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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Meadows with the chance to redeem himself. He battled and didn't hit into a DP - Is that something?
  2. Shep gloating that they've gotten Correa out is bush league. There are no moral victories in the standings.
  3. Haase swung at ball 4 twice. I wonder where these guys park their brains. The pitcher had 4 walks in less 7IP?. Once you're down in the count, just protect the damn plate and he was going to put you on....
  4. Correa probably asking Javy for his agent's contact info.
  5. all the tiger damage done going opposite field/bunt
  6. Paddock keeps missing outside - Meadows needs to look to go oppo and instead he pulls it into a DP. Dumb.....
  7. good things can also happen when you stop thinking over the fence.
  8. I can accept that Schoop is streaky, that has been his pattern - he's never a guy you want to depend on for regular production and probably shouldn't be at the top of the order. But Candelario looks like someone stole his contacts, he looks completely over matched and there doesn't appear to be any good reason.
  9. the complete inability to score runs when it's cold is such a long standing pattern that management needs to be looking at doing something to change it up. Change the prep, change the cold weather uniform items available - something. Every team we play against seems to deal with the weather but the Tigers.
  10. Candelario - misses a 91 mph FB middle-middle.
  11. just terrible. Put some bunts down, go the other way, get out of the damn rut.
  12. It's an interesting thought experiment. Say England had granted the colonies Parliamentary representation and patched it up with the northern colonies. You could easily see the South revolting over a slavery prohibition and an *English* army composed mostly of native North American British soldiers putting it down. OTOH, how much more reluctant might England have been about ending slavery if it were still British land owners in the new world making all that money on cotton?
  13. LOL - yup. The winners spend so much time justifying their wins that reality sometimes gets lost. Since I was old enough to understand a little history it has always made me laugh we call 1776 a 'Revolution', it was a 'revolt' at best. War of Independence - sure; Revolution? Not so much. Has there ever been a 'revolution' fought to change so little of the existing political structure? The colonies basically fought to preserve exactly what had already evolved rather than to change it. It was maybe the most conservative 'revolution' in history. Probably has a lot to do with why it succeeded! In any case I find the use of the term 'revolutionary' more than a bit ironic. OTOH, you can say the American revolution in turn sped the greater democratization of England as well, so it goes both ways. The biggest 'problem' in US history in terms of intellectual consistency is the Civil War. By any measure of what we tell ourselves about political theory, it should not have been fought, and the biggest part of the federalism in the original Constitution was rendered 'dead man walking' status by it. But that is what happens when facts on the ground don't fit into anyone's neat definitions. Sometimes you have to just have to win, regardless of who has what theory. Not unlike Ukraine today.
  14. LOL. If the Monarchy survives Charles, it will survive anything.
  15. I think Musk gets bored with things. He'll probably bet bored with Twitter as well.
  16. I bet you never would have bought a tulip in 1635 either. Party pooper.
  17. Miller trying to make lemonade from his lemons.
  18. I think this was edited down from a longer program so it seems to jump topics a bit at some points, but an interesting 23 miin semi-lecture with Peter Ziehan. It's a youtube but it's mostly a podcast - the video is just a few slides. Educational, economic and political background/trends on the current state of Russia and some explanations about their current desperation level and poor future prospects. https://youtu.be/UwPMtmuuVNw Ziehan was a Stratfor guy.
  19. and to be honest, Jefferson (and the rest) cribbed pretty liberally from John Locke (and without attribution - he'd have his tenure revoked today!) As an English intellectual it was pretty natural to be soured on sectarian religion based on the the previous 500 yrs of religious warfare they had been through - but espousing atheism was probably a bridge too far for any public figure then (let alone now). If I remember my readings, Jefferson admitted to being what was referred to at the time (to some degree still is) as a "Deist", one who accepted the existence of divinity but remains relatively agnostic about any particular theological claims about it.
  20. They've gotten pretty innovative with the retractable designs - I suppose that has lowered the cost. But there may not even be room at the Target site for a roof that moves mostly to the side. It's a very constrained site. So the motivation to stay downtown have also have been a factor. The old Metrodome site is a good deal bigger, but unlike the Vikes, who could play at U Minn during construction, the Twins would have had nowhere to play if they had wanted to rebuild at the same site. To have come up with a bigger site in DT Minny probably would have ended up your typical big political fight. Target is a pretty nice venue though. We were only there a couple of seasons after it opened but to that point at least there didn't seem to be any feeling of buyers remorse about it.
  21. and I should have added the converse - a tendency to denigrate the social utility of the action based on a moral judgment about the actor.
  22. As a rule, people in MN are not extravagant for sure, but also: It's hotter and rains less often in Minny in the Summer than in Det or Chicago. Plus if you live in Minneapolis the last thing you want to do after surviving another winter is go inside for your entertainment in the Summer.
  23. Yeah - I can't help seeing a John Salley with a better shot. Good but not dominant player.
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