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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Seider just took the puck from Marchand on a rush. Nice
  2. Veleno is pretty useless. it will be a big disappointment if Berggren isn't better than one of the guys here now.
  3. I guess you can say he was out of gas, but. yeah - I could have gotten down ice faster than Oesterle on that Bruin breakaway,
  4. Leddy's not that great, but they still miss him by virtue of having to play Lindstrom
  5. it would probably have to be three - the three pacific coast states would end up separated from the rest of the blue states. There was a story in WaPo listing some of the logistical issues. One thing is certain, a nation composed of the MountainWest and old South would quickly fail economically - it's transfer $$ from the other states that keep all but FLA and Tex alive. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/12/31/secession-civil-war-stephen-marche/
  6. love the way Boston attacks the puck against the power play. Would love to see the Wings have the speed to play that way again.
  7. well, you can't just turn on hospital capacity like a faucet. No-one knew/knows how long or severe this is going to to run. Omicron might wash over the population causing little harm and leaving everyone resistant, or the 'RHO' version could show up tomorrow with double the mortality of delta. Facing that kind of uncertainty throwing billions into hospital construction as opposed to other public health efforts (vaccines etc) isn't so simple a question. Building out hospital space to modern code and practice requirements is phenomenally expensive - esp if done in a hurry, and if that capacity ended up empty in 24mo the people that spent the money would be fish in a barrel for the political 2nd guessers. It may come to it, I just don't think it's an easy or trivial decision to make.
  8. when UM went remote fall '20, the admin was surprised to find the students all came to campus anyway and did a fine job of passing Covid around without ever going to class. With little to no transmission documented in classrooms, they've decided there is little point to going remote now. I guess we will see if that is still the correct logic for Omicron. With a 5 day quarantine, an asymptomatic positive test won't cost a student much class time. For me, the risk walking around the rest of A^2 right now is higher than it is on campus.
  9. Regional manager (step below a VP) at a Fortune500 (my boss's boss) was a good guy and he had no illusions about the fact that even at his level (maybe even especially at his level) the company was most definitely not his friend. He wife's long term health was not good and he had been counting down to retirement for a number of years but couldn't go early because he needed to keep his health insurance (pre ACA days....). So he puts a screen saver on his company laptop that counted down the days, hours and minutes to "Bob's Retirement." Then he forgets to shut it off at a regional meeting when he had a presentation to make. Divisional Prez was not amused when it flashed on the screen, but Bob actually was too valuable to fire over it. ⏲️
  10. I dunno if he is in Bill Walton territory yet but you don't like seeing big men with bad feet.
  11. So now we have to solve all the world's problems before we have an effective public health regime in the US? I don't think so. But if you want to join the Peace Corp and get out from under that terrible job to make a start on on them, go for it!
  12. the Pfizer therapeutic could be a big help if they can get distribution up and running, but with testing so backed up too many people will probably end up missing the window for its best use.
  13. way back in the dark ages, Government recognized that with nothing but a profit motive, mass media could easily degenerate into a socially destructive force, so they required media to act in the public interest as part of the licensing process. It wasn't a perfect solution, but the fact that the Gov always held the hammer of being able to revoke a license still had a powerful effect - to the point that media companies didn't even operate their news divisions as profit centers. If conservatives are so hot to get back to 1950's values, that was one of them.
  14. I guess I don't see the point of stating what is "usual." It's been 102 years since anything like this hit the US, so 'usual' is not the order of the day.
  15. Cade is a guy that should enter the portal. If you believe the press about him he may be too stubborn to though. He could have some fun finishing his eligibility as number 1 somewhere else.
  16. The tongue in cheek through the 1st half and the set up with Harris was a funny premise. Lot's of little digs at Hollywood, the gaming industry, therapy etc. The IO stuff with Pinkett didn't work very well (Pinkett wasn't up to it either) and the whole saving Trinity in the POD farm was kind of a mess. Also would have been appropriate in the Trump age for the movie to have just ended with Harris' "Sheeple" speech, but the fans in a lot of places probably wouldn't have liked that! To me maybe the biggest miss was they couldn't quite make up their mind whether Neo got his mojo back or not. Tried to have it both ways a bit too much. But anyone expecting a film that took itself as seriously as the 1st series will be disappointed. This film runs much closer to parody.
  17. LOL - I've always figured the water drinking advice must have gotten its legs in SoCal. But SoCal is a desert - you DO need to drink more water if you live where it's hot and dry!
  18. I think Leelenau is higher but yes Washtenaw has the highest vax rate of any large county - and new cases are running at about 175 per 100K, which is much higher than Wash Co has seen at any previous point. Omicron is simply racing through both vaxxed and un-Vaxxed populations. I saw one report from the UK that estimated that the booster no longer prevents someone from becoming infectious in as little as 14 weeks out from receiving it. OTOH, boosted individuals do still appear to have a far lower probability of suffering serious symptoms.
  19. you could see the air letting out of the Wings' balloon about the last third of the 2nd. Caps had better legs through the 2nd half of the game.
  20. Rogers and Turnbull will be like having extra high round picks in '23
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