guys as they come up and recover some assets that way.
  12. the only ignorance here is on the part of those who lack any understanding of tactical realties when bullets start flying in civilian spaces.
  13. Losing Pineda is going to stress everything because he was going eat a lot of innings - more than Mize probably. Manning looks like he's back after one more pass through the rotation. Alexander - who knows if he could have held down his spot if he had stayed healthy. I don't really expect Brieske to hang on but either he or Faedo is going to have to. Still seems the logical thing to do is stretch out Peralta - or you have to give Elvin Rodriguez a shot maybe? Really long shot would be to work Fulmer back into starting if Vest, Soto and Chafin are holding down the backend, but that just doesn't seem to me like a move they would make.
  14. I also would guess they thought Mayer was(is) going to end up at 3rd and if they took him 1st it had to be to stay at SS. They also made big SS signings with Santana and Osorio. In fact as you note, you have to count internationals. TBF, they've gone after a lot of position players internationally (as above), and considering that's where something like 30% of players are coming from, it's incomplete to just look at the domestic draft and say they are necessarily overly pitcher centric. Pitchers are half the roster in today's game, in the long run that equates to half the picks.
  15. it's a good measure of the fact that the Russian regime really does not actually fear external attack from Europe that Putin seems unconcerned about sacrificing so much of his war fighting capability that he may actually leave his nation close to defenseless if NATO was really planning one. A worried leader would have disengaged by now to protect his forces if he actually thought he needed them. And of course, at what point does he deplete them to the point where the Chechens or even the Belarusians see an exit from Russian vassalage? Does Putin think he can trust a scumbag like Lukashenko not to turn the tables on him for his own gain if he sees enough weakness in Moscow?
  16. It is nice to see the Tigers with the 3rd lowest runs allowed in the AL. Hopeful sign for someday when maybe they start to hit.
  17. right. The argument that you can;t change things because there are so many guns out there is defeatist and stupid. It took generations to get where we are, it doesn't matter how long it takes to fix it - you still have to start moving in the right direction. Guns get old, they rust, they get confiscated, people who find them in attics will turn them if there is a bounty etc., etc. The gov can mandate change in ammo sizes to obsolete all the old ones. There are any number of things that can be done. Just get off zero.
  18. I see rehab limits are 30 for pitchers but 20 for hitters, were they same in the past? I had thought 20 was the limit with all those episodes with Dontrelle Willis.
  19. so this is the other leg for Reyes? I suppose that's better than reinjuring the same one....
  20. They should invite him to their 'half' of Tulsa and just arrest him, their jurisdiction would be about equivalent to what he's claiming...
  21. at A ball, Dylan Smith with 5 IP 4H 1R 0ER 0BB but only 1K. Colt Keith gets a day off. AAA: Elvin Rodriguez 5 IP 2H 0R 0BB 5K; Cameron, 4/5 HR 2B. Clemens 1/5
  22. If they have really deadened the ball, Harold's 'empty' style BA will be worth a lot more. I do like him a lot more at 3rd where lateral range is less a problem but unless Candelario falls into a well I can't see Harold displacing him there.
  23. "There is no joy without sorrow" - LaoTze
  24. Well, he did eventually blow his UCL - at 46 and 5300IP !?!
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