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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Next time they need dessicant for baseball storage, just call Lee.....
  2. I see some discussion now as to whether Putin will be be forced to increase 'mobilization' of the Russian population. But really, it's already too late for that. He can't train new conscripts on any weapons systems that matter fast enough to be any help before the inevitable Ukrainian counter offensive in the East starts. I think you can throw all the data about armed forces metrics out the window in this conflict. There are two factors that override all the rest: the morale differential between the two armies, and the fact that the maneuver of the Russian army is being driven by political imperatives laid down by a delusional dictator in place of any reality based strategic thought.
  3. I thought that about the Red Wings at the end of last season.....🙄
  4. Overall I think for football, game performance vs athletic projection is a safe way to go. Sure you may miss a great athlete who just never had the chance on the field here and there, but you will probably also end up with a lot fewer busts, and (IMO) in football quantity is everything. You just can't afford to miss on a lot of draft picks. Sort of the opposite of baseball where your misses hardly matter at all - you only need to hit big on one or two players out of the dozens signed each year.
  5. Interesting note. In one of Ezra Kleins podcasts (a national treasure) recently he went into some detail about how in the pre-crash period, an unrighteous feedback loop arose between the banks, mortgage originators and builders that motivated the building of ever higher priced housing to support more bond issuance and of course the shenanigans to get people into bigger houses than they ever should have been considering. So that was one big piece - at least up through 2009. Of course generally, you have the same issue with houses that you have with cars - profit margins are better on big houses than small ones, so no-one is going to build small as long as they are still able to sell big. The crash may have broken some of the abuse in the mortgage/bond system, but it didn't change that, and near zero interest rates had a similar effect at keeping builders building bigger than buyers could afford at the more historically average interest rates we are on the way back to. The other thing I wonder, and this is pure speculation because I don't have any specific data - is whether the pressure on latino immigration is constraining the housing construction industry. Anywhere you go in America most housing construction workers are hispanic. If you want to jump start housing construction, I would suggest liberalizing legal immigration from Mexico and CA.
  6. right - a slumping team makes everyone look like Cy Young. It's not a reliable take.
  7. maybe because they seem to be going for guys with solid game performance records more than combine warriors.
  8. What's worse this year is that the guys that are bombing are guys we are kinda wed to: Schoop, Candy, Barnhart. Last year it was Mazara, Jones, Ramos, Greiner - guys that were there more on the cheap than real expectation they would succeed.
  9. Adam Bergner with 5 inning of no hit ball with 3K for the Wolves.
  10. well, credit where credit is due, they have made a big hole already.
  11. I'd like to know how the idiot scorer can give Baez an error on the Betts ball that Candy screened him on and in fact probably deflected. And then just to add insult, also give Betts a hit. They need to just do away with 'official' scoring - it's become a total joke.
  12. so who would have thought we'd already be missing Isaac Paredes? In short order we've gone from having plenty of IF depth to Harold's hands turning to stone, Candy's and Schoop's bats turning to mush, and Kreidler on the IL, and Willi still just being Willi. Of course we've already had 3 OFs on the IL as well.... Not sure how bad it has to get before we see Zach Short or Clemens.
  13. Just got a little more likely. Embiid - concussion and broken orbital.
  14. Hill hits a rocket line drive, Barnhart doubled off 1st.
  15. I don't know if there some other way the Tigers can mess up a play we haven't seen yet. Candelario cuts across in front of Baez on a ball Javy is waiting for. Candy doesn't make the play, but he does completely screen Javy off the ball. Another run in.
  16. It was always more hope than probability that his ST success was going to play regular season. But he wouldn't have gotten the last two starts if Mize and Manning don't go down, so what can you do? Faedo is a possibility now, but I'd be surprised if the doesn't get at least 3 starts in Toledo before a move.
  17. OK. The Lions pick is in, the Tigers have no shot....and Malik Willis is off the board. I can go sleep in peace....
  18. still no LBs, but a safety with some INT's could be nice....
  19. really great to see a shut down inning after your team scores.
  20. Does bunting the ball then running 2 feet on the grass in fair territory so you get hit by the throw and are called out qualify as playing 'clean'. Esp after a team mate was kind enough to "illustrate' the rule the other day.
  21. Tigers give up a stolen base to the 1st Dodger base runner. Tyler hadn't held him, but Barnhart also made a terrible throw that never would have gotten him. And then of course, Tyler gives up a HR. 2-0 in the 1st. Well at least the steal ended up not mattering. 0-2 Changeup over the heart of the plate. Never throw a hittable pitch 0-2. Ever.
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