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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. As much better a man as John McCain succumbed to the need to stroke the GOP crazies, abandoning much of the centrism that made him popular enough to have been in a position to run in the first place, and he was several levels of class above the GOP's current cast of clowns. It's the Devil's calculus whereby you persuade yourself that you make the compromises to win an election but then you'll be different. But once you sell your soul they all find out there is no easy way back. IIRC, somebody one said something relevant about wide and narrow roads....
  2. I think this is double significant because if you are a dem supporter it was not something that was particularly important not to miss.
  3. GOP votes in the City of Detroit are so rare that Fox reporters regularly try to imply there must be fraud in Det election results. But zero is especially nice.
  4. geesh - getting close to time to forfeit the rest of the season and convert the BP area to an infirmary.
  5. true - even in a sound bite, vidclip era where context is easily lost, it still matters.
  6. Statcast rates him as average, he's on a 27 game errorless streak (I know, scoring is horrible but it still measures the worst plays), only two of his errors have been on throws. People are too impatient. I used to complain that the franchise expected too many guys to become better fielders when when they were already a bit long in the tooth and it was going to be difficult but, Colt is going to be 23 next month. I want to see what he looks like as a fielder next season at this time. (actually I'd really like to see what he would look like back at 3rd if the arm were up to it),
  7. I hate to say this because sure as I do he'll go into a tailspin, but Torkelson is starting to get his OBP into a respectable range at Toledo (377 for July so far). Still needs to pull the OPS up some more though.
  8. he's starting to do a pretty nice job on the DP turns as well. Not sure what he thought he was doing on the that last fly ball to RF though......
  9. Risky to comment outcomes that depend on the competencies of another nation's armed forces.
  10. my own guess is that in general, the reason you aren't seeing the bigger reaction you would like is that TPTB think the best thing to do is not give these people any media oxygen, since that is what they most thrive on.
  11. I think in a case were the VP and Pres know that the world leader in question is very likely to espouse positions which they do not want to be forced to make highly public reactions to (like would happen sitting in that chair) then discretion is probably the better part of Valor. The admin is trying to thread a needle between the long term relation and bond to Israel and the obvious fact that they believe Netanyahu to be a counter productive actor, and since Netanyahu also knows that quite clearly, the admin is not going to give Bibi any opportunities to try and put them in a box or help get Trump elected, liking making statement in a speech that the presumptive party nominee has to make filmed reactions to. So when Bibi addresses the US Congress there is nothing 'normal' about the situation. He has made himself a politcal player in the US so no surprise gets treated as partisan.
  12. Bibi got one on one's with both Harris and Biden. Don't know what you see here.
  13. If the measure of what is condoned is everything someone doesn't take the time to condemn, then you have given power to anyone you oppose to control your agenda. Harris and Biden happen to have other things they think are more important to spend their time right now on than wasting it talking about political performance artists. You can argue they should make it higher priority, and that's a certainly a fair argument,but to get from there to 'condone' is just fitting a political opponent to the cloths of a straw man that's easier to oppose.
  14. your are a way out over your ski's with this statement. They are a segment - they are not 'the left' anymore than every conservative is Seb Gorka. Your current LW admin has been pretty supportive to Israel over all, if you hadn't noticed, and any number of your academic bastions of entrenched LW orthodoxy are busy tightening up speech and behavior codes in response to the excesses of these folks. I would also guess a good part of the reason there wasn't a bigger LE action in DC was to prevent the embarrassment of the international press reporting that Bibe had precipitated a major police battle/riot - so who did that benefit?
  15. Farmers - the 3rd rail of Ohio Politics.
  16. I'm not a huge history buff but I just happened across a story about the battle of Waterloo the other day and I guess the Prussians saved Wellington's butt. I hadn't had much appreciation for the degree to which Napoleon has pissed off the whole European continent.
  17. Yeah - I think the way you describe this is "the sign-post is being confused with the road." The fundamental here (the road) is just self-discipline, taking care of domestics and learning your trade well could both be markers that that is going on, but neither is proof, and more to your point, keeping your priorities straight is actually a higher proof of discipline than getting distracted with the filigree. But then again, it was just a commencement speech and it was probably an apt metaphor that particular crowd. More generally, the issue for military guys moving into politics is adjusting to the fact that you always have to be convincing/motivating people to do what you want instead of just telling them.
  18. he seemed mentally fine and physically frail - no change on that score.
  19. that (Biden's address) wasn't what I expected - not sure what I expected I suppose but it wasn't that. No explanations, no apologies, no concessions, no bugger all. "I'm here, I'm fine, I'm not going anywhere. As for the rest of you, if you know what's good for you, you better get with the program in the next election"
  20. What will be interesting is whether there are surveillance cameras and if they take the time and effort to charge some folks.
  21. Immediately after the election, with his legislative majority gone, there was talk he would pivot away from Hindu Nationalism. Be nice if that turns out to be true, but how often does a guy change his spots? And of course if he's hanging out with Putin that's another whole movement in a bad direction.
  22. If a guy has a big league arm and you can only have 100 IP in a season, you give him 10 5 inning starts and then move him to the pen, or vice versa. Teams have done it in the past - it's not a novel approach. You get some performance, he gets big league experieance, learns hitters, etc. Win-Win. the only down side becomes service time issues, but as a fan I don't particularly care about that. if the kid is good and you eventually have to pay him its going to cost ~20-30M one season earlier. BFD.
  23. lol - I was going to ask if you meant Fred. Thompson did have an interesting career all together though. I don't imagine too many people remember him from the Watergate hearings, where he was probably the third "star" right after Sam Ervin and Sam Dash. I also liked his turn as a murderous televangelist in WiseGuy - which he did before he went to the Senate.
  24. IDK - I could easily believe she may say nothing, but be sure to be photographed regularly wearing Harris or coconut meme tee shirts.
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