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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - I know I'm in the minority, but I think Colt will be fine at 2B if they stick with him there until it becomes more ingrained for him. An average fielding middle IF that can carry an Keith's potential offense is a tremendous positive position differential for a team to have. You can generally find a lower fielding skill player to give you offense at first
  2. He won't have that problem when they move him back to 3rd.......
  3. We know the people who end up circling Trump's orbit tend not to be the sharpest knives in the drawer....🤷‍♀️
  4. Obama was epic for who he was, and ACA was huge lift to shift a paradigm, but he was far too conventional in economic policy, failed at more a few things in foreign policy, didn't do a great job building his party. I give Biden huge props for recognizing that today's democratic party needed to jettison the "new democrat" globalist "GOP lite" economic paradigm the began with Clinton that was hollowing out the American worker's ability to stay in the middle class. I think over historic time that could be even more important than ACA, but time will tell.
  5. was it Sparky that once walked Brett every AB for game or maybe even the series?
  6. I wouldn't count on it. The ex-GOP mainstreamers will probably have paroxysms of ecstasy for a couple of days proposing unity tickets with Kinzinger or Bloomberg types.
  7. OK, I guess if I was going to put this on twitter 10 min later I'd have just put it in the letter, but that's just me...🤷‍♀️
  8. The paraphrase the Bard, "Nothing in his career became him as his leaving of it."
  9. One thing for sure, Trump just got knocked off the news cycle.
  10. I was hoping when I saw it in real time that Guasman maybe tagged with the wrong hand, but no such luck.
  11. yeah - most likely there are gears still spinning..
  12. do you hear that whirring noise? It's the sound of every Democratic that's ever made a network newscast sharpening their knives.
  13. If I had to guess based on that letter I would say it's not going to be Harris, but we'll see.
  14. absolutely. If you have a talent a party will pay for it's easy enough to fain allegiance to principle when it's really only about the money.
  15. it's going to be that kind of day, isn't it?
  16. we can only hope he's one who's a bit on the hypochondriac side....even if it's not likely.
  17. This is exactly one huge difference between Holmes and a long line of our previous GMs. With the Lions it used to be, sign one guy at a position and you are good. Even when they had a few good players they never had the depth to play past the NFL's inevitable injury wastage.
  18. I wouldn't take giving a guy a spot start as implying all that much about your promotion schedule for him or that you're changing any of your system priorities. All it means is that he's a viable option for a short term need.
  19. You can never really be too black and white one way or the other though - some kids at 18 just don't show where they will be in a couple of years because their physical development is on a slower clock. So there will always be prospects that never showed up on the radar at 18 that show up on the scene as college players. But I would agree that if you see what you think is a potential all-start bat like Riley at 18, you want them in your system as young as possible.
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