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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. But it's Trump, he doesn't believe he can lose at anything.
  2. I have no idea what the polls will do with this, but Trump will get a lot of pressure from the GOP to change his mind if the GOP does find itself losing ground now.
  3. If they have a sense of theater and he is going to be a team player, he puts her name in nomination at the convention.
  4. The one other thing for Harris is that she has to work on being more the 'Happy Warrior.' Americans don't like to vote for dour people and Kamala can tend in that direction.
  5. That was why Hillary kept Bill sort of at a distance, though I'm not sure that in her case the idea that it would be Bill's 3rd term might not have helped her overall....
  6. another ridiculous game for McGoniClark: on base 7 times, 4 RBI, 4 runs scored.
  7. Out of likes but this is an excellent point.
  8. Tigers just a day late and dollar short today. Can't quite get the ball over the fence.
  9. zero government management experience? No, just no. Great lady, not prepared.
  10. 4 yrs ago I think she had real problem with not having thought through all her positions clearly before she went on the campaign trail. We can only hope that having been part of a pretty well oiled policy apparatus for 4 yrs she's more up to speed with all the angles.
  11. the problem is that she has been a relatively low-profile VP so she hasn't provided much recent material to work with. I haven't heard anything out there like Al Gore's "I invented the internet" stuff.
  12. One aspect: If Harris had to be a rookie president and run at the same time it would be a lot more strain on her than if Biden stays in place.
  13. they can say what they like, he doesn't.
  14. Dan Goldman would be interesting - great debater, well known from the impeachment hearings, NY balances CA. Experience a little thin.
  15. yeah - I know I'm in the minority, but I think Colt will be fine at 2B if they stick with him there until it becomes more ingrained for him. An average fielding middle IF that can carry an Keith's potential offense is a tremendous positive position differential for a team to have. You can generally find a lower fielding skill player to give you offense at first
  16. He won't have that problem when they move him back to 3rd.......
  17. We know the people who end up circling Trump's orbit tend not to be the sharpest knives in the drawer....🤷‍♀️
  18. Obama was epic for who he was, and ACA was huge lift to shift a paradigm, but he was far too conventional in economic policy, failed at more a few things in foreign policy, didn't do a great job building his party. I give Biden huge props for recognizing that today's democratic party needed to jettison the "new democrat" globalist "GOP lite" economic paradigm the began with Clinton that was hollowing out the American worker's ability to stay in the middle class. I think over historic time that could be even more important than ACA, but time will tell.
  19. was it Sparky that once walked Brett every AB for game or maybe even the series?
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