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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Yeah - I don't think the major reason there are fewer black OCs is because there are more black players. I would guess a bigger factor would be that more black players that don't make the NFL are coming from out of poorer educational and social preparation and thus are behind more of the their peer white players in the kind of communication presentation skills that teams look for in coaches. And not only the level to which this may be true in reality, but the degree to which it's true in the self perception of black athletes that don't have the confidence to pursue coaching. One of the things that recent research in college student success shows is that a person's belief in their ability to learn new skills has almost as much to do with their success as their initial skill set. This is the 'beauty' of American institutional racism. It's no-one's individual fault. Keep a minority segregated so it can be economically and educationally disadvantaged and the lack of opportunity takes care of itself.
  2. Petry would be fine if he would just clean up his verbal tics, which really isn't that hard to do if he would just work at it a little. More than once the constant stream of 'ya' know?'s has driven me to the alternate audio feed.
  3. OTOH, he played the last 5 yrs of his career in that joke of a new stadium where defense at SS (or pretty much anywhere else) hardly mattered, so at least it was a good fit...
  4. The problem for guy like Putin is that being without constraints he is free to revel in all his prejudices, and soon enough he forgets they're only his prejudices and starts to see them as truth - so it's self re-enforcing. That helps give him the great self-confidence that every good tyrant needs, but also puts him on the wrong side of right nearly all of the time.
  5. true, he represents himself as the defender of the eldest of all churches. Then again, as I've gotten older my opinion has tended toward the belief that the only thing historicity does for churches is embed their corruption.
  6. and we ended up with twice the depth on the lawn as on the sidewalk since the concrete held warmth so much longer. So the sidewalk now has an inch of frozen slush on it that the blower left behind.
  7. IDK, I'm not so sure the U is above playing hardball with him again given what they did in 2020. What's he going to do now if he doesn't like the package? How upset do you get if a coach who has just seriously damaged his recruiting credibility - his job 1 - walks away? And of course the best irony is that if Bo were AD right now he'd probably be firing our later day Bo Jr's asz for the disloyalty!
  8. yeah, riiiight. Or until the next breeze blows in his ear from across a field with narrow hashmarks....
  9. He's already shot himself in the foot for recruiting as about as badly as he possibly could have. It's a clown show now.
  10. it would be a waste of money with his heart already out the door. Well, as long as there is no buy out/severance money what they pay him for '22 doesn't matter to me.
  11. 5-3 final. Wings showing signs of having a little more fight but probably pretty much at the ceiling for this crew's talent.
  12. LOL - so Veleno gets one that's probably too little too late. 46 sec.
  13. Seider had a chance to level Arvidson but missed the hip check. Empty netter puts this one away.
  14. well, that didn't last long. Suter left in the dust.
  15. Kings look as much faster than the Wings tonight as the Wings looked faster than the Ducks the other night. LOL - and even as I type that the Wings manage to tie it up. Bert on a tip off Lindstrom.
  16. HaHaHaHa If I'm Warde Manuel do I even bother putting more $$ on the table at this point? Maybe MI is elated because Harbaugh just maneuvered himself right out of a big payday from MI.
  17. Guys on the ticket today pinned it down to the fact that in the current NFL the route to HC is through OC and all the top teams seem to have white OC's. They went through a list that I think was the playoff teams but I don't know any of the names well enough to have judged what they were saying. Of course that may be a reason - but even if true it only removes the question one level.
  18. I'll be interested to see what Increases in interest rates do to bitcoin. It's proven itself too unstable to actually use as a practical payment currency, and since it is an investment that has not associated income stream with it, it will become ever more counterproductive to hold it in a higher interest rate environment where rising stocks are not bidding up all investments regardless of their return potential.
  19. I think this is something too many older people don't realize has happened. They probably still think of college economics being what they were when 'working your way through' just meant missing a few parties or passing on IM sports.
  20. Given the control his has over his domestic media, he can take whatever offer the West has already put on the table, declare it a great victory and go home none the worse for wear.
  21. I don't know if UM has enough recruiting money to toss around to make up for a coach no-one will ever again believe wants to be there.
  22. right - there are so many options today that weren't on the table given the communication and transportation options in 1790. We are really quite foolish to be so slavishly devoted to such obsolete procedures.
  23. it's looks like they have pared down the hourly forecasts on weather underground to something under 5" by mid-night.
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