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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Gee, little did I know I should claim moral superiority for my views since my grandfather's family was massacred in the Armenian Holocaust.
  2. your reaching with Trammell.. No-one ever thought of Trammell as management potential the way they did Yzerman. What had Trammell done analogous to all the FO relevant work Yzerman had done (team Canada management etc, etc). Trammell's focus was/always has been individual coaching. He was a fish out of water as a manager and a lot of people predicted he didn't have the temperament for it. Even at the time people said that his hire in Det was exactly to be the sacrificial lamb for a bad team.
  3. Serious question then - since you admit this is a belief and not a demonstrable fact, what do you think gives you the right to impose that belief in law on any one else in a religiously free society?
  4. No, the premise was that C Ilitch won't fire a long time employee. Prima Facie evidence: he did. You are trying to minimize that by claiming it was an easy hire, well it's always an easy hire when you think the guy you've identified is better, Chris's old man failed to do that because HE - not Chris- was too loyal to Kenny. Not to mention that if you don't think some crazy level of collusion between Chris Ilitch and Steve Yzerman was involved in the rather odd way he parted company with Tampa (that Tampa and the NHL realized was pointless even worry about) I have some nice swampland you might like to see.
  5. Where were you? Lots of people thought they would have been better to keep Yzerman and let Kenny go then if Kenny wouldn't make room for him, and he wouldn't. Yzerman was universally acknowledged as *the* up and coming management prospect that no team could afford to lose. If a management who had Yzerman didn't recognize what they had, how would they ever recognize that in some guy on the outside you want to hire?
  6. Exactly. Before the season started we were all upbeat because they had upgraded in the OF, the IF, C and staring rotation. Not a bad off-season right? Then all kinds of weird shit goes down with injuries and slumps and everything logic said was green in March clearly must have been purple in retrospect. You might as well just go with the theory that the team is cursed, it makes as much sense as any other explanation.
  7. LOL - pretty selective logic given another 'idiot' like Mike Ilitch let Yzerman walk when he was ready for Kenny's job.
  8. I don't claim to have any idea when, to put in purely religious terms, an embryo becomes 'ensouled' but am peace with the idea that it's most definitely not at the point of fertilization and beyond that point the only person I believe who should be properly empowered to decide is the mother carrying it. Way too much moral mischief when any other person or institutions butts into that space with their moral pronouncements.
  9. Yeah - Faedo may be ready but it looks like Brieske may need to cook a little longer. Wentz .....even more questionable. But so far Manning looks on track and they are probably under utilizing Peralta. Mize - who knows? Lots of red flags but then again, IIRC, for all the worry Tanaka never did have to have his UCL replaced. But I'm less worried about the starting pitching than the possibility that both Fulmer and Soto were fool's gold last season.
  10. What does that actually mean? Maybe Chris replaces Avila exactly when some guy he's been watching and likes becomes available.
  11. that is a ridiculous statement and you know it. Throughout history I can point to plenty of terrible religious values that have been preached to justify war, death and destruction on untold scale. What do you think Kiril and Putin are doing right now? They fully justify the their War as God's will and preach it as morality. So we don't even need to go outside current Christianity to prove the point though the ME certainly shows how easily you can. And I can point to plenty of secularists who have spent lives working to make the world a better place. If history teaches any single thing loud and clear it's that claimed faith is no touchstone for decent moral conscience. So save that kind of sentiment for the person in the next pew.
  12. well, whatever. I'm hoping the team management doesn't panic to the degree we all have because that always leads to bad decisions. You have a whole team slumping out of the gate at the plate at once. That is a very weird, outlier event. Nobody other than the players themselves, or maybe the coaches and Hinch, can have any impact on that now. And when they pull out of it we will never know if Hinch and the coaches had helped or were making it worse, because it's not likely to repeat itself. And it if does, then you do lay it exactly on the coaching staff for doing something dramatically wrong in setting up the team for the season for the third time.
  13. Who knows what reporting is correct but at least one version of the story is that after the Ukrainians shot them up once trying to get over, they went back again and the Ukrainians shot them up a 2nd time.
  14. I think every ownership is lucky when they find a good GM. I doubt there is an ownership in the league who would be competent to run their team directly (assuming he/she/they wanted to).
  15. So tomorrow: Al Avila to Sr. Pres of Ops.; AJ Hinch to GM; Don Kelly in as manager. Is everyone happy? Does it affect anyone on the current team's slump?
  16. I don't think that is quite fair. They 'owed' a lot more 'loyalty' to Kenny Holland, who in all honesty could be argued had more time and accomplishment in his resume than Avila, but Chris still broomed him. It was done with kid gloves, but nothing wrong with that either.
  17. Washtenaw county case count has put the county back under masking.
  18. This is also the bottom line for me. Abortion laws are always highly discriminatory, only impacting the poor and powerless, and are fundamentally misogynistic as they leave the irresponsible male completely out of consideration, and were largely ineffective when they were in place in the past. I will go so far as to say I would rather have the law ignore the sin (even if I believed that) than have laws exist that are so biased and unfair. I don't question that there are people who have a serious religious view here, but there is also a boatload of hypocritical virtue signalling going on here by amoral pols playing to that audience.
  19. This discussion is fine, but it's all high level stuff relative to the immediate problem of how you get a team out of a collective funk or hitters out of slumps individually. This may be a situation Hinch has never found himself in and maybe we are learning it's a hole in his repertoire. Or maybe no manager anywhere has ever helped his team break out of a slump.
  20. I would say I also know more geeky people with Androids. It's a funny thing though, a lot of very tech savvy users also reach a point where they could bother but don't want to. I see the best example of this in our Computer Science dept. Macs are a relatively closed platform, and half of the programming tools they teach don't run on them, but the personal machines of a huge part of the faculty are Macs. They don't want to bother playing around with their lap top, they just want to get their clerical work done on it.
  21. Assuming Apple doesn't blow it. I've been with iPhone since 4, and they seem to be slowly losing their intuitiveness. I understand that it gets progressively harder to maintain simplicity as function continues to go up, but that is their sine qua non to maintain their place.
  22. LOL, True. But the difference in this case is that Musk doesn't need Twitter to make money. He's claiming he's buying it as a business proposition because there is untapped potential and not a vanity play (e.g. Bezos buying WaPo), but that is what only what he says. Do we actually believe him?
  23. I think Musk's problem with Twitter is that his philosophical goals and his economic goals are at cross purposes and I don't think that is resolvable. Philosophically he wants less moderation, but it's exactly lack of moderation that has driven the posters whose presence he wants to monetize off the platform. Bots are a problem but more from the cultural/political direction, there is plenty enough crap generated by real users to keep away the people he wants there more. I'm also a huge FOSS guy - have been on Linux for years - but if you open source enforcement algorithms you are asking for your system to get gamed big time. FOSS works in most SW because SW by it's nature only does certain things, so an exploit is an attempt to add function that shouldn't be there, so you gain security by finding and closing holes and that can be effectively done in the open. Moderation is an attempt to come from the opposite direction logically and that is more difficult. Musk wants the platform open 'except'. But that is a much harder problem because you need the algorithm to anticipate the unknown. Telling people what the algorithm doesn't anticipate is showing them the open doors.
  24. Del posted about this in 'investing'. I don't even get what that tells you. Even 1% bots is enough to out volume real users - the question is not do you have a way to get the bot % low, but do you have a way to get close enough to zero to effectively solve the problem. I doubt 5% does.
  25. So it's supposed to be good news that Twitter is "only" 5% bots? Given the relative volume capability of a bot that could still easily be a much bigger % of the traffic. % of BOT accounts is some measure of how hard the problem is to fix, but not so much of how bad the problem is.
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