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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. And gets a ticket back to Toledo for his efforts. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Aside from all the hoopla (not there is anything wrong with hoopla 🎉🎊) the best long term signs from this game were: Skubal - of course!, and Schoop hitting the ball hard a couple of times. Also Congrats to Harold for 4/5 - maybe his best day as a Tiger? However, TBH, Skubal gives up two fewer hits and probably goes 7 if Baez is at short.
  3. https://www.csis.org/analysis/russias-war-ukraine-identity-history-and-conflict
  4. I'm sure all it would take is more good guys with guns to able to kill even more of those kids before they got killed themselves.
  5. There is an interesting history piece on the CSIS web site about the history of the Muscovy elite’s fixation with expropriating and thus voiding Ukrainian nationality going back to Moscovy’s emergence after the fall of the Mongol Khanate. Putin comes out of a looooong tradition.
  6. and even there, they don't have a policy, only a complaint. Their own GOP Prez couldn't move the GOP congressional caucus to actually passing a bill because they want to keep the complaint more than they want to solve a problem.
  7. yup- wasn't finishing the pitch when he went armside/inside to the RHBs and they were sailing.
  8. there was clip there of Wilmer Flores as well. Talk about your drop and drive style pitcher.
  9. It's great that John Roberts thinks that umpires are a good model for Judges, but what does he think happens to the game when the umps decide to just leave the field?
  10. IIRC, when Madden was picked the buzz was that he was quite advanced and would move through the system fast. So far, so good.
  11. the other thing that has shifted a bit is that typically guys like that also had high rebounding value. They still have some, but the higher the proportion of long shots put up, the lower the payoff to old school positional rebounding technique.
  12. Shouldn't be too tough to DH two games with 2-3 hours to relax in between.
  13. seems the rain out make-up has to be the 2nd game as the 1:10 game is going as per the original schedule. TBF - you never get a guarantee of what is going to happen when you buy a ticket, there really isn't anything the Tigers can do about the rain.
  14. They're being too 'effin nice. Don't go to the evidence and let her recant in real time, let her reiterate her lies then indict her asz when her testimony is over.
  15. Here is the radar projection for 9pm. Looks like drizzle at least. Tomorrow looks pretty perfect so I wouldn't be too surprised it they pull the plug.
  16. So I don't know if I'm peeved about this one, or not - yet...... Have 3 yr old dishwasher - still looks/runs good as new. It just stopped mid cycle. No signs of life at all - no lights, no beeps - no nothing. We had(have?) an extended warranty so wife won't let crazy engineer me touch it. First no-one could figure out who now held the warranty. Talked to 3 different shops. One finally came out. Guys says. "I can't tell if it's the touch panel or the programmer, we'll order both". (I was not there at the time of course). Then we don't hear anything - so we called - they said: "we can't get approval for parts, we are done." This despite fact that we had gotten an email from the manufacturer saying they had approved parts. OK - call manufacturer. They review case: call back and say: "We can't *get* parts (yada-China-yada), we are going send you a check for your full purchase price." Fair enough - sort of. We are now about 3 wks in. There's just two of us, doing dishes is not a great hardship, but looking at a dead dishwasher everyday is irritating. So still waiting for check. Of course the kicker is that we paid $750 but appliance prices are way up and we can't buy the equivalent replacement for less than ~$1200. Meanwhile, I take the part numbers to the web and both say in stock and available in 48hrs. At a cost of just under $300 each. So now it makes sense. They don't want to send a guy out again and buy $600 worth of parts - they'd rather cut the check for the $750. Thing is, if *I* take the door apart and figure out for myself whether its the programmer or the panel (I have just enough know how to have a fighting chance....) I've got it fixed for under $300 bucks and pocket the remaining $450. Wish me luck......
  17. Looking like it might slide north now
  18. Does Ilitch has own a piece of the DMC or what? This is getting ridiculous.
  19. at 23 we can hope Ras still has some strength to gain. He has been improving some. Not everyone reaches their full adult strength as young as a Seider clearly has 💥
  20. he's in a funny spot. Sort of the same problem with Moskva - he'd love to use the outrage factor but it makes it hard to maintain the fiction that that this is not a serious war with serious potential consequences for Russia. My guess is sooner or later he drops any remaining pretense that Russia is winning a non-war and pivots to "we are in an existential struggle to survive" at which point it probably becomes more dangerous on all sides. Oddly enough the population probably won't even flinch at any realization they were being lied to initially - in their hearts they know they've always been lied to.
  21. Definite weakness in the design at CoPa. Too little roof over the upper deck and upper deck concourses - you may have to go a long way to get out of the rain.
  22. They've been pitching well, not quite good enough given the low run support, but so far the Tigers runs against are fine - better than average for the AL. Hitting will always be more up and down than pitching and D, so maybe the bats will regress to mean. Of course that also assumes Mize and/or Manning are not out too long.
  23. fair point. It's not as obvious what would be subject to that kind of attack at the research institute, it's not as obvious anyway as a facility with a large hackable distributed instrument control system like a chem plant. But that is one of Russia's disadvantages in this war - There are many Ukrainians with deep personal knowledge of things within Russia that has good intelligence value so there may be a lot of non-obvious vulnerabilities the Ukrainians will be able to exploit. OTOH, Ukraine has already been hardening their assets against Russian intelligence for years.
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