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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I was hoping Landrieu would have done some public resume building after NOLA because I liked what I had seen of him so far.
  2. History has shown you can have democratic socialism without becoming the CCCP, you can have libel laws far stricter than ours and still be Merry Old England. Americans have to get over the idea that there is no other way good way to do thing than the way we happen to have done things in the past - it's just silly really. You can require responsibility as the price of freedom. If anything I would say in the the US we have actually forgotten the truth that if you don't do that you are dooming yourself.
  3. actually the hospital budget is completely separate from the rest of the U. If they make money it doesn't come back the academic units and if they lose money it doesn't get made up from there.
  4. it doesn't necessarily have to be negative reinforcement, maybe you have a quasi-independent organizations that help do credibility ratings on sources, maybe you manipulate the economics a bit, all you really have to do is take take the profit out of telling lies on public media. If people had to pay to do their own distribution you wouldn't violate the 1st amendment but you'd stop probably 90%. The point is it's time to start thinking about what's is and isn't possible/acceptable. Like the man said, the Constitution is not a suicide pact, if/when the exercise of a 'right' begins to imperil the society, you have to stop whistling past the graveyard with comfortable absolutisms.
  5. actually what I think is most important for engineers in terms of arithmetic is to be able to easily estimate orders of magnitude of a result and that is something I don't see much talent for in modern students so I don't think either core math or old math spends much time on it. But what an engineer should able to do is tell you quickly the scale of an answer - IOW just do the exponents, or given two bits of arithmetic, which answer must be bigger than the other without bothering to get the exact numbers. In engineering those are the skills that save you a lot of time doing detailed calculations are going to be dead ends anyway.
  6. Same as it ever was. In Rome it was "Panem et circenses" - "Bread and Circuses"
  7. LOL! yeah, I could get to 2740 - 274 easily enough - but then I can't do the subtraction!
  8. Exactly. If NIL starts to vacuum money away from general giving it's going to be a long term disaster for many schools. I think it's another thing that will just make the rich richer because at places like MI they will probably be able to get a lot of corporate endorsement money for NIL that would never have been donated without the advertising tie-in for the sponsor. But when advertisers have no interest in endorsements in lower tier programs, how to those school recruit without diverting their own academic budget dollars into the athletic program? Maybe you just continue to screw your students (like EMU), or maybe if you have any sense of educational mission you get off the treadmill. So in the end maybe you have 30-40 revenue College Teams and everyone else drops back to DivII.
  9. For a stupid party trick, put a person from Michigan next to someone from out east - say Philly, and have them say "Mary", "Merry", and "Marry" in sequence.
  10. I thought of Fryman a few years ago when the lions let Riley Reif go because he was too expensive at LT and then went and signed a RT for the highest (at the time) salary in the league. I thinks it goes back to the difference between GMs who are playing video games vs those that have a vision for building a team. I think the guys that succeed actually have a plan where all the things they do fit together. The guys that fail are managing each position/contract in insolation, are basically reactionary instead of pro-active.
  11. but the point isn't really which description was more accurate. Cruz is no fool, he said what he said the first time because that is what the he wanted to say to that audience. What's unseemly is Cruz being Tucker's bitch when Carlson didn't approve of Cruz's formulation.
  12. Cunningham and Hayes 7 for 29 and neither got to the line once. Cade's lack of fouls drawn is almost as depressing as his inability to find his shot consistently.
  13. It certainly sounds promising to see them picking up people from orgs like the Dodgers and Driveline.
  14. yeah - the more I think about it the more I believe we need a shift in the way we think about speech. For most of recorded history, the resources to spread information were limited and suppression of ideas was fairly easy. That lead to legal theories biased strongly to speech protection as a fundamental guarantor of liberty. But there really has been a fundamental shift with the IT age. Today virtually nothing can be truly suppressed. Get it on the internet once and it lives forever and can go anywhere. The real problem today is the just like the industrial age polluted the physical environment in ways unthinkable in the pre-industrial era, the internet pollutes is capable of polluting the intellectual environment in ways unimagined a generation ago. And it's even reached the point where media misinformation has become a form of international warfare. It seems to me the eventual result has to be that just as pollution forced a reconsideration of and limitation of the primacy of private property rights (which used to be considered inviolate) to protect the physical earth we must share, we are going to reach a point where we will need a reasonable legal regime that recognizes the media environment we have to share is also reaching a point of pollution that demands some reasonable ways to push back against. It's going to be a hard line to find, but I think we need to stop whistling past the graveyard clinging to 18th century speech theory and start looking to find a different way forward before misinformation destroys the national polity completely.
  15. Texas. Makes it doubly ironic that this kind of wimpy spineless creep must get be getting votes from so many wannabe cowboys. I guess they've never seen a Gary Cooper or John Wayne movie.
  16. Someone sign her up permanently - no-one can be worse to listen to than Paul Woods.
  17. I keep windows open in my lab as much as possible without having the room temp drop too much. Obviously it's going to be a reasonable compromise with whatever the weather is doing but air movement is about the most effective thing you can do to safe a room environment against COVID. Even in January. The U even did flow modeling on their campus buses and figured out how many windows to leave open on them (all year) as well.
  18. yeah - that's an aspect of the way the system has broken down. Much of the rural GOP leadership is racist and facist, much of the urban DEM leadership is corrupt or just nutz, but the system is so broken that 'reform' is not a winning platform for either party to the attack the other's weaknesses. When it's all tribal/cultural, nobody cares about quality of government on either side. That wasn't supposed to be how it worked.
  19. A documentary on Napoleon should have been shorter.
  20. Don't know what Veleno is good at yet. He hasn't established any kind of calling card for his game - like the quickness of Betruzzi's stick for instance. Zadina reminds me of Chris Draper in his inability to put the puck in the net, the difference is that Chris still made an impact when he was out there. Maybe once or twice I've watched a game where Zadina actually made his presence felt as a fore checker, there's some potential there, but most of the time he's a non-presence.
  21. Tigers should have gone independent before they signed the last FSN/Sinclair deal. The current situation is a mess. of course if they go to $20/mo they won't have to worry about who can get the service 'cause they won't have many takers.
  22. If the old South States keep sliding back into Jim Crow, a state like CA might decide to pass a serious secession plan. That would precipitate a crisis that would force the rest of the country's hand. Or the northern states House delegations might someday bring the issues to crises by refusing to approve transfer payments into the 'consumer' states - just stopping the Federal government. But they could at least get back closer to some political balance if they would admit DC and Puerto Rico and then increase the size of the House to 500 to dilute the EC imbalance. None of that would require an amendment but would get us closer to where the idea of amendments would be back on the table.
  23. Except that was put to death in practice pretty firmly in by 1863. The Civil War established once and for all on the ground that the US is a single unitary state and no longer a confederation. We may have a tiered federal government, but we are no longer a confederation. The people in every state need their votes to count equally if we are to continue to call ourselves a democracy.
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