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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. One hundred years ago, when people went off the deep end paranoid crazy in mid-life or later you could just assume tertiary syphilis. There must be some new thing this century.
  2. America will remain a racist nation as long as it remains a segregated nation - that is the true test. And America today is not much less segregated today than in 1922.
  3. Pinkerton's did a lot of things that were more high profile, but railroad work was bread and butter for them in their early days (post civil war)
  4. Schools? It's maybe less an issue with Covid given the combination that kids are already at low risk and covid vaccine effectiveness in young children had been questionable but taking the more general question?
  5. decent sized, but if it was really 'massive' that film didn't capture it.
  6. another gas-bag company on the ropes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/01/20/peloton-production-halt/
  7. Hopefully he found solace in being himself tonight - you know that's all he really wants to be able to do....
  8. I only watched the first two periods tonight - my main impression of Zadina? He fell down a lot. OTOH, Veleno showed a little pursuit energy here and there.
  9. Preds were beating up on the Wings from the get go and the Wings had no response to the physical game. They don't return it and they aren't fast enough to play past it. And it seemed like every time early in the game the Wings did get a man open in the slot he was on his backhand. You'd think they didn't know which side shot each other are.
  10. I think his ideas about takings are in basic conflict with the reality of a crowded world where we have the ability to affect each other in ways that require that we go along to get along in ways that make 18th century ideas about the primacy of property interests quaintly obsolete. It's sort of another form of libertarian windmill tilt. The fun thing is that it does sometimes lead him off the conservative reservation to results like OK vs McGirt. As to him personally, I think his language can be unsuitably intemperate in his dissents, though he is certainly not the only one guilty of that anymore.
  11. Sinema censured by the AZ democratic party for not supporting filibuster reform. Easy enough to understand the frustration with her but they better be sure they can hold her seat in '24 if they dump her.
  12. I really haven't ever heard much about any court not getting along until Gorsuch. The reporting about Gorsuch - at least in terms of his general unhappiness with his lot, has been so consistent over the years that I'd rate the probability pretty fair that he's no-one on the court's bosom buddy.
  13. no doubt, I'm just positing that Roberts' denial is no more credible than Totenberg's avowal. I'm sure that whatever tensions exist on the court, which human nature being what it is surely exist, the only thing all of them probably dislike more than they may dislike each other would be having their dirty laundry aired in public. The court hides behind a veil they work very hard not to have punctured.
  14. LOL - bi Jesus would only be the beginning of a new one!
  15. I guess you've never watched a confirmation hearing if you believe a JOTSC won't lie in public when it's convenient. Also turns out turns out Totenberg is standing by her reporting. That Sotomayor is not conferencing - which is hard fact, seems prima facie evidence enough that all is not sweetness and light at the court. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/totenberg-scotus-masks/2022/01/21/18bddd96-7ade-11ec-bf97-6eac6f77fba2_story.html
  16. apart that he has the whole thing backward. There was no looney left pushing pushing Mars to make the changes, they simply wanted to reformulate the campaign get make it more appealing to this generation. And ironically, the noise they are getting is from the looney right who are trying to cast good 'ol 'murican marketing work into some kind of woke tyranny.
  17. when your best player doesn't (or at least hasn't learned to) draw many fouls that's going to happen
  18. Depends on how you want to parse 'official'. Congress had given Reagan authority to negotiate the deal with Canada, so once that deal was signed by Reagan and Mulroney it was fully legally in force. NAFTA superseded it and did need Congressional approval because Congress had not given the WH authority to implement a deal with Mexico without their approval.
  19. No joke. But the whole anecdote as journalism is wrong headed and is probably the most serious issue with the Times' journalism - and also as noted previously -at NPR. The shift at NYT is relatively recent though. You sense that someone at the top of the food chain sent down the dictum that all stories had to be 'about people.' The problem is that for macro-econ or political stories, that pretty negates any value they can have have, as the particular never has much informative value for the general condition.
  20. the bad news is that Lynn Henning has weighed in with a column assuring us the season will start on time - so figure after July 4.
  21. high performance video cards are hit hardest because you mine cryto with GPU's - the brains in a video card. Right now middle upper tier video cards such as Nvida 3000 series are being bid up to about 5x their 'normal' prices. However, cost of electric power has become the dominant factor. It's an incredibly stupid system - the block chain calc is so intense now that the cost of mining crypto is primarily the cost of the electricity needed to run the computational power so miners have to hunt around the world to find the cheapest power - or steal computational power off the web with malware. 5000yrs of recorded history and humans have finally come up with an idea for basing the value of currency that actually makes even less sense than the cost and availability of shiny metal.
  22. because it filed its pronoun preferences with HR, silly person.
  23. The SO was just reading a story about this to me today. Mars apparently gets a LOT of feedback from the M&M advertising. They wanted to update the female characters but there actually are a lot fans/critics watching everything they do *very* closely. #1stworldproblems
  24. Yeah -- they danced around the question of married Orthodox priests moving into Catholic Parishes for a while too didn't they - but then backed away again???
  25. I'll be happy when it finally gets low enough that I can buy a good video card for a reasonable price again.....
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