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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. So I can finish this story today. The check from Westinghouse did arrive, after which I ordered the part. The part arrived today. I paid not the $320 the service firm had quoted on their work estimate, but $150 - for a factory certified new part. It took about 20 min to install the board, test function, and re-assemble the door. No more dead dishwasher! All in all, considering Westinghouse effectively paid me > $200/hr to fix their dishwasher - NOT a peeve.
  2. *IF* they want a QB next year - and I still think that is an open question, they have to hope that enough other guys float up to top 10 rankings so that it looks more like 2021 and you might be able to package both 1sts and get one of the top guys, or another Mac Jones falls to mid-round. I don't see any easy way for them to get into play for Stroud or Young if those are only two ranked 1st round. Or maybe Goff breaks a leg.
  3. right - that's the $64 question. It's an odd circumstance that they've gone from having about 6 utility SS to just Harold and Zach Short. IDK, maybe Harold has just had a bad streak with the glove and isn't doomed to be as bad as he has been every time he has gone out there so far this season, but he has not played an acceptable SS this season in my view, so I don't look as him playing SS as virtue of his compared to anyone else right now. (and the injury to Kreidler figures big also)
  4. LOL - For me there was as sweet spot - as you note - maybe Rubber Soul and leading up to AbbyRoad (though the 'white' album was very uneven) when they did their best stuff, and there is some stuff I really like. But the thing for me is that it is more in retrospect. By the time the Beatles did their best stuff I was listening mostly to FM rock album sides and discovering classical music so it had less impact to me. Things were evolving really fast in that period. I love hearing "I Feel Fine" today, but that's not what I was listening to that much when it came out so the attachment isn't there with the Beatles to me.
  5. well, that's kind of the question isn't it? You might take the view that being a MLB starter has already passed Kody by. If his future is as a utility player (EDIT: which Lee just beat me to) then 26-31 are the years he's most likely to be able to spend getting paid major league money.
  6. I understand that Putin is certainly a master of lies and double speak who does Orwell proud, and there is plenty of reason to believe he has undertaken false flags in the past, even terrible ones like the apartment bombing that bootstrapped Russia into the Chechen war, but I would think there is some difference today. At this point this is 'Putin's Russia' - he has reached "L'Etat c'est a moi" status in his own mind. So more than in the past false flag accidents/attacks inside Russia reflect on his leadership a lot more than they did back in the Chechen war period when he hadn't been in power so long. So from a vanity argument, I would have a little more doubt that Putin would be as enthused about damaging FF operations inside Russia. But surely, he is so off the reservation now that who knows?
  7. If Stroud has good year he and Young go 1/2 just like the 1,2,3 QB sweep last year. So that would be the Lions finishing badly and still missing a top QB.
  8. the discussion is the article was interesting. The idea of the link between racing and sales is at this point old school. Of course if it makes sense for anyone it would be for nameplates like Porsche and Audi, but much car buying is becoming very commoditized across the rest of the market - with people not even test driving cars before they order them delivered from the internet. VW is much more likely to find itself more in that latter class so not hard to understand why some corporate board directors were more skeptical. I also thought the idea needing a rule change to jump was sort of a pessimistic view of their own engineering capabilities, but maybe after the diesel fiasco and the fact that the Germans are not exactly leading in either hybrid or electric tech their confidence is down.
  9. Winning football is also having depth to deal with attrition so I wouldn't dismiss the need for numbers of those moderately successful picks as well as the game changers. Of course we won't know if they ended up wasting those other picks on washouts for a year or two, but at least there were no head-scratcher picks where there is already be a lot of opinion that the guy has no shot to succeed (i.e. Tavai). Even though they were aggressive in getting Williams, I would still call their drafting style 'conservative', as there doesn't seem to be any tendency to fall in love with guys for reasons other than that they've produced on the field.
  10. If Garneau ends up leaving the org, they have Lavarnway on a minor league contract at Toledo who could be the next Garneau going forward.
  11. You kinda hope that guys with careers like that walk away first, but to each his own. Hell of a player.
  12. No question why the Right in the US is so unbothered by the idea of banning books, it pretty clear that none of them read any.
  13. IDK - fair question. I don't know much about Kody's D, but if he has the arm to have played 3rd and can play second, then even if he's not very good at SS he's probably better than Harold at this point, who doesn't seem to be able to make any plays at all. Baez is going to get 95% of the reps there anyway. In any case I'm not so much a fan of Clemens as hoping for any way they get themselves off the addiction to H. Castro. 🦃🦃
  14. I don't know if we will ever find out exactly what is going on but pretty high stakes stuff. Do you suppose the Ukrainians have been able to plant networks all over Russia? Seems far fetched, but then again if the intelligence services are as inept as the army, who knows? Or maybe an indigenous network of Russian revolutionaries taking form? Or maybe also just increasing accidents are the evidence of an imploding society. The explosion at the power plant out in the Pacific East is a particular head scratcher. Even if the Ukrainians had the reach, it would a pointless application of resources. But that's also the kind of thing where brain drain could easily lead to explosive incompetence. Utility boilers are actually quite easy to blow up once you have enough people around them that don't know what they are doing. Something as superficially trivial as lack of routine attention to the feedwater system will do it every time. Just the kind of 'who cares about the maintenance' thing that appears to have become endemic in the Russian state.
  15. I do think you either have to let Baddoo play through it, which is tough unless others start to hit so you can carry him, or you have to send him down. Dropping him to the 4th OF role is counterproductive, he needs ABs. I'd also like to see Clemens in place of Harold. I know he's got a great OBP for now, but zero power, he doesn't field, he's not even a decent 1b (i.e. didn't know when to just get off the bag and stop a bad throw) and when he gets on base he doesn't run well. I have nothing personal against the guy - I just think he does too many things poorly for the OBP to make up for it.
  16. all four MiLB teams got their game in yesterday for the first time a few days FT: Jobe: 3IP, 3H, 2ER, BB 3K HR WM: Wilmer Flores 4IP, 4H 1ER 0BB 7K HR. Colt Keith hitting 288 and W. Perez 297 for the Caps. ERIE: meh TOL: Clemens 2/4 with his 6th HR. (884OPS) What's a guy gotta do?
  17. I think Kreidler has probably nudged past Dingler even if he didn't have the initial projection but neither is a sure thing. The 'best' position prospects in the system now might be Workman, Keith and the two big bonus internationals whose names escape me. Santana(?) and ?
  18. this is exactly what is wrong with American policing. With all the money we spend on police depts a force like Chicago is so manpower short that it can't sit on a problem area every night for even a year if needed to clean it up? It makes no sense at all. Then even already have the surveillance and they still don't go cover it. Here's the contrast in fact. When we were in Suburban Minny, after the real estate crash there was house in the neighborhood that had defaulted and an absentee owner let to a tenant who decided a brothel would be a great way to make the mortgage payments. Once the neighbors figured it out out local cops did exactly that. They came and sat across the street every night taking any plate numbers until the eviction proceeding (which takes about 6mo in MN) was complete. A problem never had a chance to get off the ground. Do enough of that and your cops will end up with the time to sit on things before they become problems.
  19. LOL, I've had friends and family in SoCal all my adult life, and we've driven all over everywhere out there. One day - pretty sure it was in the Winter - so no baseball crowd or anything - we were crossing town and thought we'd try to take a drive by and take a look at the ball park. Couldn't even figure out how to get there when we knew it was less than 1/2 mile from where we were! (pre GPS days). "Circled" a few times and gave up.
  20. Ukrainians deciding to make it real for the Russians.
  21. after 3 K's. After the 3rd K I was wondering if he was suffering from an emotional let down after having gotten to 3000, but it could also be that with 3000 hits in the bag he has decided he is willing to K more to pick up his ISO. You never know quite what is up with Cabrera since the status of knee is always an unknown from day to day.
  22. sure - first off team winning percentages are not a constant - as a group the guys do go through collective highs and lows together so you may really have a team that for two weeks can't win 2 out of 10, plus of the quality of the opposition is not constant so you will see a lot more variance in streak probability than simple stats would predict. And finally if you have 30 teams, something with a 6% chance of happening should happen to roughly 2 of them. OTOH, I think the longest losing streak the Tigers had in 2006 or '13 was 4. Still, the things will tend to cluster around the predicted math.
  23. Sergei Lavrov clearly vying for this decade's "Baghdad Bob" award. Recent Gems: "We are discussing the end of sanctions with the Ukrainians" "May 9 not relevance to Ukraine operations" "Zelensky has Jewish blood, just like Hitler"
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