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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. In that long presser, Yzerman kept coming back to the difficulty hiring someone he didn’t know or hadn’t worked with before. If that’s his preference then having to eventually fire a friend may be his fate.
  2. Actually on 2nd thought this is doubly disgusting - Alito justifies his decision by expecting the poor to supply wombs for the barren upper classes? Handmaid's tale indeed. What an 'effin bastard. To even consider that as relevant completely denies the dignity of those women.
  3. Gee, does that mean they are going to start overturning media mergers because I can't get cheap internet? ......didn't think so.
  4. It was inevitable that while they were congratulating themselves on the low ERA of the BP that the walks they were getting away with eventually would burn them. To many arms in the pen have not been able to throw strikes.
  5. I've always thought of all the sports, football is a game of weakest links. If you aren't balanced enough the other team is going to exploit your weaknesses and beat you. Maybe that comes from watching teams with stars lose.....
  6. What to you expect 84? Elementary school level schoolyard taunting is the general GOP level of discourse today. They all aspire to reach the Orange One's facility with it.
  7. Still, there is a world of difference between building rationales on widely accepted social mores and building them on specific theological holdings from the same corpus that may have very narrow acceptance. Not to mention that the Judeo Christian tradition gives itself too much credit - there is plenty of moral enlightenment available in other ancient traditions as well. But I've already spoken to my skepticism about too much focus on history in general. I think sometimes the value of looking at decision precedent get transferred to a reverence for history in general that is misplaced. In general history sucked. But to be honest, by contradicting his own previous logic enough to get to where he wanted to go, Scalia brought me to understand that the logic given in decisions is not particularly meaningful. They find a way to back fill the logic to get the result they want 90% of the time.
  8. I think legislators speak for the GOP position on law as well as Judges.
  9. not to be too be brutally crude but what is the match between numbers of white prospective parents willing to adopt children of color that would supposedly become available? I am perfectly aware many do, I'm even willing to believe it is higher than I think it is, but would curious to see real numbers. the other mismatch however is that per the study I linked to upthread, many(most?) women seeking abortions already have children. So would those women give those added children up or just end up in a deeper hole?
  10. Are you speaking specifically here or the GOP in general? You have to have been under a rock for the last 40 yrs to believe that isn't true of today's GOP in it's direct appeal to America's Christian Taliban.
  11. I don't have an appropriately large font for the "good luck with that"
  12. LOL - Maureen Down (who I am not great fan of) did have a good line today - actually she was was borrowing a line from the late Mary McGrory: "John Robert appears to be a small man trying to walk a large dog."
  13. Hamstring problems mostly IIRC. Lost his leg drive. His 'explosion' as they would term it today in football.
  14. Chet didn't have top shelf blazing speed, but he was really sound in all phases. A bit like Mickey Stanley in that regard but Mickey was even less flashy. Stanley never looked like he was working at it, he just somehow caught everything.
  15. g.o.t..t.o..d.o.u.b.l.e..d.o.w.n.
  16. OK - If you want to play scripture quotation bingo check Ex 21:22. That is not a murder. Straight from the core of the OT law, of which Matt 5:17 says not one iota will pass away. All of which is immaterial because the Bible is not the source authority for US Law, the consensus of the governed population is and I'd be very surprised if anyone can show a majority of the population thinks the Bible - by whatever of a million possible different interpretations and internal contradictions, should be. Heck if you wanted to take Jesus at his word you should shut down most of the police and court system because you wouldn't prosecute anyone for theft or simple assault and absolutely not for sexual indiscretions.
  17. I believe if Austin hadn't messed up his legs he would have had an all-star career. He was never the same player on either side of the ball after the hamstring injury.
  18. I don't recognize much of what I take the teachings of the NT to be in US Evangelical Christianity. TBF, there is some pushback from within, but not enough to alter the political alignment the Evangelical church has chosen. You can still find a more social justice aligned church in the US, but its numbers have been in long decline and the Evangelicals accuse them of being too theologically squishy- basically anyone who doesn't accept their very particular takes on "Bible Inerrancy." The sad fact is that it is much easier and appealing (and profitable) to preach certainty to a population that is as philosophically umoored as is that in America today.
  19. probably, but I want to see where Manning tops out. TBH, considering he was trying to get by on two pitches early, Brieske may have a damn high ceiling. With the spin on the FB keeping guys swinging under it, once he started mixing in some off speed other than the change he shut Houston down - 1 hit in his last 3 IP.
  20. I think there is justification for playing lesser defender, if the defender is at least adequate and you are going to get a bona fide bat in the lineup (i.e. Nick C), but subbing out Hill for W. Castro is barely justified on the bats before you even consider the D and Willi has shown limited fly ball judgment. I don't know how you can even think about playing a guy in the OF who doesn't have a decent sense of where the ball is going - it negates every other skill he may have as a defender if he takes them all to the wrong place. And OF mistakes are expensive - usually cost multiple bases.
  21. And the thing which just adds to the frustration is that all this crappy fielding is supposedly in the pursuit of positional flexibility - Well how many substitutions did Hinch make tonight? Exactly Zero. How many did he make last night, Exactly one - he pinch ran for Cabrera and the player never hit or went to the field. Just WTF good is all this positional flexibility doing for us?
  22. That's the other side of the equation. Once one side is in power by basically non-democratic means, their loyalty to the democratic process can easily evaporate in the pursuit of the maintenance of their power, which is exactly what we see in this GOP.
  23. Tiger pitchers threw a shut-out. The D and the batters managed to lose it.
  24. well, he didn't self-destruct tonight. That's something. Basically means he'll get another chance to self-destruct when it matters.
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