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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If I am parsing the dates correctly, Campbell was hired on Jan 20th, Lynn Jan 27th, do we really even think Lynn was Campbell's hire or did they give him a list of guys they have already vetted and have him pick one that sounded good? I find it hard to believe Lynn was a hire Campbell was all that invested in after a one week's involvement in the decision process. And even if he was, you'd certainly prefer a guy that knows how to move on to a guy that goes down with a crew of under performers like Mike Dantonio did!
  2. still, the comment by Fisher is apples and oranges. A middle class kid looking for an education to get ahead is not comparable in any academic sense to an athlete that simply wants to use the U as step toward a professional athletic career that has little to nothing to do with his academic experience per se. The former comes to the U with the objective of pulling himself up to the academic standard, does the latter? I can easily see admissions not being swayed by such an argument.
  3. If that's the case I suppose he should at least be more reliable at the baseline.
  4. I don't believe that is correct. As I understand it, the US did distribute direct development support funds to several pharmas. Ironically, Pfizer, who was first to market, did not take any US development funds, but was the recipient of a US gov purchase guarantee. Moderna did get $1.5 billion and their vaccine may actually be the best of the bunch so far. Then again, 3.5 billion went to Novovax and Sanofi for efforts that haven't produced an approved candidate yet - but both do have products still in trial. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Warp_Speed
  5. Blashill hasn't taken much heat this season, but at some point he's got to do more than just complain that his team isn't ready to play when they hit the ice on the road, he needs to figure out what to do about it.
  6. Wings have looked like HS team out there against the '86 Oilers. I don't have the heart to watch any more.
  7. Hronek looks completely useless so far tonight. If he's still hurt maybe he needs a few games off.
  8. 2-0, the Kings on a power play and the Wings being skated right out the building. Suter finally gets the Wings 1st shot on a short handed breakaway.
  9. terrible play by Hronek - gives up his feet to try to block a pass and ends up spectating as the man he left is wide open for a goal on the expired PP before the 5th wing can get back in the play.
  10. Wings playing like crap out of the gate. LA with 8 shots in the first 3:30.
  11. Not to mention that testing is now another moving target. It appears that antigen rapid tests may not even detect Omicron until a couple days past your point of infectiousness, so the the messaging even if we could figure it out correctly is getting to be more complicated than much of the public is going to have the patience to parse. The problem is structural though. Public health in the US has never been located in the Federal gov - it's largely a state and even county responsibility in most places. And then you have GOP govs and legislatures hamstringing their own public health depts that are trying to respond. For the fed to build out something like a massive testing capability they have to start at ground zero. Simply paying for tests, as they have been doing so far, doesn't really control the supply as we have seen the manufacturers pull back when they anticipated demand would fall. To do it right you really need a package of enabling legislation to set up some new capacities, but what are the odds of anything getting done legislatively? What maybe they could have done, and probably should have, is set up a standing federal governor's conference where they could have tried to get coordinate to keep state govs on the same page - but again, what would that have looked like when most of the GOP govs refused to show up?
  12. the question is overkill for whom of course. It may be overkill for the young parents, but from the standpoint of the group, their stance is simply a fact in evidence that is beyond our control, all we can do is deal with it to the best advantage of our friend.
  13. but OTOH, it what happens when you have group of people with a sense of mutual obligation to each other - it's the very thing lacking in the larger society. That is what should have been the thing motivating people to get vaccinated even if they didn't fear or care about getting sick themselves.
  14. but it never bothered him to spend all that time with hundreds of unmasked people. It's probably part of his psychosis - in the sense that he persuades himself of the truth of his fabrications, because it's a good point that Trump's behavior in public places has for certain not been that of a germophobe. Or maybe he just got over it.
  15. yeah - pretty pointless construction to use in relation to Trump but what else can you call it?
  16. correct. the big effect was to harden right wing opinion against masking but more importantly vaccination. I admit it's not certain the right would have listened to him or not even in the beginning, they certainly don't listen to him now on vaccines, but he had a moral obligation to try and failed pretty miserably there.
  17. IDK, a lot of possibilities. FWIW I can give you an anecdote for a bunch of tests that will be done in the next few days. We have a group of friends - all vaxxed and boosted, that have a ski weekend planned for next week. One has an infant grandchild. Parents are very strict about making sure Grandma stays 'clean' if she is going to be allowed to see grandaughter, so in deference to her, we are all going to test before the trip so grandma can assure son & daughter in-law she has not been exposed. Probably over kill since for 'O' we now have the shorter 5 day quarantine but it is what it is. Lot of people want to know their status for lots of reasons. And to be honest, anyone with an accurate thermometer (a lot of new digital ones are not so much!) and the willingness to track themselves say, 4 times or more time a day - or better yet something like a bio sensor ring, can probably detect their status before a quick antigen even shows it. Even if you never get a clinically relevant fever, your body temp usually will still show enough shift to pick out if you are tracking it.
  18. Politically, things are going to depend on how Omicron affects the vaccinated. If the initial reports of "not very much" are validated by the actual experience, the Admin is not probably not going see much political cost from its existing supporters since according to all reports, they are highly vaccinated. What does seem to be growing is the resentment of the vaccinated toward the unvaccinated as being responsible for the Omicron break out. TBF, that might actually be an unfair charge as it would appear the vaccinated do become infected with and spread Omicron quite well even if they are not significantly affected by it.
  19. It was before the crackdown but wasn't Kapler a PED poster child?
  20. the responses from her followers are frightening. I'm sure there are probably lot of instances in history of people going with the ship based on some nutcase belief, but I can't think of any in my lifetime at nutz as this.
  21. LOL - My early Lions memories include my grade school friends making fun of Karl Sweetan's name - don't ask me why it struck 12 yr olds as particularly funny, Bill-no-touch-Munson throwing every pass at 90 mph and nearly killing little Earl McCollouch with them, but mostly watching the incomparable Lem Barney be the best player on the field for either team.
  22. no-one is going to give up on him in his 1st season, but no doubt we had to have hoped that a 1/1 could be a little more dominating out of the box.
  23. LOL. When my kids were young there was a computer game called Lighthouse, a puzzle, mystery type of thing, and at one point you wander into this world full of automatons and various odd devices and there is young female robot named Liryl, and her main line is: "I am alone here, with no one to help me. No pretty stones for Liryl. Nothing but tears, nothing but tears!". The world is sort of broken down so she speaks with little catches in her voice. "I am alone here" is still a joke between my daughter and me 20 yrs later. Along that line you might appreciate this one MC. On 97.1 today Doug Karch was working the early afternoon shift from home solo because he and Scott Anderson had both tested positive. So Doug is talking college football and all of a sudden he is just gone. So about 15 seconds later the guys in the studio realize it and get on the mikes but they haven't been listening and they have no idea what Karch was even talking about so they just riff off in another direction. So Karch finally reconnects after about 3 min and when he comes back they tell him he dropped an hour ago. Had him for a second...
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