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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. So I read a review recently to the effect that Nietzsche is supposedly the most mis-represented writer of his era, basically that his penchant for turning artful phrases resulted in his being quoted as supporting positions he was only describing. Anyway, having never read him in bulk I just amazoned a collection. I’ll let you know I if want to take up his case. 🥸
  2. LOL- I just came across this quote today by total random chance: "The schools have no more important task than to teach rigorous thinking, cautious judgment, and consistent inference; therefore they should leave alone whatever is not suitable for these operations: religion, for example." F. Nietzsche 🤔
  3. I guess the theory goes that they were within a TD in 5 losses so a good draft and better injury luck can get you that much improvement. Who knows? That’s why they’ll play the games.
  4. The Fed should have stop easing the minute the $1400 checks went out. Bernanke's whole excuse for QE was the refusal of the Federal Gov to do the fiscal stimulus as needed. Once Biden was elected and it was clear that fiscal stimulus was back on the menu, the Fed should have been done. The 6-9 mos lost waiting to see the inflation they could have predicted just means they will have to correct harder. And you are correct, it's because the FED is in thrall to Wall Street.
  5. Income segregation is guaranteed by the way we have done suburban housing development for decades. Most all tracts have only 4 or 5 models all in pretty much in a tight price range. About the only place I think you see a wide range of size of houses built together in a neighborhood were residential areas of cities built mostly before WWII or even back in the 1920's
  6. IDK, I suppose they must already be polling her prospects internally, if they don't look good offering her a JOTSC might be good political move. But that would be the easy part - nominating a new veep could turn into a political disaster.
  7. I'd say the Jihadi's received a fair level of mocking on the old board - they just haven't been so topical since we arrived here. But I suppose it's also true that mockery, and to a greater degree satirical mockery, do follow from familiarity.
  8. true enough, I just don't see a path to doing it in such a fractious society. You were in a school that took it upon itself to teach exactly what it decided it wanted to teach about religion, the public schools aren't like to have that luxury any time in the near future. Truth is, when they coined 'e pluribus unum', the many were already a lot closer to one than they are today!
  9. Ukrainians defending Ukraine is how it should go if it comes to it. The $64,000 question is what kind of casualty tolerance does the Russian public or even the Russian General Staff have? But the West can't regard neutrality as a failure if it's at any point available because it's certainly better for Ukraine not to suffer the bloodshed & destruction. Putin is mortal, he will dead soon enough.
  10. IDK, I don't see enough speed or strength in this cast of characters for coaching to help them. Coaching can help put you in position to win all the one-on-ones you need to win the game, but when you can't win the battles you get to and can't stay with the guys skating away from you, I don't know how much coaching can help. There are too many just not very good hockey players on this team. But that's what we expected. It's just become even more frustrating because now that we do have couple more guys who can play its makes us all the more greedy for more.
  11. yeah - or maybe I would say he is not their best player by conventional skill assessment, but he is their most indispensable player because for certain his is the skill set this team most lacks - the ability get pucks to any even higher skilled player. So anyone with a higher level skillset like a Larkin can't provide their potential value without either Bertuzzi or getting more Bertuzzis on the team.
  12. LOL - good luck with that. I actually took a HS course that did a little 'history of' various world religions but that day is lost in the misty past. Given the checkered history of every world religion and the nature of today's communication system, I can't even imagine a curriculum of any value at all that wouldn't offend *ALL* of them all if any attempt was made to be historically truthful!
  13. I wouldn't argue that as a general proposition, but I think it still did not encompass 'teaching' Christianity as religion in public schools. I think what I sense changing is that the secular society, sensing its majority status, is now resisting the expression of a common Christian cultural background that did used to be common in places like schools, and to which in the past schools were not resistant - exactly things like holiday displays and such that were milquetoast enough to be non-sectarian and generally accepted in the past. But I still see that as much different from the educational establishment formulating lessons in what Christian doctrine is. And I think this is a place where evangelicals part company with old mainstream Christians - and part of it is probably due the ever increasing class/cultural segregation in the US. There are enough places today where there is a strong enough local evangelical majority in an entire school or district that they feel comfortable in pushing a local Christian sectarian culture back into schools because they feel the strength of their local majority status even as that may be in oppositions to larger the larger national trends away from sectarian religious practice.
  14. Don't follow. You think just because the sects are all Christian they can't/wouldn't violently oppose one another? Isn't the RCC 'Christian' (and how much blood spilled between?) weren't the Hugenot's Christians? Aren't the Shii and Sunni both Muslims? Internecine warfare in religious history doesn't require differences more severe than whether you genuflect from right to left or left to right. The Episcopalians are filthy Royalists, every Presbyterian sees heresy in John Wesley, they all see heresy in the Adventists, and the Anabaptists are right out. The only safe course for the children of all was ever that no-one teaches religion in the public school. The first amendment wasn't some kind of forward thinking intellectual exercise, it was an immediately pressing political need.
  15. Hronek and I think Fabbri basically spectating on the 4th goal. It has to be frustrating to Yzerman that he can't exile to siberia everyone of these guys you see coasting in standing straight up behind opposition players that have beaten them to rebounding position. ARRGGGHHH!
  16. To expand, I would note that the thing about the US is that we have *never* have a majority religion. From the founding we had a bunch of different Christian denominational minorities, plus RCCs, none of whom ever wanted someone else's catechisms visited upon their children in the public schools.
  17. I have to disagree with you there. The Brit expats had come out of centuries of inter sectarian Christian warfare back home. They wanted nothing to do with giving anyone the opportunity to establish a religious orthodoxy as part of public education. I think the situation as recently as the 60's was probably the one that existed over most of the country's history, which was that in areas like music and holiday decorations there was acknowledgment of the generally dominant Christian culture in non-sectarian ways, but the public schools did not teach 'Christianity' in any direct way. We have this modern idea that the 18 and 19th centuries had less scruples about politico/religious separation, but I don't think the facts bear it out. Things like 'In God we Trust" and the "Under God" in the pledge are mostly 20th century additions. Granted, it was a different scruple - based on the fear of sectarian disagreement between Christians rather than the more current disagreement between the religious and the secular, but the scruple was there none-the-less.
  18. LOL - I though about taking the quote from a word or two later but that would hardly have been honest. But I don't think religion is specifically key to the civic purpose embodied in the NW ordinance - though I won't ague many of those at the time probably did. It's more the importance that the commitment to education as a public/civic endeavor has for both the educators and the educated.
  19. The idea of public education supported by the founders was in part to create a common bond of experience and understanding in a nation that it was already clear was going to be one largely formed of emigres from somewhere else, and in part to make sure education was actually distributed through the populace democratically so as to produce a population capable of self government in every corner. Every kind of diversion that removes resources from the public schools or reduces the pressure they should be under to perform detracts from those ends. I don't think it's necessary that there is only one way to do *public* education, but I do think it is necessary for government not to support any kind of education that is not completely public. For instance there are charter concepts I don't have a problem with, but in general the advocates of vouchers want them for religious based schools, that goes beyond where I want the gov to go- TA's report notwithstanding.
  20. WRT to Taiwan, the Nationalists who moved there in exile did not represent the indigenous population any more than Mao did. I don't know enough about Taiwan to answer the question as to whether this generation of Taiwanese leadership has actually won the heart of the larger population of if they are still just an aristocratic graft that maintains political control - though maybe in a less corrupt way than Chiang Kai-Shek may have? If the Taiwanese population wants to fight, China will have it's hands full, in the same way as if the Ukrainians don't want the Russians, the Russians will have their hands full. Those factors will make a much bigger difference in the outcome than whatever US posturing precedes any military action by Russia. We've learned the hard lesson enough times that just because a Western leaning political class in some nation tells us they are ready to fight to the death if only they have our unqualified support, it doesn't mean we won't find out that their internal support was a mile wide but 1/2" deep.
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