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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'll be interested to see what Increases in interest rates do to bitcoin. It's proven itself too unstable to actually use as a practical payment currency, and since it is an investment that has not associated income stream with it, it will become ever more counterproductive to hold it in a higher interest rate environment where rising stocks are not bidding up all investments regardless of their return potential.
  2. I think this is something too many older people don't realize has happened. They probably still think of college economics being what they were when 'working your way through' just meant missing a few parties or passing on IM sports.
  3. Given the control his has over his domestic media, he can take whatever offer the West has already put on the table, declare it a great victory and go home none the worse for wear.
  4. I don't know if UM has enough recruiting money to toss around to make up for a coach no-one will ever again believe wants to be there.
  5. right - there are so many options today that weren't on the table given the communication and transportation options in 1790. We are really quite foolish to be so slavishly devoted to such obsolete procedures.
  6. it's looks like they have pared down the hourly forecasts on weather underground to something under 5" by mid-night.
  7. but TBF the EU is not much of a security org. I don't see British or Continental mil spending getting any worse for the Brits being out and that's where the rubber meets the road for the Euros. Or conversely, deeper alliances between militarily toothless countries still leave them militarily toothless!
  8. another thing that plays in Johnson's favor: I always thought the Sturm and Drang over Brexit economics was overplayed, but has anyone bothered to notice that British GDP recovery has been as good (actually a bit better) than the rest of the Euro zone? I do rather expect to hear crickets from the media about the lack of collapse of the post Brexit British economy.
  9. that would certainly help. it's about the best marginal improvement that can be made without a Const amendment.
  10. Durability counts in terms of the long term value to his team, but in terms of making him a feared player on a game by game basis not so much. Take the extreme case of a 3 war/yr player who was some kind of genetic freak and played for 35 yrs. He might own all kind of counting records by the end of his career and he would have been a great signing for his team (and a HOF lock), but the opposition teams would hardly have cared about playing against him. There is something to be said for a player's intensive qualities as well as his cumulative ones. It's true that player that burn brightly for shorter careers have a hard time making the HOF - but they they are often the ones we are watching the game to see play.
  11. For me it's not the level of indirection of the EC that is the problem as much as that the EC votes are not democratically apportioned. The point about putting the campaign before more voters is certainly valid, but the margin magnifying properties of having the election be decided state-wise also has value in a non-parliamentary system where extremely close elections still have to have binary outcomes instead of the possibility of coalition rule, so I will grant that some aspects of the EC system do have value in the particular US setup, but it has gotten to the point where the basic population misrepresentation is a bigger problem than the value of any of its virtues.
  12. LOL - I don't even want to guess how many faculty-student/subordinate romances have gone on the rocks since 1974 or actually were abusive relationships, and now that the U has established that they might pay you despite you having no hard legal claim because of SOL, every one of the those wounded lovers may be looking for a lawyer. There have already been some suits filed this week. That may be the only thing I have ever agreed with Nolan Findley about, ever.
  13. like Churchill said, the worst form of government except for all the others. And yes for sure the US today is getting to be a pretty poor example of democracy at all.
  14. If I have a choice a choice of country where the minority elects the President and the Senate, or the majority elects the President and the Senate, sorry but I take the latter every single time. It's called democracy. It's pretty basic that decisions made by majorities leave fewer people unhappy than decisions by minorities - thus within the limitations of general rights protection, minorities are not supposed to have the right to rule. There is only one presidency, there is no possibility of maintaining distinction of regional input into that election except by giving some regional minority preference, which again, defeats democracy and leaves MORE people somewhere else partially deprived of their franchise. You cannot square the circle you are trying to describe.
  15. 1-4 wks if "hip pointer" was an accurate statement and not just short hand for an as yet un-diagnosed pain.
  16. If you believe more democratic outcomes lead to class warfare than I guess as alternative solutions to class conflict you can take your choice of the total victory of the oligarchy (Russia), which does effectively end the conflict, or the total suppression of all social dissent (China). Or another way to put it is that if more democracy is something that will lead to more class warfare, then class distinction has already grown to such a toxic level in your society that you must face that there is no longer any way back to greater social equity without breaking some (nest) eggs.
  17. 31 NFL teams have a one or two syllable short form name. "Commanders" is a non-shortenable 3 syllabler. I guess Washington will end up the "Commies" in the end after all.
  18. It would have generated a lot of buzz but I already like Campbell as a play caller more than Harbaugh....
  19. If Warde has to make a hire I think it will be really interesting - I wonder if he will come up with someone not on anyone's short lists. I hope that knowing how mercurial Harbaugh is, Warde has been building his list for at least a few years now.
  20. the left is looney about a lot of things, but the left's lunacies are mostly about things that don't threaten democratic government. Self rule is not at risk over people designating their pronouns or in a reparations debate or over which statues go where. It is when access to the polls and overturning elections and suppression of real historical truth and banning of books are the order of business.
  21. exactly. I for one am dying for better balance between the opinions of people undermining the nation at every turn and the rest of the sane world.........not.
  22. being swayed by that kind of thing is as dumb as judging public opinion by twitter - and just as easily manipulated. no country on earth has more anti-american chanting than Iran, and it's all paid advertising by the regime. Iranians that come here love America - heII, most Iranians in Iran love America.
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