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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. We'll see. If states adopt rigorous abortion bans in the wake of a repeal, it will deeply offend my sense of fairness, but not my sense of political process.
  2. kindly define the exact biological parameters if you could? Dolly was the product of an unfertilized egg. So could a human be. (and probably has been in Asia)
  3. not necessarily. There are million of in vitros walking around out there as living breathing human. And you still have no idea what a 'life' is. Look I'm not arguing these are not hard questions - I'm really arguing that for we *really* know, all our lines are going to be arbitrary and they should be reached by a consensus based on a truly democratic process process because NO ONE, especially a minority, should have the right to demand laws for others based on their religious holdings. If your religion tells you abortion is a sin, don't get one. That's how a free democratic society has to function.
  4. the thing is Saber, is that you are doing a lot of metaphysical hand waving here. No-one other than someone claiming religious revelation really knows what human consciousness really even is, where it comes from or where it goes. If I put a 3 week old dog embryo and 3 week old human embryo on slides in front of you, there is no way you could even tell them apart without sophisticated technology. Heck, we know know that every cell in your body actually contains a potentiality to generate a human life, how many have you murdered popping a zit? The deeper you delve into biology the more all of our neat sociological constructs fade into grey.
  5. Seriously? What can you say, it's a lot cheaper to produce than 'the Crown'
  6. I'm old. Most things I enjoy are bad for my health!
  7. the position you profess is not the position of the core abortion opposition in the US, which is unquestionably absolutist. My political hope would be that at least one effect of the repeal of RvW would be to increase your (as a class type) separation politically from that core of absolutist opposition and so rebalance US politics away from the religious right somewhat. But I'm not all that optimistic because I'm not sure the loss of majority control in the national gov hasn't reached an unrecoverable tipping point.
  8. It's really about time for Texas to ban cotton/poly blend fabrics, they're prohibited in the OT as well. Slackers.
  9. look at the model of other pro sports. There are about 30-35 viable sports markets in the US. Thus I will predict that not more than 30-35 schools will eventually 'own' the NIL market because those markets will be the only ones that big NIL 'buyers' are ultimately interested in. The rest of the schools will be forced out of revenue sports. In my view that may turn out to be a treadmill they will find themselve happy to have been liberated from once they have a little distance from the initial shock. I have no prediction for what the 'winners' will end up looking like.
  10. The day that the men passing anti-abortion bills actually care more about babies than women will be a cold one in hell my friend.
  11. and it only gets worse. Because the right will increasingly have to deny the very value of democratic process in order to justify the flawed system and their continued hold on power as a minority. Funny thing, that is exactly what we are seeing isn't it? Voter suppression, and Constitutional "originalism" worship are both foundation pieces.
  12. we are literally turning into pre-civil war Iraq, a country with a religious minority dominating a larger majority. We saw where that got Iraq in the end.
  13. Right, the core of abortion opposition in the US is religious and therefore absolutist. Repeal of RvW by itself and establishment of a 'middle ground' regime will be no satisfaction for them. And here again we see the problem with the non-democratic character of the US National Gov. A middle ground political solution would probably have 2/3 public support nationally, but still can not pass the US Senate.
  14. it begins. Anyone who didn't think the NIL ruling wasn't the end of College sports as we have known them in the past wasn't paying very close attention. It's one of those things where otherwise smart people are able to work themselves into complete reality denying pretzel logic. A dollar is literally the most fungible thing in the world. From the standpoint of the receiver, whether it comes from a University, a Booster or a corporate NIL "buyer" doesn't make a shred of difference on any practical level. College athletes are now pros - officially - period.
  15. Absolutely, but you have to have the player. I was no fan of Niko, but just as an example he would have been a lot closer to actually being able to fill that role in the field than Harold. But Niko couldn't hit RHP.
  16. I haven't read anything specific, but in general flu can morph rapidly enough that the vax they get to market by October may be losing effectiveness by Spring, assuming they even had a good match, which is also not a sure thing year to year. But we know that warm weather does impede flu, so hopefully this won't be around much longer.
  17. from interview with head of Ukrainian Military Intelligence
  18. IIRC, I had some CD's paying in XS of 10% in the late 70's. Not sure what the highest were but they were 2 digits.
  19. the bond repurchases are supposed to be about a trillion/yr rate. If they doubled that it would probably have a big effect, but probably also drive long term rate up a lot - which I'm sure they don't want to do but which is always the ultimate answer.
  20. this is very silly. If you know you need to/plan to go up 1.5%, go up 1.5%. It amounts to putting out a fire by opening the valve on the water hose one 1/2 turn per hour. The only justification for not going faster is that they are going start cuttin their bond holdings faster, which is also deflationary.
  21. You are pretty consistently more optimistic about this court than I think is merited, but if it's not a flat out full reversal I'll be glad to give you your props. and not that it will matter to the price of tea in China but I'll be curious where the Chief ends up.
  22. i'm less concerned about the slumping regulars than Harold's terrible glove so far. No matter where they put him in the field the ball is finding him and the Tigers are suffering for it. I just want another player playing where they are playing Harold. They are fixated on carrying so many pitchers that they insist on carrying only (supposedly) IF/OF guys like Willi and Harold. But WIlli can't really play the OF and Harold can't really play SS (or 1B). Give it up and just carry Zach Short AND Cameron till Reyes is back.
  23. Definitely a bit weird so far. Haase's number don't make much sense altogether. SSS warning apply all around but he's not striking out near his normal rate and his contact rate is way up. If those numbers persisted you might think he's backing off to try and make more contact and that he needs to get back to swinging away. But while that may be the implication from the numbers, it doesn't look much like he's backed off his swing effort.
  24. Inf A is apparently also rampant currently. I'm told there is now a single rapid test you can do for both.
  25. I hope Joe does well. He should, he is a talented guy, plus draft evaluation of 7 ft Serbians does not appear to be part of the job description.
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