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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Nice unintended consequence, builds more internal pressure on the Mullah's in Iran.
  2. what rock has he been under that he's never seen Musk? Not to mention all his favorite Democratic demons have children -- Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton(x2), Obama, Biden.
  3. I just posted in the investment thread that the Fed's favorite inflation gauge - released yesterday for June - the "PCE" was up 2.5% year over year and 0.1% for the month. That keeps the Fed on track for a rate cut. That will be one more thing for Trump to burn up bits on Truth Social about (and Harris to campaign on.) 🤣
  4. Lost in the cacophony of politics news filling the cycle, was yesterdays PCE report. From Barron's:
  5. Arb eligible next year, he'll probably cost north of $10M. That's what the Rays do (or don't do depending on how you look at it!)
  6. Romad wins the Interwebs today! (bravo buddy!)
  7. "We have to stop treating politics like entertainment" - Joe Biden They should engrave that around the base of the Washington monument because it's maybe the relevant bit of wisdom for this age.
  8. That's my expression for a guy with what I would call natural fielding skill anywhere you put him so it doesn't matter where he plays. We've probably all played with good IFs that couldn't track a fly, good OFs that couldn't manage a hot grounder (me!), and then there are those guys who just catch the ball, anywhere. (i.e, guys Harris loves like McKinstry-who may or may not be gold glove anywhere but can be comfortable everywhere). So basically a guy you can move to a new position and expect little or no learning curve required.
  9. LOL - The Hoover Institution has pretty close to zero cred on anything related to these issues. They are big time, big industry apologists. His first paragraphs are laughable in the face the increased deaths by simple heat prostration occurring across the planet as places where people have lived through all of recorded history become objectively unfit for human habitation. I'm sure all the construction workers in Iraq who now have to knock off their projects at dawn or face the likelihood of death think his dismissals of climate catastrophe amusing at the least.
  10. No - the cultural/religious base still anchors on abortion. Just because they have found themselves on the losing end in several state referenda doesn't mean the energy around the issue on the anti side has gone away and for the anti-abortion voter facism and/or a blown up economy are trivial concerns-they don't move the needle. Those voters aren't going to be peeled from the GOP short of Armageddon. And that's sort of the interesting thing, because the allegiance there is actually to the legislative GOP and they only care about the Presidency as far as court appointments go. Trump is personally very soft on abortion, and everyone knows it, but it doesn't matter to the AntAb voter because they know he will make his appointment from the Federalist Soc short list regardless.
  11. TBH, the main problem with DD's route in a mid market city isn't that you can't win doing what he because you weaken your farm system, it's because trading young for old leaves you with an unsustainable payroll unless you are NY or LA. You don't need a well stocked farm system to win consistently, but you do to win consistently at reasonable cost. Fans can argue that owners can and should afford to take losses for them, but since no owner actually will over any extended time frame (and in fact the league won't let them) that's an arg which may give vent to fan frustration but is pointless in practice.
  12. I expect also expect another initiative from the Admin that plays well - possibly a deal in Gaza. Harris has been more vocal in criticizing Netanyahu's conduct of the war, so Biden may be able to get a little 'good cop/bad cop" thing going to extract a little from Bibi on the threat of Harris replacing him and US demands just getting tougher. Of course if Bibi expects Trump to win, he won't care.
  13. Yeah - You wonder if GB is wish casting their QB into the HOF. Except the NFL is not a place where wishing something makes it true.
  14. could be. Hillary took him apart in the their first debate but she faded in the later ones. Harris is probably higher energy today than Hillary was in 2016 and Trump is 8 yrs older and less focused/focusable than ever. If she turns that prosecutor's laser on Trump, Harris's biggest risk might be looking like she's being too mean to him - seriously.
  15. if I'm Trump I can't see any reason to agree to another one. He's not facile enough to actually debate with Harris, so he can't do himself any more good than he already gotten out the night with Biden, and it gives Harris a huge platform where his supporters will see her in action - when because the media segregation, they otherwise might never. And all it costs him is being dissed by the people who already dis him non-stop? It's a no win for him. But his ego might goad him into it anyway.
  16. the way Dingler is tearing up Toledo, Kelly for a relief arm is getting to be an obvious move apart from anything specifically to do with time tables or rebuilds.
  17. Hurter gave up 9 runs in 3.1 IP his last outing. Tonight he goes 6 innings on one hit, 0 BB. Go figure.
  18. Or they just won't pay their original writers what they are demanding to stay on and end up with the 2nd string doing their scripts.....
  19. Riley is definitely a forefoot runner, though I've never heard anything to the effect that made you more susceptible to hamstrings. OTOH, being a forefoot runner is something that I've heard at least one Tiger analyst (it was either Scales or Maybin) say that reduces the chance of a bouncing head making you lose a fly balls at the end of long run. Back in the day I was a forefoot runner and I can say I never had a problem losing fly balls at the end of a long run so it made sense to me.....
  20. Some of the early reporting about Jung gave the impression he was just a 'catch the ball' guy to whom anywhere on the field was pretty much the same - whereas for Keith the move to 2nd was going to be a bigger transition. But who knows what you can make of reporting like that? When they talk to the player he is probably the least reliable witness for his case.
  21. I'm getting concerned about the of string of hamstrings. It's sounding like something needs to be addressed in conditioning/strength/flexibility work.
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