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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. There were racial citizenship restrictions almost from the time of the Constitution, which denied citizenship to the 'wrong' immigrants but I suppose still left it open to their children born here. However, actual immigration entry restrictions did not exist until 1875, when there was most definitely a country (nearly two!). By that time the population had swelled from 4 million in 1790 to nearly 40 million. A link to the history below. You can get the population estimates from Google. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/09/30/how-u-s-immigration-laws-and-rules-have-changed-through-history/
  2. Plus, waves of immigration that got the country off the ground came before immigration law existed.
  3. Oh, I agree it's mathematically demonstrable as a fool's errand, but I don't think you're average owner is attuned to that kind of analysis. That is my one reservation about the automated strike zone - or not even a 'reservation' because I don't know which way it will go for sure but let's call it a worry. How much of the appeal of baseball is just because the outcomes are so much more random than the absolute quality of the teams playing the games? If the best team just won all their games, you end up with the kind of disparities you get in basketball and football. No thanks. If it weren't for back to back scheduling there might be years when the best NBA teams went pretty close to undefeated. No question the recent trend toward total team teardowns is making things worse in that direction with too many teams getting really bad, but to me one of the more entertaining aspects of baseball - traditionally - was that in general most teams clustered between a 40 and 60 winning percentage, so every game was always in a fair amount of doubt. The automated K zone is going to remove one of the bigger outcome 'noise' injection mechanisms in the game. That could just allow the good teams to win a lot more and bad teams lose a lot more, and I'm not sure that's good thing in the long run. But that is not the only possible outcome because I'm not sure if umpires mistakes are necessarily unbiased. If in the end they tend to favor the players they 'know' are better, then that may already be helping the best teams. More likely, the research from most sports is the umps are biased by the home crowd, and baseball does have a net home/road winning split. If you take that away, fans don't get to see the home team win as much and that would probably be detrimental to ticket sales. There is no free lunch.
  4. that becomes the interesting psychology question. Do you sell out 100% to try and get so much better than anyone for one season that you can overcome the randomizing inputs in all those short playoff series, or do you content your self on being good enough to get the playoffs consistently and whatever happens there happens? I imagine there are ownerships that will come down on either side of that calculus. But for sure the two approaches have very different impacts on star player valuations.
  5. true, but he's 27 (i.e. experienced but still physically prime) and the guys running the team like him, so I would guess the board overestimates the Lions' interest in replacing him.
  6. sure, this was a big motivator to the initial move to divisional play. I don't see why its importance would be any less than ever. You can accomplish the same thing basically in two ways. One is smaller divisions. For example if you go to 4 team divisions 50% of all teams will always be in 1st or 2nd place. Or you add other ways for an expanded number of teams in larger divisions to compete to win something - I don't see that there is any real difference between the two.
  7. quality receiving in total doesn't look bad when you add Swift (62 catches in '21) plus Hockenson & St. B & Williams to the mix.
  8. Ideas tossed out by Musk for 'monetizing tweets' included a cross posting fee. That would cut the time to read the fora here in half......🙄
  9. and ironically, we have a ton of injuries, but to pitchers - we are only down one expected front line hitter in Greene.
  10. Nice statement, but if he doesn't have any jurisdiction, it probably doesn't change Fidelity's mind.
  11. Classic confusion between strategy and tactics (). We have a tactical issue with making immigration orderly, stopping immigration would be stupid as a strategy.
  12. It's going to take a miracle. How often do they win a series against the Angels, who are half the team the Dodgers are? Then again, it might at least be warm....
  13. Yes - The problem is that the mindset is just backwards. The military metaphor is inverted. Immigrants are not the invasion, they are the reinforcements. I look at my students and they are all kinds of colors and shapes and accents, they are the ones that have risen to the top of the American youth cohort, and these will be the people leading whatever progress the country continues to make in the future. (I know, this kind of talk just drives the MAGA further up the wall...)
  14. At least Hill has enough sense of his own limitations as a hitter to take what the defense is giving him on occasion. In this shift happy league that might be enough for him to stay viable.
  15. looks like Georgia gets 1st round bragging rights.
  16. they'll trade for Aaron Rodgers after he demands out of GB in the morning.
  17. It's not so much a matter of support of a basically replacement level player, it's that they don't play him in front of players that are really bad!
  18. Wenceel Perez 5/2 and his 4th HR tonight. 1.069 OPS at WM. What's up with that? - he's fallen off all the prospect lists. Madden takes a loss despite giving up 0 ER in 5IP with only 3H 1 BB 4 K against 1 HR. Parker Meadows with 3BB for Erie. Hens: Wentz 4.2 IP, 2H 0R 2BB 4K. Short with a 1.015 OPS and we are watching Harold giving up defensive runs by the carton.
  19. 6 WRs, 4 CBs. Good night so far for guys that run fast.
  20. sure, because their style of play will be so similar.....
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