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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Putin is corroding the Russian nation and society from the inside out. He is a cancer that is going to kill its host. Nothing to be happy about in that whole mess. All the rest of the world can do is prevent his necrosis from metastasizing beyond his own borders.
  2. I would have to guess somebody made sure in advance most of the possible choices would take themselves out of contention in the 1st hour. With Newsom, Whitmer et al coming out with almost instant endorsements, it was over before it began.
  3. Interesting to hear them pretty much play the Byrds arrangement.
  4. That's why a spot start (or two) isn't such a bad idea. JV found out his off-speed still needed work if he was going to stick. Same kind of lesson might benefit Jobe - or you might find out he ready to handle it. Sure you have to figure out the roster issues, but in the end those have to be secondary considerations. But with Jobe they probably already have in innings cap in mind so he's probably not a candidate all that much this year in any case.
  5. Vierling isn't terrible - he's not bad going to his right, throws well and he'll make routine plays, but there are a lot plays he isn't going to make compared to say - Gio. I guess bottom line I don't mind him there on the short side of platoon, but he should get most of his AB in the OF. Haven't seen Jung to form any impression.
  6. Good theater for the Congress critters but no bureaucracy is going to produce a vetted report for her to speak from in this short a time frame. That's just organizational reality. A number of the questions like reconstructing the shooter's day were not even her purview - they are the FBI's. The one proper defense she didn't use was that much of some of what he was asking were "sources and methods" questions which should be classified info. Executive branch people have sort of learned the best thing is just sit down and take their lashes and let it all roll off and don't say anything to feed the beast, but you don't want to be too obvious about the 'possum play.
  7. RFK was a Trump inside job from the beginning. The polling must be confirming he would take more votes from Trump, thus the exit.
  8. he also got hit pretty hard. which in JV's case was probably a good thing to happen.
  9. A majority of Baseball fans may be Northern or Californian, but a lot of baseball players have always been Southern, and there is your divide.
  10. A friend who works in IT told me that Southwest was spared any upset because their computer systems are too old to have been affected!
  11. not to be too picky/thread police-ey but I am going to suggest that when we do the FIFY thing on another poster's work (which I think is fine and usually fun), that just out of courtesy, we italicize or bold or otherwise highlight exactly what we changed so that the OP never has to clarify what he didn't say. And I know I've probably done it but I'll try to be better too.
  12. of course she is out of her depth, she hasn't given them an exclusive interview yet. The Times has made itself irrelevant to Democrats. I think they are talking to themselves at this point.
  13. If they actually drag it deliberately to milk some press and theatrical value out of it (which they should) it will be a good stroke. If he's just playing some kind of Hamlet it would be disappointing.
  14. Yup, there are going to be weeks of suddenly fawning press, plus all the women who who saw Hillary defeated will be doubly charged up for Harris. It could all work if Harris can avoid mistakes for 3 months.
  15. Romney's problem has never been lack of class or personal virtue, he's just stuck in a world view that's a couple of centuries out of date, so he's terrible on too much policy.
  16. If you step back to a longer view what appears to be happening with the orchestrated transition to Harris in the US is quite similar to what happened in France in that people are coalescing around the need to stop an existential threat, and making the kinds of concessions to that cause that you probably wouldn't see in everyday politics.
  17. I imagine Biden made a lot of calls before he put out that letter. Someone suggested that they could get it all orchestrated in advance and I remember saying I was skeptical that could happen without more leaking. Maybe the Dems are more disciplined than we give them credit for.
  18. And I haven't even sent mine in yet....
  19. Wait, what? I thought he wasn't going to debate. The Winds be tricksy around the GOP encampments today.
  20. If Harris accepted Spencer for Skubal he should be shot out of a cannon to manage an independent league team. 23 in AA striking out >30% of the time and no particular power? Really? He's basically Parker Meadows. I love Parker but I wouldn't trade Skubal for him.
  21. How hard can the GOP work the border issue in the face of the GOP refusal to move reform? The issue was already playing badly for them after the bill failed.
  22. gee, I don't find it funny at all.
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