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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Of all the guys not to K against Kershaw...
  2. if the speed is measured in the direction of travel, which I think it probably is, and say the ball is hit at a 20deg launch angle, then its forward velo is its absolute velo times the cos of 20 deg, (about 0.94). So for the sake of a hypothetical, if the the batter hits it on a rope line at 100ft/sec (88mph) to first and the 1b is exactly ten feet behind the bag (100 ft away), it gets there in exactly 1 sec. But the same ball hit at a 20deg launch angle passes over his head in ~1.06 seconds. Of course for a ball hit on the ground the bounce makes all the difference and that has all kinds of factors like spin and dirt vs grass and how much rain recently etc, so probably more complex than worth worrying about!
  3. but speaking of exit velocity on stat cast - do you know if that is measured just in the direction of travel or the is that the vector in the forward level component? It would make difference on a ball at 20 deg angle to the ground and I've never thought about the question before in terms of the time to get a certain distance across the field.
  4. still, you'd take 84 any time to turn a dp if you're at DP depth.
  5. I actually thought that was hit pretty good, and not close to turning the DP. But Schoop was deep, Muncy motored.
  6. tiger pitchers are getting hammered on change-ups. Maybe that suggests a change in strategy?
  7. and behind in the 1st inning again.
  8. I hadn't seen the Putin video with the hand tremors. That did not look good. If he has Parkinson's, and he is so vain he wants to appear in public with zero tremor to deny it, then he may be overdosing, which from close family experience I can tell you will absolutely cause mental impairment, daylight hallucination, fear and confusion episodes, etc. The rest of the gripping and twitching looks as much to me like episodes of intense pain, which if it's his back isn't necessarily anything immediately threatening, other than maybe to opiate addiction. But certainly a tumor/growth anywhere along the spine would be an equivalent to prolapsed discs or spinal stenosis as a source of that kind of pain. Another scenario that sort of fits is some kind of intestinal condition. Maybe COVID wasn't the only reason he was keeping strangers far away from him. You wouldn't want reports running through the grapevine that dear leader stank.
  9. Yup, I'd definitely want to do my due diligence on Strong. His problems may be permanent but it would be worth it to be double sure.
  10. You can't play a SS who can't field. You just can't. Well maybe at 900 OPS you might try, but Harold isn't close to that guy. Maybe with Baez back we will won't see him at SS much going forward but if they give Candy off days I don't think I want him at 3rd either - so yes I would prefer Short. And actually, I have been assuming Harold is of out of options, but according to this he is not, so given that I would swap him with Short like - yesterday. https://www.blessyouboys.com/2022/4/12/23019819/detroit-tigers-2022-roster-options-service-time-and-payroll
  11. It does look to me that Harold's fielding, whatever it was, has fallen off a cliff. I do not think he is an asset. I know they don't want to lose him which I think is misdirected -it's time. Harold is one of those guys who can help a bad team, but not a good one.
  12. I have no idea what Strongs medicals are other than 'multiple surgeries' but sure - if he's a guy that might get some physical recovery/benefit from a year on PUP just holding a clipboard he could be a steal.
  13. I still believe that once the team as a whole reaches a more average level of play that the better players will have much more chance to excel. But they did not get as close to that as I thought they might this season.
  14. I've read and watched so many good pieces on Russia recently I've lost track but one description really sticks in my head - which was of Russia as a multi-tiered kleptocracy, where power was all about who you were allowed/expected to steal from, the limit on your power being basically the limit to the geography of where you could steal, and the quickest way to get in trouble is to accidentally steal from someone more privileged than yourself. Putin sits at the the top demanding his cut from everybody. Sort of a mafia'd up version of an ancient tribute system but all done via the normalization of theft/diversion rather than sending wagons of gold and virgins to the proconsul. And the result of course, is that everything ends up hollow, everywhere. Eaten up from the inside out.
  15. that certainly didn't take long. Almost surprised Yzerman didn't have the new guy announced already - but I suppose he could be working for a team still playing.
  16. Well, under normal circumstances, if Putin assumes room temperature, you would assume Patrushev would not have enough of a consolidated power base of his own and the whole thing would quickly collapse. But sometimes not -- Can you imagine if you end up with another Chavez/Maduro outcome and the new guy actually is worlds worse than the guy you didn't think it could be any worse than?
  17. Hmmm. not bad news but the story this links to appears to be a month old.
  18. you think Putin may catch Andropov's cold on the table?
  19. well if you just look at WM, you could read it as they want to give both Perez and Nivigato more playing time since both are out of the gate well, but the Wolves have even more IFs crowding the field and I have to think they want to give Workman all the time at SS they can.....Then again if W. Castro goes down, maybe they will put Short or Clemens on the 40 and call him up, and there is your opening at Toledo for someone from Erie.
  20. I haven't made any predictions about wins and losses, that ends up where it ends up. The frustration is the guys we are not getting to see play, and terrible defensive play by the guys that are out there. It's hard to blame management because so many guys are playing abysmally below standard. I never expected Harold to challenge for any gold gloves, but other than coming in, which he does reasonably well, I don't think I have seen him make a single play at more than arm's reach to his left or right - he's been terrible. Barnhart - what can you say? He is blocking balls as per reputation, but his throwing has been atrocious, no matter to what base. Baddoo has forgotten how to go back (if he ever knew), Grossman has alligator armed fly balls, Candelario is having more hit off his glove than go in. Haase has played multiple positions..., badly. They've put Willi in the OF and cheered his play coming in on popups - well of course, he's an IF, then swallowed hard as he hacked balls he had to go back on. It's just hard to watch constantly waiting to for the next breakdown. Considering how many extra outs they are giving away the pitching has to be even better than it looks.
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