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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. the problem last night was that Soto has been sitting too much. That was only his second appearance in 12 days. Sure a manager doesn't wan't to use a guy in a loss just to give him some work only to end up needing him 3 days in a row and not having him, but you can't sit a guy like Soto 7 days and 5 days back to back.
  2. The prank call to the FSB guy could have been written by LeCarre - heII - it WAS written by LeCarre 40 yrs ago.. What apparatchik can help himself when faced with an official who has a report to write! Damn shame he didn't live to see how well life imitated his art.
  3. Not all question marks. We've resolved DeKeyser did not/will not make a 100% recovery, that Hronek only looks adequate when the only other comparisons on the ice are terrible, that Veleno and Zadina are not going to be anything more than journeymen. I'd say plenty was resolved, just not very favorably. As for question marks - i'll grant Rasmussen is still one.
  4. Can't violate the 1st commandment in the manager's handbook. "If thee shall carry 3 catchers, ye shall not end a game but one shall still be sitting upon thy bench.
  5. if that how you read that you missed my point. It's not that what happened in the US was not significant, it's that is was NOT the overthrow of any existing social or political system, with the single exception of the top level authority. Everything in the colonies stayed the same after Yorktown: The state govs, the voting rights, the courts, legal and justice systems the social and economic system and everyone's place in it. It *had* to be the least 'revolution' producing 'revolution' in history. The colonists didn't want a different England, they just wanted a place in th existing one they were being denied - so they created pretty much a clone of everything in England as it had evolved locally - just without the King. That part was certainly important in its significance to the rest of the world, but it still didn't represent any change in the life of the average colonist. The comparison to France is exactly apt. The French revolution undertook to change *everything* and *everyone's* place in the existing order. It was bound to fail because that just isn't sustainable.
  6. So is that what they mean when they say 'Athletic'? Asking for a friend team....
  7. and Dingler still at Erie and not doing a whole lot with the bat.
  8. The weirdest thing to see in MN is the state trooper cars in maroon and orange.
  9. I can't even understand what Haase thought he was looking at when he threw the ball, there wasn't even an out to be made at 3rd at that point.
  10. Tough night for Haase, both at the plate and screw up at the end. You figure last yrs pixie dust was going to fall away at some point...
  11. 3rd wasn't even the right throw, he has to run at or throw behind Urshella
  12. what a stupid way to lose a game. 3 miss plays one one ball.
  13. Morris is such an idiot - NO you don't *have* to give the 1/2 inning to Soto if it means losing the game.
  14. can't we just back up and start the inning over with Fulmer
  15. Death, Taxes, and Tiger relievers walking the lead off man.
  16. Clemen and Kreidler both with HRs tonight. They're smelling blood in the water.
  17. I guess we can't have nice things....
  18. Schoop tried to do the right thing and the pitcher beat him anyway.
  19. Meadows with the chance to redeem himself. He battled and didn't hit into a DP - Is that something?
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