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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. and of course the irony should not be lost that it's the side that already has most of the marbles that feels so aggrieved they needed to storm the Capitol.
  2. exactly. That's the problem with any democratic system. It's inherently only meta-stable. Should any democracy tilt too far out of balance it quickly reaches a synergy where the side in power uses it to consolidate it and the other side is out of luck short of a major upheaval. The conservative minority had a majority just long enough to put in place a court that supports jerrymander, the small states will never cede their excess political allotment by the standard constitutional reform process because they have veto power in it. We are basically screwed as a democracy. I'm old enough not to have to worry too much about living through the complete crisis that is inevitably coming but I feel sorry for my kids. Hopefully they'll have the sense to go somewhere else before it goes completely off the rails. The only real hope is for the large states to call their own Constitutional convention and go ahead with it whether the small states join or not. Then after they hammer out a new deal the rest can either join or go broke, which they quickly would without the blue states. But it won't happen. The people in the blue states don't have the political imagination, or the confidence that they wouldn't come up with a really half-assed replacement document.
  3. Good to see Chafin has joined right into the Tiger BP camaraderie and is walking the first batter he faces in solidarity.
  4. WM drop their game in the 10th Colt Keith 3/6 HR(2) 874 OPS.
  5. really have come to despise MLB scoring with a fury of 1000 suns. The Astro runs in the 3 should not be earned.
  6. which wasn't 'legal' BTW, so not sure it's germaine to anything here, other than to point out that when abortion is not legal, it does not stop abortion, it simply drives it underground, which for those old enough to remember, was a big reason that a compromise like Roe seemed like a better solution to many at the time.
  7. yup - you can't be too bummed about 3 runs in 5 IP against this team in this park. It's kind of joke how they keep saying how critical it is to get innings from the starters in this stretch when all they are doing is wasting them anyway.
  8. I remember taking the HD out of my Comcast box and transferring the recordings to my desktop when I cancelled the service before we moved a few years ago. If I actually want to capture anything for a permanent collection from DirectTV I have make the reservation, then play it and and capture it to a PC while it's playing. Needless to say, even though I can, I never do.
  9. our old friend Cristin Stewart playing against Toledo for Worchester tonight. Hens win the game 6-2. 1/3 for Clemens, 1/3 HR(5) 2BB for Short.
  10. Garcia 'hung' a slider exactly where Skubal gave up a HR yesterday. Schoop fouled it off.
  11. IDK, that sounds like a nice argument, but the reality is that any one of million choices either of your biological parents made in their lives could have resulted in the 'you' that you are not being there. You were either born or you weren't. Whether abortion is legal or not is not really what bore in any major way on your particular existence. People are fine to feel however they want of course.
  12. Well one side sees it's rigged because their majorities still end up with minority representation, and the other side sees it as rigged because they've already done their damndest to make sure the other side can't win at all and are PO'd they still do once in a while. 🤷‍♀️
  13. It's still Hinch's decision to put those guys out there, I can't give him a pass to blame it all on AA.
  14. LOL- actually HW DVRs are history. It's all in the cloud. All you really get is a link to an entry in the server library. Downside is then the library turns over, your 'recording' goes bye-bye. DirectTV holds everything 9mo now I think, which is up from 90days when the service started. I guess they got a bunch more disk drives.
  15. I think I'll put the rest of this on the DVR and watch the MiLB boxes. These roster choices are just too frustrating.
  16. I guess Meadows is under the weather, but where the hell is Hill? Hinch may be the greatest thing since Leo Durocher but I wish he would learn you can't give teams 4 and 5 outs an inning.
  17. well, yeah. If it weren't, like Buddha said, we would have a national abortion law that looked a lot like RvW because that's were most of the public is and this wouldn't be a 40 yr controversy.
  18. needs to throw a breaking ball other than the change a little more often. Lets see if next time through he tries to shift gears.
  19. I separate people who I have to assume hold a view honestly from hypocritical misogynist GOP office holders who I know don't.
  20. Erie drops a close game 2-1 but Dingler with another 2/4
  21. Correct, but if we are not to live in a theocracy people must respect the right of others to believe that is not the case.
  22. possibly, but are the people who are that detached going to be bothered one way or the other? Seriously, for as much heat as it generates, it's not a issue that directly impacts the life of very many people who probably care more about whether their garbage gets picked up on Thursday or Tuesday.
  23. Au Contraire mon ami. MI has an anti-abortion law on the books from before Roe and no hope of getting its repeal through the current GOP legislature.
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