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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I had to wear one pretty much 40 hr/wk starting last winter term, the key for me was masks with two soft cloth ties around the head. Take longer to put on, but so, SO much more comfortable than behind the ears or elastic around the head - plus they stay up. There are not many (any?) N95s with cloth tie backs, but I have seen hospital employees use cloth bands that hook to the elastics to achieve the same effect. Highly recommend trying cloth tie backs to anyone who finds other types uncomfortable/unworkable.
  2. LOL - parents used to do that in the 50s/60s with ChickenPox.
  3. yeah - I had caught a cold before we were planning to travel for the holiday so I tested twice to try have some confidence beyond the fact that the symptoms didn't play like COVID, though now with 'O' can't rely on that as much either.
  4. One of the most cautious boosted people I know just texted me he is positive, trivial symptoms. May be in the future for a lot of us.
  5. what surprised me with Seager is that his defensive stats were still OK. I sort of expected to look him up and see him at -20Rdrs and he was hanging them up because he felt he wasn't holding up his end in the field, but that wasn't the case.
  6. If I invented the automatic transmission does that make me the worlds best driver? The clinicians who test a vaccine ultimately have more data about it's use and effect than the guy who designed its manufacturing process. One thing you learn working in a University is how narrow expertise can be. I don't know why this guy is off the reservation wrt vaccine use in children, and as I'm about to catch an airplane I'm not inclined to go down his particular rabbit whole to find out right now, but on general principle, being the inventor of the synthesis in and of itself gives him no particular leg up on the clinicians
  7. Don't you get the impression that most American businesses succeed in spite of their management instead of because of it? Given the tools available today you could survey your employees at the cost of about 10 minutes of your exec admin's time and maybe get a dialog going with your employees? I'll give UM credit for that as an employer - we get surveyed by the admin a lot. I don't know if they use the feedback(!?), but they do solicit it pretty constantly.
  8. So how much sales revenue can an ad put before 1.7M people generate? While that is a lot of people, the average efficiency of a TV ad is not very high and a football game is relatively expensive programming to produce. I'd wonder what the audience break even point actually is.
  9. I suppose what it comes down to in most people's mind is whether you believe a person who made an error was either doing the best you can/acting in good faith, or was being cynical, trying to profit etc. Of course that can vary. I suppose there are people out there who believe that the CDC is full of nefarious people, I suppose there are people out there that believe Ron DeSantis really believes he is acting in the best interests of his constituents. For myself, that combination is just a place I find it hard to get to....🚌
  10. unserious question not taken seriously. News at 11
  11. Supposedly Georgia's biggest strength is the their defensive front 7. The secondary not so much - so aside from reputation, OSU would really be be a tougher match up for them. M will probably have to throw effectively to win and M's pass game is sort of a black box, We really don't know that much about what might be in there.
  12. TBF to the CDC, politics does matter, in the sense that good compliance with a reasonably effective program that people will accept is better than no compliance with a better one they won't, and even more so, if you can keep business on your side helping push folks toward compliance, that is better than having them fighting you in court over a marginally better program. Purists don't like to hear that "science" is subject to real-politik, but in the end public Policy always has to be driven by more than just pure science. Science can only tell you what the likely outcomes will be, how society judges the relative value/cost of those outcomes is in the end not a scientific question.
  13. Sensitivity of rapid antigen tests for Omicron expected to be degraded. Less impact is anticipated on the accuracy of PCR ("molecular") tests. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/sars-cov-2-viral-mutations-impact-covid-19-tests#omicron
  14. so the new increase is in SE MI where vax rates are higher, while rates are actually falling some out state. The question is whether out state is going to fair better with Omicron -maybe because of the lower population density - or whether Omicron just hasn't gotten there yet and they are fated to just bounce back up. again.
  15. no - 182 were vaccinated. 475-182-8 = 285 were the unvaccinated. So, the 1st generation of mRNA vaccines do substantially wear down. Whether a next generation vax can be designed with greater staying power remains to be seen. Or another possible outcome is that Covid ends up morphing into a non-dangerous form (like maybe Omicron V2) that keeps circulating widely in the population as a cold and keeps everyone's immunity up against any more dangerous variants that might subsequently emerge here or there.
  16. Washtenaw county is now breaking out vaccine+booster in hospital admissions stats. Of the last 475 hospital admissions, 182 were vaccinated, 8 were vaccinated and boosted. Total cases are going through the roof though - over 100/100K yesterday. And Wash has the highest vax rate in SE MI. If there is such a thing as herd immunity for Omicron it's at a vaccination level we could never have reached under the best of circumstances. Of course if the world had reached herd level for Delta - Omicron might not have emerged. Than again, if Omicron is really closer to the common cold, maybe better that it did. Hard to know which side your bread is buttered on anymore!
  17. right. Some people harbor the virus or even just residual DNA detritus that will show positive on PCR. So it is certainly theoretically possible to catch a cold 7 months out and then test positive by PCR. Probably pretty rare, but certainly possible based on what they are finding out about how long some people carry the virus. They could maybe do antibody titers to nail it down more certainly but for one person having mild symptoms it's probably not worth the effort.
  18. the national organization definitely had some problems. Most local troops were certainly fine. But times change -- in our area kids seemed to be falling away even before the big problems came to light.
  19. then he and Schoop will be great pair together as long as we can keep them in sync (or out, depeneding how you look at it) so at least one is hitting at a time. 🙄
  20. Just read on MLive that Dingell will move to A^2 and run for the Washtenaw county district 6.
  21. Multi-verse is the ultimate RetCon.
  22. Yeah, Dingells old district was a terrible gerrymander, but if wash co is most of a new district she can win it.
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