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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Yesterday's rally was silly anyway - but let's see where this stops. 🤷‍♀️
  2. RIght - I'll start thinking about supporting anti-abortion law the day they promise that no woman goes to jail for it unless the male that 'donated' the sperm to the transaction goes too.
  3. Reasoning? There is no more "reasoning" here than the once serious arguments over Angels dancing on pin heads. There is no "reasoning" at all behind any of it, it's all a bunch of ancient superstition with an overlay of modern high tech demagoguery and basic misogyny. That is the reality when it come to anything resembling rational analysis here.
  4. So are all these antediluvian white males so focused on female fertility because they want to keep their own wives barefoot and pregnant, or just because they don't have the confidence to compete with them in the workplace? It also ties in directly with suppression of minority voting access because their program will also help speed their transition to racial minority status, so you have to have voter suppression well established before that bigger generation of minority babies reaches voting age.
  5. "IUD" covers a lot of devices that don't all necessarily have either the same or a single mechanism.
  6. and Workman being a SS, you don't need all that much from the bat.
  7. among position players at WM, 3 are younger, 7 are older, 4 - like Wenceel, were born in '99. He's not that old, he's just been around forever already. That said, the best prospects should be young for their league, esp non-college players.
  8. just another pump handle. Another mismatch in the end. For years they've been doing this that and the other to keep mortgage rates down, but nobody's bothered to make sure anyone is building houses recently. So no stock available to put a mortgage on.
  9. I think it's because when all the stars align for him, he does have a killer swing and miss FB. But it's like waiting to draw to an inside straight. Lose too many times waiting for it to hit.
  10. I could be wrong but I thought the report in FLA was that his FB was at 95. He didn't hit that today.
  11. I thought it was pretty comical that Jack was just talking about Joe "needing his changeup" when he can't even throw the FB for a strike.
  12. I hope Jimenez is now officially the designated "only pitch in out of reach losses" pitcher.
  13. well you knew this team couldn't go two whole games without reverting to form. Has Jimenez come into the game even once so far without walking the first batter he faced?
  14. he wasn't the tying run probably. Schoop is so useless right now.
  15. The pitch that Gamel hit might be considered a good pitch - right on the bottom line of the Kzone, but you see an awful lot of balls there clobbered even though they're are almost out of the zone. Have to stay out the middle better even at the bottom.
  16. You live long enough to see enough countries collapse into chaos in your own lifetime and you begin to realize how true this is. Even if you are one that wants to tell yourself "well, *our* institutions are strong" I have a hard time understanding that when questions come up you are not on the side of making them even stronger. Can't hurt.
  17. Polygamy has much deeper roots in history.
  18. I think the Tigers need to start an MiLB clinic on how to get out of the damn way correctly.
  19. A couple of CB in the UDFA, but no guaranteed money to either which went to two OL and two TE. Smash mouth anyone?
  20. well, of course there are the sub categories like ignorance, idiocy, foolishness and obtuseness. I think Michelle Bachmann would give anyone a run for the title on pure ignorance, but these are tough calls.
  21. sure - but CB and DE sure seem to be the hot positions to stock up on across the league. Actually to finish the thought, the connection is whether they must think they still have something in Okudah.
  22. It seemed odd to me that they only took one corner and took him so late. So they seem to have confidence in who they have, whether that includes Okudah or not.
  23. I'd have asked for a different number!
  24. nice to see SB is alive and ...well?
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