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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Moldonado with his pitch select xmitter attached to his shin guards.
  2. None of them are good enough to commit to full-time? Plus in Gibson's case he may not be up to working every game.
  3. they're making Urquidy work, but there are no moral victories in the standings.
  4. Wish I had a nickel for every middle-middle fastball a Tiger hitter has swung through so far this season.
  5. I think Candelario wanted to beat the shift there and didn't get if far enough to the left.
  6. If Miggy keeps his feet his probably had 600.
  7. More evidence - down is not much help if it's in the middle of the plate. Both of the pitches hit were located low but too much in the middle.
  8. Baddoo AB not very good - chase a couple of bad pitches. Meadows swung at a ball. and of course Altuve jumps all over Skubal
  9. Even at the time I thought cutting JV loose was a bad move. That Scherzer is still pitching surprises me, that JV still is does not. We certainly are not going to recoup JV's WAR from the guys we got for him (well it would take a miracle at this point anyway) and they would have sold at lot more seats every 5th day at COPA. The only reasonable arg for the trade is the tanking arg - do they miss the two 1/1s if they win a few more games each of those season? In Torks case it's a reasonable arg as he is the only one of the top 10 picks from that draft to make it to the majors this fast. Several guys from the top of Mize's draft are going to be good players.
  10. Jordan is the interesting example of a guy who would face a different set of challenges today playing the way he did at the time. How many thousand times did we see 4 Bulls to the the right side of the court while Jordan went left so some poor schmuck (at least one not named Dumars or Rodman) would have to defend him iso? Heck that's a big part of the reason they changed the rules after he retired (the first time....). ISO was boring. To say that is not to take anything away from Jordan, he played to dominate the game under the rules that applied and he did. But how can you compare that to say Luka?
  11. Not that it matters, but I think there are three possible scenarios to this leak. 1)The most obvious is someone in one of the liberal judges chambers leaked it to help the Dems kickstart and fund raise for the 2022 Election campaign. 2) Alito leaked it because Kavanaugh or Barrett was having second thoughts and by showing the conservative world where they 'should/could' be, bringing maximum pressure not to be branded the conservative that torpedoed everything a generation had worked for. 3) Roberts leaked it. This is the most subtle possibility - That Robert's doesn't want this decision because of the damage to the court institutionally, and that by letting a Kavanaugh see the demons ready to be let loose, he thinks he maybe be able pull him or Barrett back into a less controversial and more incremental ruling. My money remains on 1, but 2 and 3 are intriguing. And of course this is assuming 5-4. If the Chief is with the majority, then only #1 remains.
  12. so I just pulled up the highlight reels from the Ariz and GB games. It was true I didn't see the Lions running much in the way of posts or flies, but Goff completed several passes with plenty of zip to spare on routes where the throw was 30-35yds in the air. From a summary tape you don't know if longer routes were there but missed or not in the playbook. If not in the playbook maybe because earlier in the season he couldn't throw them, of they didn't have confidence in the rest of the personnel package - IDK. But at least in those last two games it didn't look to me like he had any trouble throwing the ball hard.
  13. not only the 3 pt shot, but the zone rules as well. If Kareem played today he might get his pocket picked from the backside every time he tried to sky-hook. But then who is to say he might not have been the 1st great 3 pt shooting big man if that had been the game he was brought up on? There is just no way to know. The skills demanded are definitely different. The other day the guys on the radio came up the the rule that you can't make a claim comparing anybody you didn't actually see play. Probably fair but maybe still too liberal.
  14. and they knew because they saw the white smoke from the chimney!
  15. which is in itself prima facie evidence that the original system has broken down. And again, to my reading this obsessive deification of the 'original text' of the document on the right is aimed at protecting the ascendency of a minority that can't pledge itself to the spirit and aspirations of the document any more.
  16. if she were a guy, she'd be a putz.
  17. Seems unlikely there is any proposition 38 states would agree on either way.
  18. TBF, if all they do is state that abortion is not a fundamental right - say instead of deciding a more expansive question like that a fertilized egg has civil rights - that does not preclude the Federal government from legislating about it. In fact if the Federal gov were to come under more complete control by pro-choice forces I'm sure there would be as much pressure to pass nationwide legalization that would trump state law, as there is pressure on anti-abortion forces in the current Federal gov to pass nationwide anti-abortion laws. So you are left with potential ping-pong politics. That is one reason the court stepped in in the first place. It's bad for law to be so fundamentally at variance between the states, and it's also bad for such a big question to be re-litigated with every election. I tend to think John Roberts understands all these issues quite well, but probably can't do much about it right now.
  19. That may be true, But that's why we establish law under cool headed distance and don't leave it to the vengeance of aggrieved parties. OTOH, I would challenge those on the Christian fundamentalist Bible infallibility side to read their Torah and see that even there, the penalty for causing a miscarriage was money damages.
  20. but he's deeply rooted in history!
  21. And it completely ignores that step by step roll-back is the publicly stated position of conservative jurisprudence. You really should listen to people when they are telling you exactly what they plan to do.
  22. LOL - my wife took the scissors to the vows. She was pretty adamant she wasn't promising to obey a dumb git like me. It's been cool, we've been ignoring each other's stupid stuff for 45 yrs now.
  23. The fertilized egg argument betrays a basic ignorance of biology. Nature throws away half of all fertilized eggs as they never implant. Sounds like the Creator was not sufficient devout. I guess they're going to need to find a way to put the big guy in sky in the pokey. ..Oh that's right, he's strictly male type. Nevermind.
  24. I think Roe pretty much was the compromise. One side wants out of it.
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