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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I hope he justifies your take there. For me, seeing JV start up the wing with the puck just means the other team is going to have it in 10 seconds.
  2. Not if he makes the announcement *before* the election. People would know exactly what they'd be voting for. It would be Biden's way of stepping aside while keeping complete control of his pledged delegates. It puts a younger person in the office with his program but kneecaps all the people trying to torpedo Biden without having a candidate or plan, which would make the convention into a disaster. Granted - a very, very long shot, but if I'm strategizing how to step aside without total chaos ensuing, that is the only way to do it. Any idea that the Convention would be some kind of unity love-fest or that someone would emerge in some kind of big consensus if it were thrown open is fantasy of the highest order.
  3. figures - he pitched well in his last outing.
  4. A notable comparison that the Dems primaried one of their most wing nut reps (Bowman), the GOP one of their most principled.
  5. I know we all love Jim Leyland, but I tend to believe Jim had a lot to do with Scherzer's exit from Detroit. Jim had anointed JV as his ace and just wouldn't give Scherzer his props (which he deserved) as JV's equal. IDK, maybe JV felt the two of them couldn't exist together long term anyway, but I totally understand Max feeling he could never get out of Verlander's shadow here, and that coupled to an admitted hard headedness about getting paid, made for the end of what could have been an epic run the Tiger franchise.
  6. Unless people have accessed very old re-runs of the tonight show, only the old timers here will remember the early Newhart stand-up routine, which was Bob alone on a dark stage with a stool and a prop telephone. He would do the 'one side of the conversation' shtick, and he was hilarious.
  7. OK mea culpa, I have to give you Menendez!
  8. Something more like this. I don't think Biden allows an open convention - why should he? Even if he entertained the idea of stepping down, it wouldn't be by letting the nomination go, it would be by pledging to resign in place of Harris after the election. That's really the only way to hold all his supporters, hold the AA vote, and assuage all the "he's too old" talk all at the same time.
  9. that thud you hear is the sound of the weight of reality hitting the ground.
  10. IOW, Biden being the adult in the room for his party. I'm sorry, the people who only care about television images may win the day, but I care a lot more about judgement.
  11. Didn't even John Danforth say he regretted ever supporting Hawley? He has a deserved rep for being a good deal more slimy than the average DC slimball.
  12. you know I think there it a lot to the idea that wealthy donors, even democratic ones, don't really want economic change, and Joe is old enough and doesn't give a damn enough anymore to the point he just might try to deliver at least some, and they don't really like that idea.
  13. Tigers play 12 straight days ending with a Wednesday off. What drunk wrote up this yrs sched?
  14. Are we sure if that is a good or bad thing?.....
  15. I don't think this is necessarily the case. To me prep vs college is more a matter of confidence in your evaluation skills, the depth of your scouting, and swinging for the fences than the time differential. It also dovetails with a management believing they can bring players further faster with their development people than players can progress in 2/3 yrs in the NCAA. Just the fact that in the minors you can push a guy up to keep him playing against his ceiling instead of having him basically waste a year outclassing his NCAA average competition has to be an advantage. Hitters especially don't learn much playing against bunches of pitchers then can hit 400 against.
  16. And to be clear TH, the "he didn't study Geography" crack was directed at the Twitter poster (Wooten?) who made that the jump from one place to the other - not you.
  17. the Sky news reporting (https://news.sky.com/story/police-car-flipped-on-to-its-side-as-unrest-breaks-out-in-leeds-13180593) indicates this started as some locals were mad about social services actions. Doesn't sound exactly like threat to the nation stuff, but who knows? "The owner of a restaurant in Harehills said the disorder was linked to local children being taken into care, adding that some people responded by setting fires and "throwing stones".
  18. A riot in Leeds is not Islamists taking over London - misses by about 270K. A riot in Leeds is to London what a riot in Chicago is to DC.
  19. I was at UM for the last dozen+ years as staff, and we've been in A2 and in and out and around UM for decades....yes there are, and have always been lunatic fringe elements in academia - it comes with the territory of having a lot of really bright people, many young, who haven't learned what they don't know. It's not really any worse than it ever was. But there is also a huge base of brilliant people doing the work to educate, solve, fix, that keeps society moving through that 'arc of history' Obama likes to talk about. The need for financial reform in the US university system is real and urgent, but higher ed in the US is one of this society's greatest strengths and we denigrate it at our future peril.
  20. I guess he never studied English geography either.
  21. is it his swing, or just the need to get more aggressive in the K zone? Or maybe part two requires some work on part one.
  22. they are probably also beginning to look at limiting his innings where convenient.
  23. C.a.n.n.o.t..u.n.s.e.e.......😱😱😱
  24. Quite the parallel to Arthur Bremer, who at 22, stalked both Nixon and Wallace in '72. Pretty much settled on Wallace because Nixon was being too tough a target. No logic in that either.
  25. Jeez. There must be somebody somewhere that needs some cookies baked.
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