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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I wouldn't count on it. The ex-GOP mainstreamers will probably have paroxysms of ecstasy for a couple of days proposing unity tickets with Kinzinger or Bloomberg types.
  2. OK, I guess if I was going to put this on twitter 10 min later I'd have just put it in the letter, but that's just me...🤷‍♀️
  3. The paraphrase the Bard, "Nothing in his career became him as his leaving of it."
  4. One thing for sure, Trump just got knocked off the news cycle.
  5. I was hoping when I saw it in real time that Guasman maybe tagged with the wrong hand, but no such luck.
  6. yeah - most likely there are gears still spinning..
  7. do you hear that whirring noise? It's the sound of every Democratic that's ever made a network newscast sharpening their knives.
  8. If I had to guess based on that letter I would say it's not going to be Harris, but we'll see.
  9. absolutely. If you have a talent a party will pay for it's easy enough to fain allegiance to principle when it's really only about the money.
  10. it's going to be that kind of day, isn't it?
  11. we can only hope he's one who's a bit on the hypochondriac side....even if it's not likely.
  12. This is exactly one huge difference between Holmes and a long line of our previous GMs. With the Lions it used to be, sign one guy at a position and you are good. Even when they had a few good players they never had the depth to play past the NFL's inevitable injury wastage.
  13. I wouldn't take giving a guy a spot start as implying all that much about your promotion schedule for him or that you're changing any of your system priorities. All it means is that he's a viable option for a short term need.
  14. You can never really be too black and white one way or the other though - some kids at 18 just don't show where they will be in a couple of years because their physical development is on a slower clock. So there will always be prospects that never showed up on the radar at 18 that show up on the scene as college players. But I would agree that if you see what you think is a potential all-start bat like Riley at 18, you want them in your system as young as possible.
  15. Yup, that was the initial report before anyone had a chance to do any message massaging. I see no reason to doubt those spontaneous on-site reports. And really it hardly makes a difference, he *was* close enough to being assassinated, the only value in the truth is the comedic aspect of seeing Trump again feeding his narcissism with fantasy invention.
  16. Freep is owned by Gannett now. They still run the Op-Ed page to the left in counter point to the reactionary theocratic facists on Nolan Finley's Det News editorial board, but I think they maintain that more as a marketing stance than out of any kind of legacy loyalty to Knight-Ridder principles.
  17. Sprong could be a disruptive force on O, they'll miss that, but another of many guys who didn't play enough 2-way to mesh with the Yzerplan.
  18. I guess I don't agree with the opinion that they shouldn't give him a spot start if they are short a guy before Mize gets back. Don't call him up into the rotation, just give him a spot start - shouldn't be a big deal for your top AA pitcher to make a cameo. Of course Wentz would be my candidate to drop from the 40, but I'm sure they don't want to cut an arm of any kind now.
  19. Meh - McGonigle and Clark are no better or worse players today than yesterday because someone decided to rate them differently. In a sense it's an easy call because McGonigle has OPS'd 100 pt higher, but how much has their projectability really changed? Depends on who is projecting I suppose...
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